33. Defiance

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Rai appeared at the beach of Anasese, dropping out of a cloud of swirling black smoke and onto her feet. She stood there, frozen in the position she landed in for a moment. "I wasn't sure it would work," she said aloud to Jericho. She scanned the area around her. There were people on the beach, some watching her. Others seemed to have missed her bizarre entrance. She adjusted her grip on Jericho and walked further up the beach away from the curious views and murmurs.

There were a few houses beyond the beach spread out from each other. Rai set Jericho down and he followed her as she approached the closest house. She knocked on the door then took a single step down the stairs leading to it so as not to be too close. A tall man with a short buzzed haircut opened the door quickly and completely as though he had been expecting someone. He seemed surprised at first but it seemed to change into a pleasant surprise in his eyes. "Oh, well, hello," he said with a smile.

Rai felt her mind sigh. He instantly reminded her of Reno. "Hi," she said quickly and happily, ignoring her desire to react harshly. "Do you know how I can get to Minesce from here?"

"Ooh," he winced, "you want to go there?"

"I have to. My family lives there."

"Well, it's not too far." He stepped out and pointed at a house a little distance away. "At the edge of the town, behind the yard of that house with the yellow shutters, there's a post with several signs on it. Just follow the Minesce one."

"Oh," Rai bowed her head slightly, "thank you."

* * *

Rai followed a dirt trail with the occasional metal signpost each time there was a divide in the road. Only half an hour later, she arrived at least a sign that said Minesce. Before her there was nothing other than a few trees and a large dirt hole in the ground. As she examined the area around her, from the other end of the road came an elderly woman. "Looking for the way in, child?" the woman asked her in a heavy Ostendien accent.

"Doesn't seem like there's anything get in to."

"Minesce, love. Short for bioluminescence. Things that live there are light sensitive. Everything's underground. In there." She pointed at the hole in the dirt and Rai gave her a crooked look.


"What?" the woman laughed. "Why the suspicion? Why should I have a go at you?"

"I don't know."

"Ah, so you're just a bit loony then, aren't you? Come on. I'll show you."

The woman led Rai into the hole, which turned out to be a slanted tunnel. It twisted down into the underground city, becoming a dirt path guarded by cheap wooden rails. From the path, the entire city could be seen. The gentle but bright lights were everywhere, coming from glowing worms and giant colorful mushrooms. The glowworms that gave off a soft blue light were as long as a human was tall and as tall as Jericho. They did not seem to be a threat since some were on the streets. People simply walked around them, largely ignoring their presence. Rai made up her mind that she would keep a good distance from them, having always been disgusted by worms and the odd way they moved.

At the end of the path, Rai thanked the elderly woman who walked off her own way with a quick wave over her shoulder. Rai stared at the road ahead of her. It was crowded and noisy. She was glad for it, thinking that if Ken knew to come looking for her in Minesce, she would be hard to find. The thought reminded her of why she left. It made her stomach twist painfully and she held her hand against it. The action reminded her that she had not eaten the bacon sandwich Lestat had prepared her.

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