The Kiss

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Todays the day. The day I get to kiss her. I know its just acting but our lips still get to touch, I must not make it awkward.

I head into my dressing room and my make-up artist sniggers.

"Hey babe." Oh for fuck sake.

"Funny..." I say not even cracking a smile.

"Oh come on it is. Simon found it funny." Oh no Simon is Zendaya's make-up artist, he better not say anything to her.

Zendayas POV

"So... Zen. Do you know if Mr Hottie Zac is seeing anyone?" Simon asks me. How would I know, yeah we are friends but we don't really talk about life out of this movie.

"Um... Not that I know of Simon.Why?"

"Lauren said he was daydreaming and called her Babe. She thinks he's seeing someone, which is sad for her as she really likes him and O.M.G..." I don't really pay attention to what Simon says next. To be honest I can barely understand the guy he talks 1000 words per second and wait. Zac is seeing someone? That's um... nice.

Zacs POV

Oh lets be real. Simon cant keep what he had for dinner to himself.

I leave the dressing room and I see the shining star herself. She strolls over to me.

"Hey babe." she says laughing her ass off. Fuck sake Simon.

"Simon told you. Ah that's so embarrassing." I say my head falling into my hands.

"Its not. Its just funny." she says pulling my hands away from my face. Oh my god, her touch.

"So whos the lucky girl?" I look down at her and we both stay quiet for a couple of seconds. I want to grab her face and say. You.

"Its just some girl I like... No big deal."

"Ah, okay. Well see you later." She says as she quickly walks away.

Zendayas POV

Its just some girl I like. What girl... I mean I obviously don't care but it would be nice to know...

Zacs POV

Its now time for the kiss. All you have to do Zac is lie in this hospital bed, say your line, then she leans down and kisses you. Okay. Breathe Zac. Breathe.


I wait a few seconds and open my eyes. She is sat on the bed beside me holding my hands and crying. Oh how I wish this was real life. Well minus the hospital bed and her crying...

I say my line and ...

Zendayas POV

He says his line and now all I have to do is lean down and kiss him. Not that hard Zen, just do it. Why am I finding it this hard... I finally build up the courage and lean down and kiss him just as the script says. That was amazi... I mean acting. Its called acting Zen. You didn't actually like it... Did you? No. No you didn't.

Zacs POV

She waits a few seconds then boom. My lips tingle... That was amazing, it felt almost real. But I know inside that it meant nothing.

"And that's a wrap."

Before I can say anything to Zendaya she runs off to her changing room is she alright.

Zendayas POV

I... I think I like Zac...

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