Here is your room/1st misson

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Elsa's pov

"Here is your room!" said Starfire,as we went into a drak room."Oh...Here it is." said Raven.I guess she found the switch cause the light came up.I looked around.It was light blue color."Woah...Nice color.." I said."Thank you! I picked out the color! It matches your t-shirt!" said Star.I looked at it."So it is...But...It is missing somthing." I said,looking at them.Raven and Starfire looked at each other and back to me."What is it,friend?" asked Starfire."It needs Snowflakes...and some Snowy mountains!" I said."Oh! Yes! I will paint them!" said Star."That wouldn't be necessary..." I smirked.Both of them looked at each other agian."Watch this." I said.I made small snowflakes and slowly paste it onto the wall.All over my room...there were snowflakes,pasted on the wall,a few snowy mountains."Wow! Snow!" said Star."One more." I said.I made a snow ball and shot it into the air.Like I did with Anna when we were little."Woah! This is awesome." said Raven."Thank you."I said.I looked at my t-shirt.It's missing somthing,I know! I lifted my finger and put the same snowflakes,like on my dress." perfect..." I said,smiling.

{It's like starfire's look...but...the t-shirt is lose...and she has shorts instead of a skirt and Boots which are high. XD ...And the room is Terra's room,before she got brainwashed.Anyway,..moving on}

Just then,

An alarm came off.The same one that when I was talking about how I came here."What is that?" I asked."That's the alarm if they is trouble." said Raven.All 3 of us ran outside to the living room."What's the trouble,Robin?" I asked."The H.I.V.E Five is looks like...they are robbing a bank!" said Robin."Titans! GO!" shouted Robin.The Titans ran/flew out expect me.I thought they didn't need me." can follow us." Said Robin,stopping his tracks."Are you sure?" I asked,holding my arm."Positive and you can hop on my motorcycle,"said Robin.A wide smile came to my face."Alright...."I said,running ahead of Robin.

Robin's pov {When the girls showed Elsa her room}

"Oh my gosh dude!! Did you see her in that t-shirt! She was so beautiful!!" said Cyborg."Yeah! And those boots of hers! Wow...she is a dream girl..." said Beast boy with hearts in his eyes.Both were love struck."Yeah...I guess she is pretty...but I'm with starfire!" I said,reading the magazine."Come on dude...You kept check on her when she fanited.You like her!" said Beast boy.I was blushing abit."'s ok..We won't tell starfire." said Cyborg."Alright...Yes...I do like her...but I don't want starfire to know." I said,putting down the magazine."See dude...there is nothing to be afraid of." said Cyborg."We all have a crush on her." said Beast boy.I smiled.Just then,the alarm came off.Cyborg went to the nearby computer to find out what happen."What's the the,Robin?" said Elsa,coming back with girls."The H.I.V.E Five  is looks like...they are robbing a bank!" I said."Titan! GO!" I shouted.They ran/flew out of the tower."Ermm....Elsa...You can follow us." I said,stopping my tracks.."Are you sure?" asked Elsa,holding my arm."Positive and you can hop on my motorcycle,"I said .A wide smile came to her face."Alright...."said Elsa,running ahead of me.She is so sweet...

"Here," I said,throwing a helmet at her.Once we fixed up our helmet,I started the bike and Elsa hopped on."Elsa..I gotta warn ya...It is going to get bumpy.." I said."Don't worry...I like bumpy.." said Elsa,holding tight and we were off.

{At the sence scene}

3rd person's pov

As avrriving to the scene,they rest of the tians were fighting."Alright Elsa..get ready to jump!" said Robin."What! I can't!" said Elsa."Yes you can!" said Robin.Elsa looked to Robin and to the titans."Fine...I will jump!" said Elsa."Great,See ya!" said Robin.Elsa gave her helmet to Robin and...Jumpped.She made a pillow of snow and landed on it."Huh...It was really like a pillow." said Elsa.Elsa looked to her right and saw the titans fighting.Beast boy was fighting a guy with a green helmet with an Eye and a girl with the most weridest hair that she has ever seen.She decided to help out know...he is a just a kid...She ran up to beast boy."Hey Beast boy!" said Elsa,blasting snow to the green helmet dude."Hey Elsa! It's about time!" said Beast boy."Sorry...I came her with Robin." said Elsa."Well,well,well..who do we have here? A new girl?" asked Jinx."I'm  Elsa..and BTW..You are going down." said Elsa." that's gonna work..." said Jinx." asked of it." said Elsa.She froze her and beast boy became a dinosaur and step onto her."Well I didn't know that you can do that..." said Elsa."Ha...I'm going help Cyborg and you help...Starfire." said Beast boy,runinng to Cyborg.Elsa ran to Starfire.She was fighting the biggest of the group...Mammoth.She kept trowing starbolts to him."Hey Star! I'm helpping ya!" said Elsa.Elsa threw ice to Mammoth .Half of his body was frozen."Hey!!" shouted Mammoth."Robin! NOW!" shouted Starfire.Robin,with is staff,hits mammoth hard in the head.Elsa walks up to him,"and this is for giving starfire a hard time!" said Elsa,making a fist and punched him the face."Starfire! Are you alright?" asked Robin."Yes Robin...I have to help Raven.Elsa,come with me." said Starfire.Elsa nodded her head and both went to Raven.

~After the fight~

"Alright...Me and Starfire are going out...Be back at 7pm!" said Robin."Where are you guys going?" asked Elsa."To the movies! See you all my friends!" said Starfire,going off."Hey Raven...wanna go and get a pizza?" asked Beast boy." guys wanna come?" asked Raven."Nah..I'm good." said Elsa."I wounld love..but...I have some things to do." said Cyborg."Oh..I will get a pizza for you guys! See ya!" said Beast boy,going with Raven."Come on..let's go home." said Elsa."Wait! You don't wanna go into my car?" asked Cyborg."U have a car?" asked Elsa."Yup! Just fixed it.Wanna go for a spin?" asked Cyborg."Sure!" said Elsa.Elsa sat in the forth seat.

Robin's pov

"2 tictkets to Iron man 3." I said.

We got popcorn,a few snacks and coke.We got the best seats too.During the movie,I couldn't stop think of Elsa.I know...'ROBIN! THAT'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO HER!' thing.I couldn't stop think about her.She is so beautiflul...-sigh- I can't resist...

Cyborg's pov

"Wow...this car has all the things that you need! Even a cup holder!"said Elsa."Thank you..I made the car myself" I said."You know...I'm kinda hungry.." said Elsa."Me too... What do you wanna have?" I asked."I don't know...Maybe...A burger? I never had those before." said Elsa."What! Are you kidding me! YOU NEVER..EVER HAD A BURGER BEFORE...IN YOUR LIFE!?" I asked."Well ya...I'm a queen after all..." said Elsa."Oh..sorry...I'm just shocked.." I said."That's ok..." said Elsa."What burger do you want?" I asked."All meat..." said Elsa."Ok then...2 beef down burger and coke and french fries." I said.

~At the tower~

Elsa's pov

Cyborg and I were just playing Halo 4 when Beast boy and Raven came back."Hey guys~ WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING!?" Shouted Beast boy."Halo 4! Cyborg was teaching me how to play!" I said,looking back."Yeah! And She is so good!" said Cyborg."I'm so gonna kill ya!" I said."Nah..I the best in the hou~" cut off by me..KILLING HIM! "What were you saying?" I asked,smiling."NO FAIR! YOU CHEATED!" He shouted."YOU GUYS PLAYED WITHOUT ME!?" shouted Beast boy coming to me and Cyborg."Aw come on! I was just playing with Elsa!" said Cyborg."Hey Elsa,Wanna play Assassin' s Creed?" asked Beast boy."Na..Anyway,Cyborg...Here are my boots." I said,giving my boots."Alright...It will be done in an hour." said Cyborg,going to his room."Why did you give your boots to him?' asked Raven."Oh...I wanted to fly like you and Starfire.So I asked Cyborg to place small rockets into my boots."So... U want to fly like Iron man?" said Raven.I nodded."So Raven...I was think to have a girl's getting-to-know-each-other." I said."Well ok...when?" asked Raven." 8 pm...Be in your pajamas." I said."Ok?" said Raven."Tell Starfire when she gets home." I said when we reached my room."Ok? What about you?" she asked."I will be preparing the girl's getting-to-know-each-other." I said,going into my room."Ps...Only girls are allowed.NO Boys allowed." I said,as the door closed.

Stopping here! Thanks for 100+ reads already! I love all of you snowflakes..~~~~Anna

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