Chapter 14

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I woke up in a cold sweat, terrified. Nightmares haunt my life now and they can never go away.


I ran through the woods with Katie. Clarisse La Rue was chasing us. Her deadly howl erupted in the woods. She had murdered everyone but us. Katie needed to live. Only one Victor in the hunger games...Katie. Not me but Katie. She needs to be free.

The arena haunts me. I grabbed my sword and told Katie to run, she didn't. SHe stayed. She died. As did I. Clarisse killed her....

Nightmare end

I shook Katie awake just to know she's alive, "Katie!" I whispered! "Katie please wake up!" I whisper-shouted. Katie's green eyes fluttered open. I sighed in relief and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back confused. "Percy what's wrong?" She asked me.

"Only one person can win Flowerface, and that's gonna be you. I promised." I wrapped her in a kiss. She accepted. "I love you Perseus Jackson." I would have said it back but someone coughed and interrupted. Chris.

"Let's find more food. We are running low." Katie suggested. I nodded quickly, "yeah..." I said. Chris smiled and opened the door, the raining stopped but it was damp outside.

"Watch Tierra, Hazel, and Fawn until we come back. Don't die." I ordered. He nodded with a chuckled. "I'll try."

We climbed down and our shoes became covered in mud. "We need water. Dang it we should have got some in the rain." Katie exclaimed. We started marching towards the blown up mountain. It's been long enough for the gods to bet drachmas...they are gonna drive us together soon. On the way we found a stream, I filled up 4 canteens, Katie got the other 3. We shoved them in our bags and pulled out our hunting knifes.

Suddenly a branch snapped, it reviled Clara O'reily. "Please don't shoot! I knew Pollux and how you wanted to ally with him. I wanted to thank you, and get some water" she said.

"Clara. Your only 16, I'm sorry." Katie said. She gave me a glance that said..kill her. If Katie wants it, I want it. I chucked the knife and a cannon flared. She was gone.

"So, lets keep moving. Food is coming." I suggested. Katie nodded. About 30 minutes later, on the way back, we sat down at that old stream. Our hands went together. "Katie..I've been meaning to ask you something." I said nervously. She turned to me, her jade green eyes starred into my seagreen irises. "Will-Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. She smacked me, "Why didn't you ask sooner!" She said smiling, "Of Course!"

I grinned and kissed her. Again. We headed back and saw that Chris and Hazel were gone. "Chris? Hazel? Tierra where did they go?" I asked concerned. "I woke up, Chris was gone. Hazel went after him. Beforehand Ch-" her voice was drowned by a cannon firing. I sunk to my knees. "Please don't be Chris or Hazel. Gods Please don't let it be them." I prayed. Tierra looked stunned, Fawn was eating the last crackers..all they had was beef but we grabbed some squirrels.

At nightfall I looked high in the sky. Clara. Hazel.

"No! It's not fair! She was 14!" I said. Katie put a hand on my shoulder and guided me to a bunk, she lay me in a sleeping bag and patted my back while I cried myself into a nightmarish sleep.

Zeus - Jason Grace (14)

Ares - Clarisse La Rue (18)

Poseidon - Tierra James (15)

Demeter - fawn dayly (12)

Aphrodite - Lacey Dontley (12)

Athena - William Pocket (13)

Hermes - Chris Rodriguez (16)

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