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I need you to realize that no matter how different you are
Whether according to the society's preferences
Or according to a person who never know you
Be always be you

We may have different beliefs, culture, religion, races or preferences
Female, male or LGBT
You may be weird or normal to the eyes of the others
We are unique- beautiful individuals

We are all human beings
Though everyone is shape or molded differently
Still we are who we are-  human beings
A living person with uncertainties in life, personalities and perspective to value

That's why all of people is never the same
No one is alike to each other 
But all of us is human- a person
Made up of tissues and intellect to choose how we live our lives

He (/her) himself is pretending to be someone else to be accepted
Forcing himself to be part of a group he never belongs
Can never find true happiness

And those who judge you for being different, is who himself is a blind man
Oblivious to the philosophy of:

She is who she is
He is who he is
You are you
And me is me;

His words is nothing but a distraction for us to be insecure
To the point of belittling ourselves
And shape us to be someone else

So I say don't let those judgmental words
Affect who you are
And live your life to the fullest.

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