Chapter 2

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*3 weeks later*

"Well thanks for staying with me girls. Here's the keys." The doctor handed us each a key to our Tardis. "Remember to stay together, no fighting and if you see a silence-." "Tally mark." I said finishing the doctors sentence. "Right Cassie. Have fun girls." We watched the doctor's Tardis disappear and we turned around to see ours. It was a garden shed that looked like a mini house. "Sweet!" We opened the doors and instantly I raced to the controls. I started it up and the place came to life. "I call first pick of rooms!" Me and Willow raced through the Tardis' rooms. There was all the basic necessities to keep us entertained while we traveled through space and time. "Why did he do all this stuff?" "He probably feels bad about killing our parents." Willow guessed as we walked back to the main room of our Tardis. "So where do we go now? The possibilities are endless!" I said as I got excited at the thought of finally traveling. "Check one of the books for a place, I have weapons to look out and test fire." I nodded and pulled out a book. I quickly flipped through until I saw something that didn't look quiet right. I raced up to the controls and immediately started up the Tardis. "So where are we going?" Willow asked holding up a gun. "Not where you'll need that. Ancient Greece." "Yeah so?" "There was an chapter about a cursed cave that whoever goes there turns to stone." "Yeah so?" Obviously she didn't get it. "It's happening in modern times to, so we're going back in time to after Perseus allegedly killed Medusa." "You think she's still around." "That or her sisters are seriously pissed." I said pressing a button and the Tardis sped off. "Now seriously put the gun away." She lowered the gun and soon the Tardis stopped. "Well let's go take a look." We opened the door and sure enough we where on a mountain. "Uh Cassie, where are we?" "Seriphos, a city in Ancient Greece. This is just before Perseus goes to slay Medusa." We slowly climbed down the mountain and saw two men arguing. "I can bring you any present in the world, anything." "Bring me the head of the gorgon Medusa!" "Fine!" I'm guessing Perseus was the man who stormed out of the wedding reception. "Let's follow him." "But what about cake?" I face palmed. "Not right now. After." We chased after Perseus. Soon he was in the cave with weapons. I listened in on the battle while Willow ate a stolen piece of cheese. "Perseus my dear boy, you do not want to kill me. For I can help you." "How so?" Medusa smiled. "I can make you a fake head of mine for you to take to that king of yours and in return you have to give me you're god side of DNA." Perseus thought over the deal. "I accept." "Perfect." I peeked over the corner and watched as Perseus was given a fake head. Then Medusa's hair snakes spotted me and hissed. "SPIES!" I grabbed Willow's arm and we bolted down from the edge of the cave. Soon we where safe in the wedding reception. Perseus was cheered on as a hero but really he was no more then a pathetic liar. "So, let's see. Perseus is forced to kill a gorgon with weapons from 'gods' all because some king wants to make his mother a concubine? Disgusting." I shrugged. "The human race is like that." Then a group of people turned to us. "You say that as of you aren't one." Then the room went silent. "That's because we're not. We're the gorgon's sisters coming for revenge." "Oh. You aren't as ugly as her." I'm going to kill Willow later. "We look more like our mother." Then everyone started running screaming and the so called hero escaped. "Follow him!" We jumped over a table and raced past them. "This is a good work out." We caught up with him at the edge of the ocean. "Ah! Don't hurt me!" "We lied." I admitted plain and simple. "So you're not gorgons?" "Please if we where we wouldn't look as fabulous as this." Willow said flipping her hair. "We want to help you. You see we know that's a fake and if you ever really want to be considered a hero you have to defeat the gorgon and bring her real head." "But they called me a hero, people respect me." We rolled our eyes. "Because of you, millions of people will be turned to stone!" Perseus looked like Willow had slapped him with information. "I don't want to hurt anyone." "Too bad cause by being a phoney you've wrecked what should have been a great era." "Look Perseus, grab you're weapon and we'll go up there and you'll kill the gorgon." "I can't. I'm no hero." I glared at Willow. "What?" "You hurt his feelings." I said walking up to him. "Perseus, I want to show you something come with us." He followed us towards the Tardis. "What is this?" "Way beyond your century pal." I quickly changed it to his battle that saved his wife Andromeda. "Since you didn't save the gorgon, that lady there will die." "She's so beautiful, who is she?" "King Cepheus's daughter. She was chained there because her mother boasted that she was as beautiful as Nerids. Poseidon got mad and then this beast was created as punishment to the woman's boasting." I informed him as we watched her get eaten alive by the monster. "See Perseus? If you had killed Medusa, you would have saved that girl and you would have married her." He looked back at the rock that she was chained to. "I'll do it." He said as he ran into the Tardis door. "Ow!" "It's locked." Willow explained as she unlocked and then opened the door. I quickly changed it back to the time we where at before. "So, let's go." "Wait! I need motivation to kill her." Willow clenched her fists. "If you don't you're mother will become a concubine." He raced up towards the cave. "Willow." "Yeah?" "Get a gun." She grinned from ear to ear and passed me a gun. We chased after Perseus and sure enough in his hand was Medusa's head. "I did it! Now the fair maiden will be my wife!" I swear he was skipping down the hill holding her head. We walked into the cave, back to back. And sure enough Medusa's sisters where waiting for us. "Mortals!" They hissed. "Nope. Lords of time." I pulled back the trigger and the other gorgons collapsed dead onto the floor of the cave. We high fived and walked back to the Tardis. "Hey wait! What are you're names?" Perseus was like a lost puppy now. "Willow and Cassie." "Ιτιά and βοηθός του ανθρώπου thank you." I nodded and walked inside the Tardis with Willow. "What does his translation mean?" "Yours means Willow. My name means 'helper of man' but his version actually translates to 'assistant human'." Willow bursted out laughing. "So where to next assistant human?" I sighed. "Where do you want to go?" She grinned and I already knew. "What are you going to eat?" Willow put down her menu. "Anything that's good. I love real Mexican food." I nodded and let her order. Our first adventure celebrated with Mexican food. I cracked open a book while Willow ate tacos al pastor. "Hey look at this. Apparently Marco Polo died on his way to china." "But I thought he discovered china and trade." "Apparently not. Grab your food and let's go." "Mexican and Chinese food." Willow exclaimed grabbing some tacos and running after me towards the Tardis.

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