Chapter 5

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Name: Khaleesi Rogue

Age: 17

Eye/hair color: brown eyes and black hair


"So Khale where would you like to go?" She shrugged as she walked out from the wardrobe. "Anywhere really." We made a great choice for companion, not even picky. I saw a screen light up and ran to read it. "Cassie what's going on?" "No time to talk!" I raced through and turned the controls. The Tardis zoomed and landed once it reached it's destination. "Is this how you always travel?" "Yup. Willow, oxygen masks." She tossed each one of us a mask and I opened the door. "Welcome to Raxacoricofallapatorius." "I've never heard of this planet." "Remember we travel through space and time. We know of planets and time zones that to you don't exist." Khale nodded and we walked out onto the planet's surface. "So why are we here anyway?" "I got a transmission on the-." "Blah blah blah. Can you not speak nerd right now?" I impatiently sighed. "I got a SOS call from someone on this planet, other wise we wouldn't be here." We started to wander but the purple smoke was so thick it was hard to see anything. "Hey guys, you doing okay?" I didn't get a response. "Willow? Khale? Where are you guys?" I started to panic. "Willow Andromeda Scarlet!" I yelled out trying to find them. But then I felt a sharp pain in my back and passed out. When I woke up I was handcuffed to a wall. "Great job genius, how do you suppose we'll get out now?" I looked to my sides and there was the two people I was looking for. "I think they where trying to get the doctor here but instead they got bait." "Perfect just perfect." I turned over and looked at Khale. "I'm sorry about this." "Naw it's cool. Besides I'd rather die on a alien planet." The gate opened and we where pushed through. "Raxacoricofallapatorians I present to you the main event. Two time lords and their companion against our champion!" "Where are we?" "A traditional slaughter fest in the form of a coliseum." I whispered as we watched who our opponent was. "What is that thing?" "A gogmagog." I cursed under my breath as it made a loud yelling noise. "Quick break the arm cuffs." Willow broke our cuffs so they where just bracelets now with a bit of chain. "Any idea on how to fight this....thing?" I nodded. "Willow, you distract that thing. Khale, follow me." "Alright. Come here you ugly turnip!" Willow yelled out as she ran. "You got an idea?" I sucker punched one of the guards by the gate and stabbed him with the tazer stick thing. "Grab one." "What are we gonna do with this?" "Focus." I muttered as I stared at the beast. "Willow make it face the cliff!" She nodded and bolted. "Over here you stupid carrot!" Willow bolted past the creature and it chased after her. "Let's go." We ran up and Jumped onto the creatures leg. We climbed up it's body and onto it's head. "Ready?" Khale nodded. "Ready." "Willow, abort!" She stepped back and we stabbed the creature with the tazers. It roared out in pain and fell down the cliff. "Now what?" "Willow, emergency plan 12." "Can't we use 5, please?" I sighed. "Fine." She grinned and picked up the weapons. Soon some of the raxacoricofallapatorians started to walk towards her and they where not happy. "Try me." She said smirking. Khale and I climbed up into a main room and easily found three tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator. "It's like a surf bored." "A highly dimensional one." I grabbed the third one and we flew down to get Willow. "What took you guys so long? You missed all the fun." She climbed onto the board and we sped off. "What about the air?" "At this fast of speed it won't effect us too much." We sped out of the arena and crashed before the Tardis. "Quickly nerd bird!" My fingers danced against the controls and the Tardis sped fast away from Raxacoricofallapatorius. "Woah, is this what you two do for a living?" "We have breaks for food here and there but yeah that's what we do." "You guys are AWESOME!" Khale squealed. "Of course we are. So Cassie where to?" Then the Tardis started shaking. "What's going on?" "We're being pulled by a gravitational device." Soon we landed but I hit my head so hard that I passed out.

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