Chapter 1

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"Hey Cassie wait up!" Willow said trying to catch up with me. "Hey Willow, what's up?" "You forgot you're cell phone." I quickly took my phone from Willow's hand. "Thanks." Soon we walked into a empty street and in front of us was a angel statue. "Weird I don't remember there every being a statue like this here." When we looked away the angel got closer. "Um Willow did you see that?" "Yeah." I blinked and the statue was closer. Then a blue box took shape behind us and when we turned around the statue has a vampiric face and was inches away from us. The door to the box opened and we where pulled inside. There was a strange guy pulling a bunch of levers and soon the box came to a abrupt halt. "Where are we?" "Oh hello." The man walked over to us. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I forgot a statue." "What was that thing. Every time we blinked it got closer." "Weeping angel." We looked at the guy as if he was crazy. "A what?" "Weeping angel. It's a fast and deadly creature. Sends you back in time and feeds of the time you where suppose to spend in the future." "And how do you know this?" Willow asked getting defensive. "I've fought many of them before. Let me introduce myself. I'm the doctor." "I'm Willow." "And you are?" I bit my lip but slowly spoke. "Cassie." "Willow and Cassie welcome to the Tardis. Tardis stands for time and relative dimension in space." "A time machine?" "Well if that's what you want to call it yeah." The doctor ran about fixing different parts of the Tardis. "So why are you here?" "I don't know. I was suppose to go find a new companion, you know someone to talk to on my adventures through time and space sort of an accomplice and I ended up here. Good thing to." "Well we could be you're companions?" "Let me see having two teenaged girls come along with me on my adventures. No that would make me, oh what do you call it." "Pedophile?" "Exactly! Thank you missy." "It's Cassie." I corrected him. "Handles here said that he found traces of time lord activity." "Time lord?" The doctor looked at us as if we where aliens. "Yes time lord, lord of time. We travel around in Tardis' and fix certain points in time, fight monsters and all that jazz." "Sorry to ask but who's handles." The doctor held up a badly dented robot head. "Ladies I'd like you to meet Handles, the head of a cyber men. Handles, I'd like you to meet Willow and Cassie." That's it, the guys off his rocker. "Hello Willow and Cassie." The head said back. "Did that thing just talk?!" I exclaimed. "Handles is not a thing. He's a friend now, apologize." "I'm sorry Handles." I reached out and put my hand on his head. "Time lord! Time lord! Time lord!" Handles started yelling over and over. "Handles be quiet." The doctor turned him off and put him away. "Sorry about that. He's a bit touchy. Now those time lords have to be here somewhere." "Foolish doctor." "Pipe down Handles." But Handles didn't quiet down. "The time lords are in the Tardis. They want to learn, teach them doctor teach them." "There's no one here except..." He turned back to us. "No, no no no. No. You two possibly couldn't be time lords. My wife and me are the last two. There's no way you could be-." Then one of the doctors hands slapped him. "Ten stop it!" "You call you're hand ten?" The hand held up a thumbs up. "He's part of my 10th regeneration. I'm currently the 11th doctor. Technically I'm the 12 and Tentoo is 11 but I don't think that matters right now." "Tentoo?" The doctor then got really annoyed. "Look I don't have time to explain my life story. There's 900 years worth of history there now listen to me. Handles seems to think you're time lords and the only way to be sure is to run you through the databank." "The what?" The doctor pulled out a weird screwdriver thing. He ran his light, pen, screwdriver, thing over my hand and it lit up. "This should display a image of you're regeneration last time we met. That is if you are time lords." An image appeared on a tv screen. "Hm that's weird. It shows two time lords." "Really who?" The doctor showed me the screen. "That is the Astronomer and that is the Scientist. Two very bright time lords. Now you." He scanned Willow's hand and read up on the screen. "The General and the Officer. Two very fearless and strong time lords." "How strong?" "They ripped a dalek's shell clean off." We gave him a strange look. "What's a-." "Why don't you ask you're parents?" He said pointing towards the screen. We stared at it expecting something to happen. "Not like that. You have you're parents DNA and now that their dead all their knowledge should have passed on to you." "Our biological parents are dead? What killed them?" The doctor scratched his head and tried to figure out what to say to us. "There was a great Dalek war and the only way to end it was to blow up all the ships. It would have killed all the Dalek's, but at the greatest sacrifice. You two are standing in the same room as the time lord who killed not only the Dalek army but every last living time lord." Then it hit me, we were inches away from the man that killed our parents. "And when River died I was the only one again, but now you two have surfaced. That means there could be more!" The doctor got excited at the thought of not having killed off all of his kind. "So, what does this have to do with us?" "Right...... since you're parents were time lords that makes you time lords, well lady's." "Hey! I ain't no lady!" Willow yelled throwing Handle's head at the doctor. Thankfully he caught it. "Throwing stuff in frustration just like your mother. Now, most time lords have a title and have been around for a long time. Since you have no memory of ever being a time lord or experience we'll have to rely on you're parents DNA to bring back some of your memory. Cassie was it? Your parents where about 1226 years old. Split that in half and you get 613, which is probably how old you are now." I stared at him as he calculated numbers as he worked on his Tardis. "Willow, your parents where about 1400 so that would make you 700." "Ha! I'm older." She boasted and pointed at me. "Wait If we are actually as old as you think we are, then why don't we look that old?" "I don't know. Stop asking so many questions." I was shocked by what the doctor had said. "So since we're time lords what exactly do we do now?" Willow asked breaking the awkward silence. "I suppose I should give you a Tardis, make you each sonic items and teach you as much as I know about the universe." "How long will that take?" "Not long. Now let's get started!"

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