The name's Snow.Snow girl.

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~Phoenix's dream~ {Or should I just say flashback?}

"Alex...I" I started."Look Phoe,I have been actually liking you ever since the day that I help you out.When I 1st saw you,I though you were the most beautiful thing I ever saw.Your purple hair.Your violet eyes.Your nerdy glasses.Everything about you was so perfect.But your voice,Your voice was sweet as bubbles.And when you came to my drom and when we were sharing the drom,I was speehless.But ever since you were with that guy,I was heartborken.I even cried when you were not looking.And~" I stop him by puting my finger on his lips."Shh...Alex...Stop talking." I said.He looked at me.In a way that he never did before.Our faces were so close to each other.I never felt like this before.Especilly to my best friend.Was this real? Were we more then friends? Were we more then best friends? Were we 'Boyfriend and girlfriend'?

"Phoe..I like you." he said.I smiled."If you like me,Shut up and kiss me." I srmiked."Wait..What?" he asked.Before he could say a word,I put his lips towards mine.It was awhile before he sank into the kiss.The kiss lasted of a few mins.All things must come to an end,right? Alex broke the kiss.I smiled."The anwer is yes.I will go to the prom with you Alex King." I said.He smiled and we cuddled all night.


Phoenix's pov

It was Raisa.Was this what happen to Starfire."You.What do you want?!" Starfire shouted weakly."Me? Pfff I came to take you to my master." she said."Slade.Don't you dare take me to Slade!" said Starfire.I back away slowly.I think things are going to get ugly.Starfire tried to shoot her starblots but failed.She was still weak."Ha! You are way too weak.And now you are mine!!!" she shouted.Red things began to surround her body.Raisa smiled evily."Hahahhaha Hahhahah HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!" Laughed Rasia."No. No. NO!" I screamed but I woke up.


"Phoeinx! PHOEINX! WAKE UP!!!!!" shouted a voice.I slowly opened my eyes."What?" I said.My sight become more clear.It was Beast boy,Raven and Cyborg."Guys? What happen to me?" I asked as I held my head."I don't know.You were laying down and not breathing at all." said Cyborg.I sat up."Any luck finding Star?" I asked.All shook their heads."No luck,It's like she vanished into a fire pit or somthing." said Beast boy."Fire pit?" I thought."FIRE PIT!" I thought once more.Fire pit= RAISA."Guys.I think I know where Star went." I srimked."You sure?" asked Raven.I nodded and told about my so called 'Dream.'

"Rasia? Took Starfire?" asked everyone.I nodded.I walked around the room,just to make sure I wasn't crzay.Just then,somthing took my breath away.It was a note."Guys..." I said.All of them ran towards me.I took the note and read it.It said,

"If you ever want to see Starfire,You have to get Phoenix to me.Bring her to me by sun set.Meet me at the abandon wearhouse."

All 4 of us looked at each other."What now Phoenix?" asked Cyborg." I say,we do what she wants."I said,smriking.

~At sun set.~

"Alright,get ready for my signal." I said.The plan was to the titans to bring her and try to kick her but.

All nodded and Cyborg took my hands,like a person who got caught.We all walked into wearhouse."Well...the Titans and Phoenix, you came." said a voice.It was {Of couse} Raisa.With her black dress."Alright Raisa,We got Phoenix.Where is Starfire!?" asked Cyborg."Why,she is here." she said,moving away to see starfire.It was Star.She looked like she got electrocuted."Starfire!" all of the Titans shouted."Friends?" she asked."What did you do to her!?" asked Beast boy." know...Just took bad side."said Rasia."WHAT!?" shouted the titans."Well,hello friends." said the same voice.It star's.I was sure."Starfire?" asked Raven."That old Starfire is no more! WELCOME YOUR NEW STARFIRE! HAHAHHA" she said."Oh,BTW,here is your star." said Raisa,throwing Starfire."Hand over Phoe." said Star."I don't like when people call me Phoe." I grumbled.Cyborg threw me to them."Come on." said Raven.As me being the actor as I am,I pretented to hate them.Statfire took me to a chair where Starfire's good side sat. "Well then,One question,WHERE IS ELSA!?" shouted Raisa."How many fucking times do I have to tell you,I.Have.No.Fucking.Idea." I said."Liar!" said Rasia,slapping me with her Fire hand."Pls...that....didn't....hurt....a bit...Keep trying..." I said."Let me handled her." said Star."Tell me where is Elsa."said star.I didn't say a word and looked to my left to cover my face with my purple hair."Tell me,do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?" asked Star."I choose.....Titans." I said.

"Wait...what?" asked Rasia."TITANS!" I screamed.The Titans busted out from the door."You lied!" said Starfire."Never trust your enemy." I smriked.We began fighting.I didn't have many moves but I did the best I could.I was fighting with Raisa."Just you and me." she said.She threw some of her fire balls."Missed!" I said and punched her.She took a knee."What? You are giving up?" I asked.She shook her head."No.But you will!!!" she shouted back.She made her hand into a some kind of fire sword and got a scar on my forhead.A deep one."Ah!" I scream."Give up?" she asked.I took both knees."Nie! {Means no in german XD}" I said.After much fighting,I was badly injured.I had cuts all over me,my hands.My jeans were ripped.I took my body to the floor."And finsih you off." she said.I wondered where were the rest."ENOUGH!" said a voice.I picked myself up and looked to see who was it.It looked like Raisa got hit."No way." I said.

It was Elsa.

Elsa's pov {That moring}

I woke up to find Robin gone."Where is Robin?" I thought."My little snowflake is finally awake." said a voice.I look to the froth and found Robin with a cup in his hand.I smiled."Thanks my little Brid." I said.Robin chuckled."So what's the plan today?" I asked as he handed me the cup."Well,I was thinking a game or 2 at the arcade,lunch and a stroll at the beach?" asked Robin.I nodded and sipped my tea.


I wore a strapless dress {Top:white Bottem:light brown with white dots},brown ankle boots,a cute purse and a gold bangle.I took some sunglasses and put them on my head.Did a bun with my bangs.Robin wore a blue stripped t-shirt with a maroon hoodie.Jean,black sneakers and some sunglasses.

~At sun set~

We had great time.We played a few games and Robin won a stuff bear for me.We were just walking on the sandy beach and talking about the Titans and how they found Phoenix."And now she is living with us." said Robin."How is she?" I asked."Ok I guess." he said.I rested my head on his shoulder."Robin,If I had to go back,will you always remember me?" I asked."Yeah.I couldn't go a day without seeing your face." he said."Aww...You are so sweet." I said as I kissed his cheek."I love you my little snowflake." he said."Me too,my little bird." I smiled.As we were walking,we heard some strang nosies."Hey...that sounds like the Titans." I said."Let's take a peek." said Robin.We both ran to the place to find Phoenix and the crew fight Raisa and...Starfire? "What is star fighting with the rest?" asked Robin.I looked around and saw Starfire?! "Robin! Look!" I said,running to her.She looked like she fanited."Oh boy....Robin,did you bring your suit?" I asked,looking at him."Oh yeah." he smirked.I smiled and ran over to change.


I threw a snow ball.A big one."ENOUGH!" I shouted.{Elsa got her mask... XD} "No way..." said Raisa."Happy to see me Raisa? I heared that you wanted me all week long." I said."Yes...Now you are mine!" she said,running towards me.I threw my ice nunchucks that I made."Woah!" said Raisa,falling."Like that?" I asked."How about a NO." she said,trying to get up.I took her by her neck."Listen Raisa,Tell Salde that he will never get me.You know why? I got the bestest friends who are superheros and with their help,you and your Slade will never get me." I said."Wrong,We will find you and we will kill you." she said."Ha,Fat chance." I said."Oh really?" she asked.Then,somthing hit me.I hit a wall.I rubbed my head."Say hello to Roast." said Raisa.Roast looked like Mashmallow."Woah." I thought."Roast,Get her." said Raisa.I builded Mashmallow."Get Roast." I said to mashmallow.He nodded and went to him/It.I ran to Phoenix,who had cuts all over her."Phoenix?" I asked."Queen Elsa?" she asked.I nodded and she hugged me."Where have you been? I missed you." she muffled."I missed you too." I said,hugging back.


 Stopping! Hope you like this long part! ~Anna

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