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Judal and Kouha were staring at you from one of the tallest towers of your castle, they both shared the same emotions right now, uncontrolable hatred and jealousy. 

Ever since you kicked your fathers fiancee out you had been going around the palace for long time periods and have been more social than ever. 

This was an opportunity for a large number of males to try and earn your heart. And despite you refusing them, they just kept on coming.

So right now you were surrounded by nobles of different ages that were bickering about their wealth and social standing and were inviting you to all kinds of social events. 

Judal and Kouha wanted to kill all of them right then and there but Kouen had made clear that any kind of ruckus was forbidden and had also stated that anyone who would try anything during negotiations would be punished severly. 

That alone had made the two of them think twice about going into a killing spree, also Judal had informed Kouha of the little trick you had used on him the other day and they both wondered just how far could your powers go and how powerfull you were. 

 "Maybe we can ask for a demonstration?" Judal wondered, he himself couldn't do it due to Kouen's order but he really wanted to see this.

" She will say no. Besides, what if she gets hurt? I don't want my precious (Name) injured by one of those bastards." Kouha hissed darkly as he glared at the pack of males that just kept on growing. 

"Well, we have to do something. This nonsense can't continue." Judal grumbled and Kouha sighed.

"Well, at least she's not engaged to someone."

"Yeah at least-" Judal halted and smiled at the realization, Kouha took notice and pointed his metal vessel at the magi.

"Don't even think about it. No one is going to suggest you as a potential fiancee."

"Oh? And you think they'll suggest you?"

The two males kept arguing over this matter since to them it did hold a lot of value. 

Meanwhile you were busy trying to make all of the nobles go away by being nice and pleasant but at this point you had enough. But then an idea popped up.

" Okay, everyone. I'll think it over and reply to all of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to attend a meeting. Thank you for your company." You finally announced with a smile that created a wave of blushes before gracefully exiting. 

You went straight to the meeting room where Kouen and Koumei were waiting for you. They both seemed to be in good spirits.

" So, did you think over my request?" Kouen asked and you nodded.

" I agree. I accept your offer, prince Kouen." You replied with a small smile. He smirked and looked at you with obvious satisfaction. 

" Then after you have your coronation, you and I will be married." He announced and honestly, you couldn't be happier. 

Last night right after Kouen assured you that he would talk to Judal he proposed that you make sure the deal and progress you made so far doesn't go down because of this.

So he proposed a marriage, between you and any of the three princes. 

In your eyes Kouen seemed like the ideal husband but you told him that you would let him decide who the groom would be. 

Then the first think he told you was that if you agreed with the marriage, he would be the groom. You could have agreed right then and there but you wanted some time to cool down before answering, if you had answered back then, surely you would mess things up due to your excitment.

" It is decided then." You affirmed and bowed at the two princes before leaving the room. 

Once you were out you run off to your room and the moment you went in you let your emotions run wild. You jumbed, squealed and laughed happily. Your maids were shocked but also happy when they came in and saw you in such a good mood.

" What happened?" Rea asked.

"Me and prince Kouen will be getting married a while after my coronation!" You announced and they both seemed suprised.

" Prince Kouen... the first prince, that scary, tall, red haired brute?" Celene inquired obviously displeased.

" Why are you so mean? Kouen might seem scary but he's really strong, smart and understanding. He proved to be the man I actually wanted to marry." You argued and Rea nodded.

" Imagine if it was his brother Kouha, our lady would be more of a babysitter than a wife." 

" True but still! I don't like him, he's far too uptight and arrogant for my tastes. Not to mention he isn't that much of a gentleman" Celene insisted.

"Oh for heavens sake! What kind of male do you think would be ideal then?" Rea asked annoyed and Celene thought over the topic for a while.

" I think someone like Muu Alexius." She replied and you glared at her.

"Muu Alexius of Reim? The leader of the Fanalis Corps? That man is far from ideal." You retorded and you knew that wasn't true, you just didn't like Reim for posing a threat to your kingdom for the past six years.

"Can't you think of someone else? And don't even suggest king Sinbad, that guy has the worst reputation possible, okay?" Rea asked and Celene looked at the ceiling for a minute.

" What about... the second prince of Kou, Koumei? He isn't that bad." Celene said and you couldn't argue with that. Koumei was friendly but sometimes he could be a bit boring. 

"I guess he's good." You agreed and you decided to leave this matter for now.

 You told them you needed a gown for celebrating the occasion. Tonight would be a large celebration and the whole kingdom would learn of this keen agreement. Your maids said you had to leave one heck of an impress and so they chose something special for the occasion.


You stared at the dress before slowly looking at your maids who were already arranging your hair to match this particular item

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You stared at the dress before slowly looking at your maids who were already arranging your hair to match this particular item. 

You shrugged, they were off your reach for now, they weren't going to listen to you right now. Once the whole process was over you were about to speak when Kouha and Judal barged in enraged. 

Their rage however was quickly replaced by shock and adoration, their adoration slowly turned into desire but they were brought back to reality when Celene looked at them annoyed.

"Can we help you?" She asked with a polite yet obviously forced tone.

" (Name), is it true? You and big brother En are going to get married?" Kouha asked as he grabbed one of your hands and stared at you with panic and despair.

" It is, that is part of the deal between my country and yours." You replied gently.

"You can't!" Judal exclaimed and grabbed your shoulders.

"What? Why not?" You asked them and they both looked at each other before turning to you. Their syncronised answer took you by surprise.

"Because I am in love with you!!!"

Magi: The princess hunt ( Yandere Judal x female readar x Yandere Kouha).Where stories live. Discover now