I will love you until the end of time♡ Part 2

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Elsa's pov.

I said my last good bye and I was done.I was out of jump city and back where I belong."OH MY GOSH! IT'S QUEEN ELSA!!"shouted a maid.Everone surrounded us."Elsa!!" shout a voice..."ANNA!" I shouted back.I saw her,Anna.My little sister.Krisoff was behind her.She ran to me and pulled me into a hug."Elsa! Where did you go?" she asked."Long story Anna.Long Story." I said.Just then,2 maids came with somthing in their hand."Elsa,I want you to meet Adam and Kara.My babies." said Anna.I took out the one with the pink towel.I guessing it is a girl."Anna,You are mom!" I said.Anna nodded.I gave the baby back to maid and when to hug Anna."I'm so proud of you." I wishpered to her.She giggled."By the way,Where is Olaf?" I asked."ELSA!" Shouted a voice.I turned around and saw Olaf!"Olaf!" I said and picked him up.I gave him a warm hug."Elsa! I missed you." said Olaf."Me too Olaf." I said.I pulled Anna and Krisoff into a group hug.I was finally home.

Phoenix's pov

Everone surrounded us.Elsa got to meet her sister and Olaf.I wordered where was Alex.I looked around for a bit but couldn't find him.Just then,I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned around.It was my boyfriend,Alex."Phoeinx?" he asked.I slowly walked to him.Once our eyes met,everthing stopped.Without thinking,I pulled him into a kiss.My fingers ran though his hair.

Once we stopped,He pulled me into a hug."Phoenix,I'm so happy...Your back." said Alex."It has been too long." I said.

~In Jump City~

3rd person's pov

Once they walked into the 'balck hole',it was quite."She...She is gone." said Robin.Raven had fallen on her butt.Beasty went to help her."Dude...Cheer up,you are gonna see her agian.I'm sure." said Wally."Hey! Who wants pizza? My treat!" said Cyborg.Everone followed Cyborg,leaving Robin alone.

He went into his room.He sat on his bed,think about Elsa.Just then,he felt somhing in his pocket.He took it out and found that it was the gift.Elsa's gift."Open it when I'm gone." the words that she told him.He looked at the gift of a while and slowly open it.

It was a disk.He went to play it.

"Hi Robin.....It's me,Elsa.....I know that now we are dating at all...I just want say that I love you.You are my everything.You showed me Fun,how to be a superhero and best of all...How to be me.I like that.I brust out of my bubble..thanks to you,I can be me.I can be that girl who can accpet herself once more.And if I had to go....I will love you until the end of the line.Bye my little bird.Elsa out."

Robin sat there,not knowing what to say.Thinking of Elsa hurt him so much but he had to accpet that she is gone."Bye my snowflake." he said.Just then,he saw somthing with the disk.It was a picture of him and Elsa.It was on the day when Starfire went missing.He picked it up and read what it said at the bottem." I'm with you until the end of time." That made Robin happy.

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