45. Hesitant

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About half an hour later, Reno saw the cockatrice approaching. He stood up from where he had been sitting with a rusty sword he found in the nest. He had heard the creature talk so he knew it could reason and he decided that he could listen if it had brought Rai back with it. It landed on the edge of the cliff, already eyeing Reno. The cockatrice walked into its nest and Rai climbed down from its back onto the edge of the nest. She turned and stepped off it, seeing Reno. When he tried to approach her, the cockatrice beat its wings at the air, blowing its loose feathers and pieces of its nest everywhere then twisted its head down in front of Reno.

"You will not approach my Rai with that thing."

"Huh? Oh." Reno threw the old blade behind him.

Rai patted the creature's neck. "It's okay. I know him."

"Hmm." The cockatrice stood up straight. "Well, I do not like him or his face."

Rai giggled and shrugged, "me either but he grows on you." Rai approached Reno and showed him a bag in her hand. "Had to go get some paints." He ignored her statement and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and smelling her.

"You can't do that to me." He released her and looked down at her face. "I don't care what you say or don't say to the others but I have to know."

"You don't have to take of me."

"You're my only friend and if I lose you, I won't have anyone. You don't have to do everything alone." He settled his hand on the back of her head and rested his forehead against hers. Rai heard the cockatrice exhale out of its nose loudly. Reno nuzzled his nose against hers and whispered, "can I kiss you?"

Rai smiled, "nope." She kissed him quickly before pulling away and turning to face the cockatrice. She started taking the bottles out of the bag and setting them on the floor. "These will give you the colors you need." She looked at the paints then at the creature above her. "How will you use them?"

"Can I show you something secret? For you only."

"You have a secret? What is it?"

The cockatrice lowered its face to Reno and nudged him with its beak, making him stumble back. "You will turn away. You are only human. If you look, you will go blind." Reno was not happy about it but he was far more grateful to have Rai back safe so he did not bother arguing. As soon as he turned, he felt warmth at his back as though a fire had been lit behind him. He could see debris being blown past his feet and there was a soft glow coming from behind him.

The cockatrice shrunk down until it was smaller than Rai. It turned white, round and soft. It had a tear shaped body with long feet and equally long ears. It had small stubby arms, black beady eyes and a black nose. It floated in the air in front of her, emitting its light and warmth. It looked like a strange rabbit and even had a small rabbit tail.

"This is my true form," it told Rai. "I look after my creatures. I knew a cockatrice was here and that he was causing problems with the humans. I convinced him to leave. I knew he was being hunted so I took his place and then you came to me. My people call me Enovion."

"I've seen that name somewhere. Recently."

"In the temple of Ylan. That is what your people call me. Ylan."

"You're one of the gods?" Rai whispered.

"Is it a secret?" Enovion asked her, whispering back. "You didn't know who I was but you listened and helped what could have been one of my creatures and I want to give you something in return." He flipped over backwards in the air and faced her again holding a twig in his mouth. He nodded for her to take it and she did. "That is Voruschia. It is plant made for me by my friend. I am the only creature anywhere with Voruschia. Plant your twig and it will grow you precious ores."

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