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99 years ago, Zeus and the gods decided to hold the demigod games for entertainment. 26 demigods go into an arena and fight to the death.

Zeus devided the world into 15 sections 99 years ago and assigned a Olympian to each one. The gods lived in the 15th section, surronded by mountains. It was called Olympus. (The Capitol) On to other side of the mountains were the districts. The first was Zeus's to rule. The second was Ares. The third was Hera's. The forth was Poseidon. The fifth was Demeter. The sixth was Aphrodite. The seventh was Artemis. The eighth was Athenas. The ninth was Heaphtus. The tenth was Apollo. The Elevnth was Hermes. The twelveth was Dionuysus. And the thirteenth was for minor gods. They filled the districts with mortals and had many demigods. Cue the start of releasing the demigod games. Once someone wins, they can move to the 15th section victors village, or remain at there section. There family can move with them as well.

In Artemis district is Hunters. Hera has children in this fan fiction. Hades is minor god.

It's the 100th demigod Games, meaning a special twist. Guess we will find out what it is when the story starts!! This story has an undecided shipping, it might be Peralia, PerZoë, Percabeth, Perianca, Pipercy, Perazel, or maybe even a PerOC. Vote for shipping!

Let the 99 demigod games Begin!

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