27. Neutral

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After Ken spoke to Sahalli, he left with Debra and the others returned to a bed and breakfast inn they had passed when they first entered Facidis. One room had one massive bed and a couch. The other had two medium sized beds and a recliner. There were two nightstands in each room, each with a small lamp sitting on it, filling the rooms with a soft orange glow. The only other things in the rooms were some large landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

"Great," Lestat sighed throwing his worn leather backpack onto the one massive bed. Sahalli ran by him and threw herself onto it next to his backpack.

Marlene looked inside with her arms crossed. "Eh, this one's only got one bed."

"You guys can have the other one." Lestat put a key into Marlene's hand. "Give it to Rai."

Rai was already inside the other room, directly across the hall from theirs. She was sitting on one of the beds looking up at Kiyo, who was speaking softly as he reassured her that all the children would be retrieved. "Yeah, well, I guess we'll see," she told him with a weak smile.

"Hey," Marlene almost yelled at Kiyo for his attention, "get out of our room."

He ignored her statement and told Rai, "I'm right across the hall if you need me, okay?" Rai maintained the same halfhearted smile and nodded to him before he left. Marlene pushed the door closed behind him with her hip.

Kiyo passed Reno in the hallway in order to enter the other room. He could almost sense that Reno was about to say something obnoxious. "As if she's going to come looking for you," he scoffed as Kiyo entered the room. Reno moved into the doorway, leaning against the door frame, waiting for a retort.

Kiyo took his sweater off, dropped it on the bed then faced Reno. "You don't know her."

"You know, she's probably spent more time alone with me than she ever has with you."

Kiyo scoffed and rolled his head back with a smile. "Yeah, as if she would sink so low."

"I guess she's not the superior being you thought she was. I mean, how sick of a woman does she have to be to enjoy my company?"

Lestat stood up from the bed and motioned for Sahalli to come to him.

"She'd never say she enjoys your company. Don't put words in her mouth."

"Oh, I got something for that mouth and I promise you, it isn't words."

Lestat took his sister's hand and they walked out of the room in front Reno and Kiyo, who did not even seem to notice them leave.

"Oh, you fucking wish," Kiyo said with a crooked smile, leaning closer to Reno.

"You know what I think?" Reno said softly.

"Oh, please tell me. Hearing the inner workings of the mind of a violent narcissistic pig is always good for a laugh."

"You're jealous."

"Of your stupidity? Very."

"She likes me. You know she does."

"I know what you're capable of," Kiyo said poking Reno's shoulder before shoving him back. "And I don't believe for a second that any of us has any reason to trust you."

"Then why am I here?" Reno sounded abnormally despondent.

Kiyo opened his mouth to respond before realizing he did not have an answer for him. "You're here," he began slowly, "because she saved you when you had done nothing to deserve it. We had every reason to let you die. I don't trust you. I never will but I trust her and she wanted to give you a chance. Not that you'll ever be worthy of that."

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