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Robin's pov

~9 pm and 2 weeks later~

Everyone deciced to have an early night,they went to bed at 8pm.I packed a mask,my uniform,shoes,hair gel and a few boxers.I walked out from my room to find that everone was sleeping."Elsa...Here I come." I said.

Elsa's pov

It has been 2 weeks since I saw Robin.I do miss him.But today,he will be staying with me for the weekend! If you are wordeing,I been fighting crime and decided to quit my 'Going-be' a teacher and put crime fighting as my so call 'job'.As for me and Terra,She has decided to not move in with me but to move with her new Boyfriend,Luke.They met at her work place.She said that he is so sweet to her.At work,He tries to help her as much as he can.At home,he will call her as soon as he can and when they are together,he will say 'I love you' to her as many times as he wants.They are a cute couple.As for Olisa,I been trying a new spell that will make her a human.It would work in 3 weeks.So,two weeks have past,One more to go!


"Olisa?" I asked.I been looking for her everwhere."Olisa!? I have no time for games....I need to go upstairs!" I said.She was still nowhere to be seen."Ok then,I guess I don't need to do cookies on monday!" I said.Then,Olisa comes runing out below the table."NO!!! I WANT COOKIES!!" shouted Oilsa.I giggled."Here." I said,taking a cookie from the cookie jar."Yay! Thank you Elsa!" she said,walking towards the couch.I took a cup and made tea for myself.Now,it is a routine that I been doing since I felt the Titans.It weird but I make myself a cup of tea,go to the top of the building and just look into the sun set and the sun rise.It is just so beautiful.I guess I like the sunshine on my face.I told Olisa that I was going up but she didn't care.She care about her cookie.XD.It was adorable.I brought along my keys and went a few floors up.

~6.45 pm~

15 mins later,I was back to my apartment.I found that Olisa passed out on the couch but she looks...Different.She had had small legs,human legs.She had human arm and a human body! She looked like a anime girl.{Like Yuka from cropse Party.} She had a white,short sleeve dress.She even had long white hair.She even had ice blue color at the end of her hair."Olisa?" I asked.She slowly opened her eyes.She had VERY light blue eyes."Yeah Elsa?" she asked."Um...You are a child."I said.She looked at her hands.She screamed."Olisa! It's alright!" I said.She was crying."How could this happen!?" She said in between the sobs."I don't know,I'm going to check the spell book." I said,runing to my room.I found the spell book,laying on the floor.I filpped the pages until I found the spell.It said,

"This spell will give the thing to turn into a human.In 2 weeks,the thing will be come a child.In a week,He/She will be pre-teen and Soon,she will be a Teenager."

"Thanks a whole lot spell book." I muttered.Just then,Olisa came runing to my room."Find anything?" she asked."Well,You are at stage 1." I said."HUH?" she asked."It says that you will become a child then a pre-teen and then A teenager." I said."Oh...For how long?" she asked."In a week.It's like puberty." I said."Puberty?" she asked."Puberty.The time where you will have 'things' on your chest." I said." 'Things'?"

"Yeah.'Things'" I said


So...Olisa becomes a human! What will happen next!? Find out soon!~Anna

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