Chapter 7

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"Quick question. Why did the Tardis look like a boat in Fiji but it looked like a pillar of stone on Raxacoricofallapatorius?" "Well, the Tardis has a chameleon effect that it disguises it's self to blend in with the environment. That way people don't suspect anything." I explained as I flipped a pancake. Willow walked in and sat down in a chair half asleep. I put a plate in front of her and returned to the stove. "Honestly I didn't know you guys ate food." "Well what do you think we do besides sleep and be awesome?" Willow asked as she stabbed her pancake. "Food." Pepper demanded as she kept ramming into my leg. I dropped a pancake on the floor so she could eat it while I finished cooking. "So what planet are we on?" "Gallifrey, I thought it would be nice to visit the home land of Time Lords." I turned off the stove, took off my apron and sat down in a chair. "Seriously?" "Yup. To be honest me and Willow have never been to our home planet before. Lived on earth for 17 years." Khale stared at us as if she was in shock. "And you're parents?" "Dead as a door nail." Willow admitted as she drank a apple juice box. "Seriously?" Then we heard a loud bang from the door. "What was that?" "Pepper will go check it out." She said as she started to roll towards the door. "No Pep you stay here, I have a bad feeling about that sound." "Pepper will stay." She stopped moving as we went to check on the sound. I opened the door and in fell a man wearing a military uniform. "Ah thank goodness I'm out of that one." He said standing up. "Ello there you must be the doctor's new companion. Hi, I'm The General. A fellow time lord." I stared at Willow who looked like she didn't believe it herself. "Did you know anyone under the name of The Officer?" I asked. "Yes she was my wife, how did you-." Willow walked around the corner and into our view. "Willdromeda? Is it really you?" She nodded. "Hi uh dad." "I haven't seen you in 699 years. When we found out about the war we sent you and another girl to earth to protect you, Cassiopeia was her name." Willow looked over at me. "I guess that's you soft cookie." I sighed and walked towards The General. " Cassiopeia? You survived to?" I shrugged. "Well I'm here aren't i?" He turned and saw Khale. "And you miss?" "Dad this is our first companion Khaleesi Rogue." He shook her hand and turned back to us. "It's hard to believe that I actually get to see my daughter again." "Well the doctor helped us a lot." Then I heard the sound of squeaking wheels roll towards us. "Pepper wants to see who's here." "Dalek!" The General pulled out a gun and before he could shoot Pep I picked her up. "No dad, you don't understand. Pepper isn't like other Daleks, she's reformed." Willow explained taking the gun from her dad's hand. "Reformed?" "We plan on training the younger Daleks that they can trust us and we are not to be feared. Unlike the on 'coming storm'." I explained holding Peps close. "Pepper good Dalek, are you good time lord like Cassie and Willow?" She asked. "Yes I'm a good time lord, you just spooked me." "Some Dalek's are bad, Pepper good Dalek." I put her down and let her roll around. "So what exactly are you four doing on Gallifrey?" "We had an incident on Raxacoricofallapatorius and then ended up on Skaro." "Ah that makes sense." He nodded. "So what about you?" The General shrugged. "I've been having some difficulties here and there but nothing I can't handle. You know what, since you're all here why don't you come and see the city? Just don't bring the Dalek." "Pepper, trans." Pepper transformed into a small garbage can. "Seriously?" "What? It keeps her from getting noticed okay?" We walked out into the planet and I was amazed at the sight. There was buildings in a dome while the rest of the planet was dust and stone. "It's not much of a welcome home but I hope you'll enjoy it here for awhile." We walked towards the gate where a guard stood. "Title and or name?" "The General, I'm here with Willdromeda, Cassiopeia and their companion Khaleesi." "All may enter." We walked into the dome and a wave of familiarity washed over me. "You two stayed here for a year but we had to give you away to earth parents because of the war. So you probably remember a few things but not all." The General explained. "That makes sense." "You know what, since you two are back. We should have a big party. You'll be staying in my house which isn't too far from here, I'll be back shortly." As soon as we arrived in the house we changed into the outfits given to us for the banquet. "Seriously? I'll kill my father for the dress." Willow said as she tried to put on the shoes. "It's a welcome home party, after this we'll go on a better adventure." "I hope so." Khale said fixing up her hair. "You two go ahead, I have to check on the Tardis." I left the room, as soon as I started to walk towards the Tardis I saw a man stand up and walk towards me. "Hello there missus." He held up some sort of spray and sprayed it at my face. "I hope this knock out stuff works, it is Rani's recipe." Then I passed out.

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