Chapter 14

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I walk down the hall of Liam's apartment.

"Liam?" I call for him. I push his bedroom door open. I look to his air matress which is empty.

I call for him again, walking towards the bathroom, which has a shut door. I softly knock.

I jump as he quickly opens it and turns off the light. He storms past me, into his bedroom.

"Um..." I begin to say as I walk into his room.

"What?" He snaps, crawling back under the covers.

"What is your problem? I came here to help you, asshole." I say, looking him dead in the eyes.

"I don't need your help, honey. I'm older than you." He turns on his side.

My mouth drops open. "What has gone on with you in the last three hours? Before I left you weren't being such a dick." I fire back at him.

He turns over and looks at me. "Listen, we aren't friends, okay? I was still drunk this morning when we were talking. So quit acting like you know me and get the hell out of here."

"Good, I wouldn't want to be friends with you anyways." I say, sounding like a child. I storm out of the apartment, slamming the door on my way out.

I go into my own apartment and sit down on the couch in the living room. I turn on the T.V. and flick through channel after channel. When I continue to find nothing good on T.V. I decide to rest my eyes and take a nap.

Seconds later I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket.

I pull it out of my pocket and read the message.

Liam: You're cute when you're mad.

Is he joking. I throw my phone across the room.


"Katherine, honey? Kath?" I feel someone shake me from my sleep. I open my eyes to see my grandmother shaking my shoulders lightly.

I sit up from the couch and rub my eyes. "Hi honey." She smiles.

"Hi grandma. What are you doing here?" I say sleepily.

"Well your mom is going to be gone all night so I didn't want you to be alone here the whole time." She looks back to the kitchen. I try and see what she is looking at but don't see anything. "But your neighbor says he can check on you."

No. Freaking. Way.

"What?" I do not want to see him anymore. He is so rude. Why does he keep bothering me anyways?

"Your neighbor, Liam came over while you were sleeping. He's a little older than you so I think it's better for him to keep you company."

Right on que, Liam walks out of the kitchen. "Hello Katherine." He smiles.

I roll my eyes and turn back to my grandmother who has the biggest smile on her face. "Well thanks grandma." I say.

"Alright you two. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you Mrs... Uhm." Liam begins.

"Please, call me Martha." My grandmother blushes.

I groan loudly and walk down the hall to my bedroom.

"Bye Katherine!" I hear my grandma call minutes later.

I sit on my bed and look for my phone but soon remember throwing it across the living room. I hope Liam got the que he isn't welcomed and left after the act he put on for my grandmother.

I walk down the hallway but sure enough Liam is sitting on my couch watching my T.V.

I grab my phone off the floor and head back to my room without saying a word. He can stay here as long as he doesn't speak a word to me.

I'm angry at my grandmother the most for even letting him into our apartment. If I didn't hate him as much as I did, I would tell him to leave. But my hatred towards Liam is so strong that I don't even want to talk to him.

I check my messages and see that I have five new ones.

Abbey: How did things go with Adam? (;

Abbey: Hello?!

Abbey: Are you still with him??

Abbey: Katherine!!!!?

Mom: Grandma is coming over later so you don't have to be alone.

I hate that my mom thinks I am still five and can't be home alone. She says it is just to keep me company but I don't need company everytime she goes to work.

I would rather have my grandma's company though right now, rather than having Liam in the same apartment as me.

Katherine: Abbey, calm down. We just saw a movie. That's it.

I send the message and she instantly replies. Typical Abbey.

Abbey: Alright alright. Just checking!

My stomach growls and I curse at myself for not getting food while I was getting my phone.

This is my apartment, not Liam's. I walk down the hallway and past Liam who is still sitting in the living room.

I open the pantry and pull out my favorite, Dorito's. As I begin to walk back to my room, I'm stopped by Liam.

"What have you got there?" He asks, pointing towards the chips.


"What are they?" He asks.

"Chips. Haven't you ever had them before?"

"No, those weren't in England. May I try one?"


"Why not?" He sits up more on the couch. A smirk begins to unfold on his face.

I walk over to the couch and throw the chips into his lap. The smirk has fully grown and I look away to keep from laughing. It's not funny, he just looks adorable and sexy all at once.

No Katherine. He is mean.

He pulls open the blue wrapper slowly and I sigh dramatically which makes him chuckle.

He pops a cool ranch chip into his mouth and chomps away.

"Mhm quite tasty." He licks his lips slowly and looks up at me. Liam pats his hand on the couch next to him. "Watch this movie with me, it's quite funny."

I hesitate but sit down next to him. I grab a chip from the bag. "What movie?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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