They Need You

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"What's going on?" I ask as I walk in the manison, seeing Moira, Oliver, and some older man in a heated discussion.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Mom huffs, getting up from the couch and standing next to the window, staring out of it longly.

"Oliver?" I ask him. 

"This Ned Foster, COO of the company. He wants Mom to take Walter's place in the company." Oliver sighs.

" He says said that with Walter's absence the company's stock prices have dropped, and my stepping forward could settle the board. But I can't, I won't. My family needs me." Mom further explains.

"Mom, Oliver and I can be without you. But, it sounds like this can't, it sounds like everyone needs you on this." I say carefully.

"Well, maybe I don't care what everyone needs!" Mom snaps before storming out.

"She'll be okay, Thea." Oliver reasons.

"Ms. Queen, we better get going, or we'll be late to your dentist appointment." John lies as he approaches me.

"Got it. Talk more when I get back?" I sigh as I throw my jacket back on. 

"Be safe." Oliver nods as I leave out.


"Eyewitnesses place a '72 Ford Pickup at the scene of Danny de la Vega's fire." John starts explaining.

"Okay." I nod.

"Stag chemical lit up two minutes ago. I checked the video feed, parked right on the street. Running along the plant. Your gear is in the car." John explains.

"John." I warn, stopping in my track.

"Damnit, Thea. By the time I convince someone and have somebody sent over there, one or more firefighters will be dead. They need you, Thea. They need the Hood." John pleads.

Author's Note: this will be continued for tomorrow so don't get to upset that it's short. just not feeling to well, so better something than nothing. Stay tune for tomorrow.

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now