Hot Bubblebath

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Zendayas POV

I watch Zac stroll over to me with a basket in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. He's so handsome.

He sits across from me on the soft, red blanket and I question what's prettier. The starry night sky and or his starry eyes. His eyes definitely.

He strokes my hair and pulls my face closer. He strokes a finger down my cheek and onto my lip... Kiss me. He does and I melt into him. He pushes me onto the blanket and traps me under his muscular, warm body. I worry that paparazzi is around somewhere, but I then remember that we are in the countryside. There's no one around for miles. I want him, all of him.

BEEEEEEEP. Shit. I swing up from my bed breathing heavily as if I've just woken up from a nightmare. To be honest a nightmare would've been better. I can't fall for Zac we are just friends and he's Zac god damn Efron. Girls would kill for him, including you now. Arghhhhhh.

I decide to run myself a hot bubblebath to take my mind off everything. I don't have work today thankfully, I haven't seen Zac since the kiss. I'm scared I will freak out if I see him.

I slowly lower myself into the bath and I'm instantly reminded of his body hugging mine in my dream. I jolt out of it... Maybe a shower will be better.

Zacs POV

As I'm gobbling down my French toast I cannot get her or the kiss off my mind. It felt so real and intense.

Tomorrows the last shooting day then I don't have to really see Zen, until the premier and red carpets. Maybe I should ask her out? What do I have to lose? And if I get rejected I get rejected, so what. It wont be awkward... Will it. No Zen wouldn't make it awkward. Nathan (an assistant) asked her out and she never made it awkward. Yeah, tomorrow I'm going to ask her out... I'm going to do it and if I don't. No sushi, orange chicken or chocolate for a year, I swear Zac. You better do it.

Zendayas POV

All I have to do is avoid him when we aren't shooting tomorrow, then get over all my feelings until we have a red carpet or the premier easy. Pfft... I barely even like him... This is gonna be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Ha.Hah...

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