Chapter 6

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When I woke up my head was fuzzy. "She's awake!" When I looked up I saw I was in some sort of test tube. I bashed against the glass and fell onto the ground. I quickly put on my jacket, grabbed my sonic and ran to find Willow. I heard some weird sounds and hid in a closet. I listened in and soon heard familiar sounds. "Let go of me pepper shaker!" Willow knocked over a strange creature and jumped on top of another. "I am you're new conscious, take me to Narnia oh majestic beast." "DALEK'S HAVE NO CONSCIOUS." Dalek? Oh no. "Too bad." Willow twisted off the top part of the Dalek and dropped something into it. The Dalek exploded and nothing was left but smoke. I walked out of the closet and was slapped by Willow. "Took you long enough. We're on some sort of Dalek hatchery on Skaro, they thought we where the doctor so now we're here." I face palmed. "Why does everyone think we're the doctor?" "I dunno. But they took Khale into a main room so let's go look for her." We soon found Khale in a smiliar test tube as me. Willow chucked a piece of broken Dalek at the glass and it cracked. "Welcome to Skaro Khale, sorry about the rude awakening but we really must be going." "NOT SO FAST!" We heard a Dalek cry out. I helped Khale stand up as we watched a Dalek speed into our room. "Awe it's so cute." It was about the size of a small tv and stared at us in wonder. "YOU NOT LEAVING!" "Cassie can we keep it?" Willow asked as she pet the Dalek like it was a puppy. "Alright fine." "I'm gonna call you Pepper." She picked up the tiny Dalek and we soon found the Tardis. "Alright, you know what to so. Khale, you stay in the Tardis and if we don't come back in time, press this button. It's an emergency signal which will send to the Doctor, understood?" She nodded and closed the door. "Pepper, do you know where the main power cord is?" "WHY SHOULD I HELP YOU?" Willow sighed. "Because we're you're family." "FAMILY?" She nodded. "I'm you're mum, Khale's you're aunt and Cassie is......well we don't know what she is." "Oh shut up." I said slapping her in the back. "Now do you know how we can stop these bad Dalek's Pepper?" "BAD DALEK'S?" I nodded. "These ones are bad but you're good, and good stops bad. Okay?" Pepper's eye scope nodded. "Past hatchery." "Thank you Pepper, do you wanna stand guard of the door?" "Yes please." Pepper stood in front of the door like a dragon protecting it's treasure. "She's so cute." Willow commented as we started to walk down the hall. "Now about weapons." We grabbed a gun and walked into the power core. "EXTERMINATE!" "Sorry but I prefer salt on my fries." Willow exclaimed as we went into warrior mode. "Alrighty, just a few button presses and this thing will start to blow." I quickly turned off the self destruct and we ran towards the Tardis killing every Dalek in our path. Willow scooped up Pepper, closed the door as I started up the Tardis. "We need to go somewhere safe." A place instantly came to mind and I worked some magic. "Now Pepper repeat after me: Ex-ter-MINE-ate." "Exterminate." "No, it's ex-ter-mine, not ex-ter-min." Willow spent a few minutes teaching Pepper how to be sassy and fabulous. "So what exactly do you think about this?" Khale asked as she walked over to me. "It's a bit unnatural. Dalek's are suppose to be our enemies and here we are with a baby one after we probably killed her parents so basically we have to raise it." Willow stood up and looked offended. "It? Pepper is not an it, Pepper is a she. And we are gonna take care of her for as long as we need to." "Doesn't it disturb you that if she meets any of her kind, she'll turn against us and kill us?" Willow shook her head. "She won't, Pepper's a good Dalek. Right Pepper?" "Pepper good." I sighed and walked over to Pepper. "Can I have a hug?" I asked trying to be friends with her. "Cassie is good time lord." She said using her toilet plunger to pat my arm. "Well at least you'll have something to clean the toilets with." Willow smacked me in the arm. "Ow!" "Don't offend Pepper!" I sighed and walked into my room. I collapsed under my bed and fell asleep murmuring about Daleks.

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