The date

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Zendayas POV

I swipe the mascara threw my long eyelashes and my makeup is finally complete. I wear a gorgeous navy blue dress with a lace up front that shows off just the right amount of cleavage. I wear cream heels and take a matching cream bag.

I here my doorbell and sprint to the door. As I open it Zacs mouth drops.

Zacs POV

I'm wearing my finest grey suit, the blazer unbuttoned and a navy blue tie. I hop in my car and look down at my phone and check her address. I put it in my GPS and luckily on the way there's a flower shop. I buy a bouquet of daisies and box of chocolates.

I finally get to her door and when she opens it my mouth literally drops. She looks ravishing. She's wearing a skin tight navy blue dress that shows off her perfect figure and a little lacy front that shows off a bit of cleavage. Her gorgeous curls flow off of her shoulders and she blows a strand away from her stunning face. We exchange hellos and I give her the daisies and chocolates. She apologies as she doesnt have anything for me and I laugh.

"Its alright. You don't need to."

"I know but I want to. Wait a sec." She runs into her house and comes back holding a bag of gummy bears. We both giggle.

"I know its not the best but they are god damn delicious." I take them and thank her. I am actually really glad she gave me them. Who doesnt love gummy bears?

Zendayas POV

We finally get to the restaurant and I'm famished. The restaurant has dark wood floors and red walls also rimmed with dark wood. It has a elegant chandeler in the middle of the room with a piano beneath it. A women with a silver glittery dress with jet black hair and bright red lipstick is playing very classical, calming songs on it. The tables are dark wood with a cream table cloth that's softer than a baby's bottom.

The menu is in French and I order chicken with a what I think is barbeque sauce? I mean i hope and he orders salmon something. We discuss how bad we are at French and how Zac only knows what the menu means as he has been here a few times before.

I smell the food before it arrives at my table. It looks delicious. I don't know what looks more pleasing the restaurant, the food, the piano women or Zac. Who am I kidding its the food... or Zac. He looks Devine tonight however I've seen him a lot in a suit in work. I want to see what he looks with a t-shirt and jeans and his hair all messy and urghhh.

Zacs POV

I take Zen back to her door we say our goodbyes and I look down at her. I want to kiss her and before I can over think it she leans up and kisses me. I pull her into me and our tongues twist and turn with lust and want. My lips tingle as she pulls away from me as she sways her hips and flips her hair over to her back and enters her house. I stand there trying to take in what just happened. She kissed me. We kissed. I'm not going to stop smiling all night.

Zendayas POV

I fall into my door and hold my arms. I can't believe we just kissed and I executed it. Well frickin done me.

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