26. Theater

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When they finally left the ship, Reno was the one to approach the truck. The driver was an older man, who looked to be about Cliff's age. "How are the kids?" Reno asked him.




"Let's keep it that way, yeah? No one should know any of us were here."

"Of course, General."

"It's just Reno but that's no reason for you to think you can fuck me over and live to tell about it."

The driver stopped a short distance outside of Facidis so they would not be seen together. When they exited the truck, the mist hanging in the cool air landed softly on their faces. Reno spoke to the driver before they left. "You don't need to stick around. Let's call this half of your debt to me."

"Yeah, alright."

"Now, get the fuck out of here."

Facidis was a normal suburban city, something Rai and Lestat had yet to see. The streets were busy and crowded but the homes were clean and modern without looking too fancy. It was one of the coziest looking cities they had been to at this point.

Debra was the one to lead them through its business streets. She seemed to know where they should go so no one bothered questioning her about it. Ken was beside Debra and they were talking quietly between them. Rai kept approaching the brightly colored store displays to admire what they had. Lestat and Kiyo would follow her to make sure she was not distracted and left behind. Marlene was at the very back next to Reno, who was more focused on watching Rai than paying attention to Marlene.

Marlene was writing in her journal as she walked on the busy street. As she was writing, someone bumped against her right arm, forcing her hand across the page, leaving a streak of black ink across everything she had just written. She instantly turned around, screaming so loud it made everyone on the street stop and look, "are you serious right now?!"

The man who bumped her stopped and stared at her. He seemed to be shocked at what an overreaction she was having to something so irrelevant. Reno grabbed Marlene's arm, pulling her close then ushering her forward towards Ken and Debra.

Rai was in front of an apothecary looking at some raw quartz in a barrel with Lestat. Debra stopped walking so she would not leave them behind. She sent Kiyo to go bring them back. While waiting, Ken noticed Reno watching Rai. "You like her, huh?" he asked quietly. Reno looked at Ken but seemed to have no intention of responding. "Welcome to real life, mate," Ken shrugged. "Women out here don't fall at your feet like palace slaves."

* * *

They arrived at their destination a minute after it started to rain. Debra led them into a theater that was also a restaurant. It was not a particularly expensive or fancy one. The high ceiling, framed posters and faux leather couches in the lobby were rather average but seeing as how Rai and Lestat had never been inside one, it all looked quite impressive to them.

Ken and Lestat were looking at the various the posters of acts. Kiyo had gone to the bathroom and Debra was leaning against the lobby desk, waiting for the attendant to return and seat them. Rai and Marlene were sitting on one of the long couches.

"What are we here for?" Marlene asked Debra while waiting with her pen hovering over a page in her journal.

"An old acquaintance."

Reno sat next to Rai, who then scooted closer to Marlene. "Don't crowd me, man," she grumbled, leaning forward, pressing her palms against the couch, to look down at her feet. She waited there, waiting to hear the next ridiculous comment he was about to make. Lestat turned to keep an eye on Reno.

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