Chapter 3

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"The Silk Road. Used by many travellers to travel to china." "Hey let's ask this guy." We walked up to a man travelling. "Hello sir, so you have a moment?" "對不起,但我不會說你的語言 (I'm sorry but I don't speak you're language)." "Uh what?!" "It's ancient china, nobody here knows English. I hope I remember enough." I thought about what to say and slowly spoke. "不管了,你知道一個人被馬可·波羅的名字? (No matter, do you know of a man named Marco Polo?)." The guy shook his head. "English?" "Shhh. 你有沒有看到什麼奇怪的就在這裡用自己的方式?(Did you see anything strange on your way here?)." The guy nodded. "我看到一個奇怪的金屬男人綁架一個人,沒有人相信我. (I saw a strange metal man kidnap a person, no one believed me)." Willow looked so confused. "A cyberman attacking people on their way to china, Marco Polo must be a victim." I whispered before responding to the man. "我們相信你。安全旅行!(We believe you, safe travels)." As we walked away the man called out after us. "等待!我的女兒和妻子來到這條路上丟失,如果你再見到他們,請告訴他們,香港麗希望他們回國. (Wait! My daughter and wife went missing on this road if you see them again please tell them that Hong-Li wants them to return home)." "我們將(We will)." We walked away from the man and started our own trek down the Silk Road. "So what did he say?" "Cyber man, kidnapping people, find wife and daughter, free food." "Free food?!" Her eyes lit up at the though of food. "But first Cybermen." We walked the road until we came to a small town. "Now let's see what happens." We waited and watched as a family walked past. "You will be upgraded." A robotic voice said and the family was attacked. "They don't look a lot like Cybermen." "They don't have good enough resources to upgrade people, their using any metal they can get their hands on." "You will be upgraded." A cyberman said grabbing Willow. "Put me down you box of bolts!" Willow yelled putting up a fight. She kicked and hit the thing as of she was a toddler who was having a fit. I quickly grabbed a bucket of water and dosed the cyberman with it. "What good is that?!" Willow demanded. "No wait, these Cybermen aren't made out of the same material as the ones that the doctor fought. See? It's rusting." It dropped Willow and fell on it's back. "Is it dead?" I pointed my sonic screw driver at it and some sparks flew. "Now it is." Willow started kicking it. "Stupid son of a-." I covered her mouth. "Willow! Don't swear." She glared at me before I took my hand off her mouth. "So, find the Cybermen base, destroy them and then Chinese food?" "Yes." She grinned and soon we saw a strange guy with a lot of stuff with him. "Let me try this time." Willow said walking up to the guy. " 什麼是我的人 (what's up my people)?" I face palmed as she grinned. "I'm sorry miss but I'm afraid I only speak English and Italian." "Yes. We also speak both, but for now let's speak English yes?" Willow gave me the 'shut up I'm talking here' look but I ignored it. "Yes. My name is Marco Polo of Italy and you two are?" I scrambled my brain to think of a place where we could be from. "I'm Cassie from Tardis and this is Willow, also from Tardis." He nodded. "Nice to meet you Cascata and Wilma of Sardis." The heck? I thought for a moment and pulled Willow aside. "He must be changing it because we can't teach people who have set points in time anything about the future without them entering the Tardis first." I whispered before we turned back to Marco. "Well Mr.Polo, would you mind if we accompanied you on you're journey to Asia?" Willow quickly joined in. "Yeah, we sorta got lost." "Of course miss. I'm a bit to old to protect you in case we come across bandits or-." "That's what Willow's for." I said as she grinned evilly. "It's not in the right place for women to fight." "Pff, as if grandpa." She said striding past us. I followed behind and soon did Marco. "So Mr. Polo, tell us about Venice." I said trying to start a conversation. "It's a pretty city, what about Sardis?" "Well it's bigger on the inside." I face palmed but soon there was a noise. "Shhh, what was that?" "You will be upgraded." Willow pulled out a knife from her sneaker and tossed me a mini pistol from her other shoe. I shot at the Cybermen while she cut their heads off. "What on earth was that?" "Remind me again gramps why girls can't fight." Willow said tossing him a arm from a Cybermen. "What is this strange contraption?" "Tin men. It's a long story." Willow pulled off a head and opened it up. "Cassie do you make anything from this?" I looked inside and pulled out a small micro chip of information. "This must hold where the location of their base is. Sorry to cut our journey short but we really must get going. Bye." We ran off towards the Tardis. I uploaded it into a screen and a bunch of Cybermen code came up. I adjusted a bunch of controls and soon we where inside a ship. "Where are we?" "A ship covered with reflectors. It disguises itself as the sky so no one notices it." "I think now would be a good time to gear up." Willow said grabbing a Jian(sword). "Nice choice of weapon." I said picking up a Fu(axe). We walked out of the Tardis and towards the heart of the ship. "Hopefully we'll be able to find the crazy guy who started this, kill them and get this over with." "Are you kidding? We killed two gorgons with just guns, I wanna have some up close fighting." She said grinning. As soon as the door opened we got to work. "Intruders! How did you get in?" "In-tru-da window." We said in unison before charging at them. One by one we sliced through the Cybermen. Normally I don't like to fight but this was necessary. "I'll get the elevator's running." I said running to a control pad. Willow kept fighting them off as my fingers swept across the controls. We jumped inside the elevator and let it shoot us up. "Leg." I said pointing to the arm attached to Willow's leg. She chopped it off at the wrist and we waited for us to reach the next floor. "How about Jamaican food after?" "Well since we're here might as well grab some Chinese to." "Yeah." We nodded and turned towards the door. Surprisingly there wasn't any guards, just one guy. "You must be the doctor, you defeated me and my children once. But you won't do it again." He turned around and looked shocked to see us and started laughing. "What's so funny?" "It's hard to believe the doctor would send two girls to do his work." We walked towards him. "Who are you?" "Us? We are Cassie and Willow. And we are Lords of time." "I'm sorry I have to do this Cassie and Willow. You two would have been beautiful cyber women." Willow and I shared a look and turned back to him. He pressed a button which was a self destruct button. "I'll get the remaining prisioners, keep those Tincans off me." Willow nodded and went into attack mode. There was only three people left. One women and her two children. "Come with us miss." I blindfolded her and her kids and ran into the Tardis. Soon we where teleported out of there just before the ship exploded. "Hong-Li is waiting for you." "Thank you girls. You have saved us both." "Who's that one?" Willow asked pointing to the other child. "He was another captives child, she told me to look after him in her place." I picked him up. "Come on, let's go see you're daddy." I said to him which made him smile. I carried him while Willow refused to carry any children because she hates little kids. "Rena! You've come home!" The kids ran at them. "Thank you Cassie and Willow." "You're welcome." "Would you two like some food to take with you?" "Yes please Madame." Hong-li's wife handed us each a bowl of food. "Thank you, but we must be on our way now. Good bye." We started to walk towards the Tardis but as soon as we did Marco showed up. "Girls! I never thought you'd make it back safely to Sardis." "We did." "Yeah, no thanks to you." Willow muttered. "Well I hope that your journey will increase trade." I said grinning. "You to girls." When he walked away we closed the door behind us. "Ugh, remind me to never deal with crazy old guys ever again." Willow said flopping onto a chair. "Well, pick our next destination." "Do you think we could go to modern day Fiji?" "Need a vacation?" She nodded. "You get some sleep, I'll get us there." "Three weeks of studing and two days of adventures." She said drifting off. I tried to pry the sword from her hands but she kept a firm grip on the handle. I chuckled and ran to the controls. "Next stop Fiji."

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