5. Deserter

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Rai stood frozen on the floor in the same position until the mountain went quiet and the cave in settled down. She looked around her slowly, unable to see anything in the darkness. She heard some small rocks bounce on the ground and felt them hit the side of her body. She turned to where they had come from.

There was a small stream of light at the top of the cave in coming from a gap no bigger than an apple. Kiyo was rushing up the massive rocks to where the light was, kicking the small rocks loose. He peered out of it and could see Reno who started to walk backwards with a condescending smirk when he saw him.

"That's unfortunate," Reno said softly. "It's a shame you chose to desert us here, General. I know you're going to get out eventually but when you do, you'll be a traitor to the Empire. I was going to kill you and just deal with the consequences but this works too."

Kiyo turned himself around and sat on a rock near the top. Leaning his head back against another, he stood completely silent.

"No loyalty among assholes, huh?" Rai said to him quietly. He ignored her statement.

They both sat in silence for what felt like hours. "Can you get us out?" Kiyo asked suddenly.

"I'd be happy to help a person who just tried to kill me," she answered sarcastically.

He turned to face her, "what do you suggest we do instead?"


"To die?"

"It'll happen sooner than you think if you keep nagging. I can't move the boulders because there's a chance the cave will fall in on us. With help from the outside, things will be safer."

"The blond guy?"

"Don't know where he is but he's not going to risk helping if your asshole of a partner is still out there."

"Reno isn't anything to me," Kiyo answered quickly.


"Was he guilty?"


"The guy helping you. Tolaymus thinks he murdered a family."

"Lestat wouldn't know how to do that let alone get away with it. He's too stupid. That's what this is about?"

"He made things worse by confronting me." Kiyo was grateful for the darkness. He felt embarrassed over the fact that he had made everything worse over suspicions. "Is he your... brother or something?"

"Cousin," she replied, pushing a little pebble around on the ground with one finger. "Why did you become a General?" She glanced up at the small hole in the rocks where the moonlight was now shining in. "It doesn't seem to suit you."

"I'm not anymore, remember?" He sighed quietly, "I only became one after joining the military seven years ago."

"Is that what your family wanted for you?"

"I was traded to the military to cover a debt my dad compiled so it's not like they really care."

"Oh." They heard the crunch of dirt under feet outside and both of them jumped up.


"Matt," Rai answered quickly. "Who else is with you?"

"Dane and Zaki."

"Me, Zaki and Lestat are going to move the rubble and you just keep the mountain from falling in."

"Oh, is that all, Dane?" Rai chuckled softly.

"Would you trust anyone else to do it? You think Lestat could do it while he's all bleeding out over here?"

"I'll do it but I'm not going to like it."

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