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Raisa's pov

I ran/Flew back to our hideout.By then,I ran out of energy."Dad...Help." I said.Dad came towards me."I saw everything." he said,picking me up.He brought me to my room and placed me on my bed."It took to much of your powers." said Dad."I'm...so...weak..." I said."Alright,get some rest.I will think of something." said Dad.I lay down and fell into deep sleep.


By the time I woke up,it was 12 midnight.I got up and went out from my room.Dad was working on something."Hey dad." I said."Hey sweetie.Your up?" he asked."Yeah.Enough rest for me anyways.What are you doing dad?" I asked."An upgrade for ya." he said."Upgrade?"

"Yeah.Upgrade.It makes you stronger." said Dad."And done.Are you ready?" he asked."If it is about killing Elsa then yeah.I'm ready." I said,walking up to Dad.It was an injection with a red liquid inside it."This may hurt for a bit but it will soon be over." said dad.I gave my hand and Dad injected it.It stank for abit."And done." said Dad."Dad...why do I feel sleepy again?" I asked."That is one of the side effect.For now." said Dad.I held my head."Now Raisa,get some rest.You will feel strong once you wake up." said Dad."Alright daddy.Night." I said,slowly waking back to my room.


Alright! A few more chapters to go! And we are done! Hope you like it! ~Anna

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