Venom of Jealousy.

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It's been half a week since your abduction, Kouha and Judal had made a deal so that each day one of them would have you for himself. They got along fine but that wasn't your main concern, Kouha and Judal had placed guards everywhere so that you would have no escape root and had place a warning that even any male that would even consider talking to you or looking at you would be executed on the spot. And if that wasn't bad enough the empress Gyouken knew you were here and was now seeing you as a major threat, she had taken a glance on you and had immidiately realised that your beauty was more than enough to make the emperor grovel before you, the members of Al Thamen also knew everything about you from Judal and were thirsting for you power. You were in constant danger wether it was the two obsessive males, the empress or Al Thamen. Your maids however were able to bring you the amulets you had seen the day of your coronation and were keeping them close, maybe you could figure a way to use them without the help of a magi. 

- What are we going to do now? Rea asked as she gazed at you, you shook your head and sat down, in all honesty you didn't know and that was starting to get on your nerves. How could you let them take you and have their way with you? You were a queen for heavens sake!!! Suddenly it hit you.

- That's it!!! You said as you stood up. Celene and Rea looked at you confused before you looked at them with a bright smile.

- My title is the key to escape!!! You said and they seemed even more confused. Celene got closer and spoke.

- How is this going to-

 She was insteruppted when the doors to your chambers were opened with force and a certain magi came in, he was so excited that even his eyes were sparkling, he looked like a little kid.

- (Name), we're going out today! He said and you raised an eyebrow, what was he up to?

- No thanks, I'm really tired. I was even thinking of taking a nap. You lied and Judar frowned.

- Oh come on! You've been inside the castle long enough! He whined and you shrugged, who's fault was it that you were stuck here in the first place?!

- I'm sorry, Judal but I really need to rest. Besides tommorow I am supposed to go on a date. You said and Judal froze, his eyes lost their childish sparkle and were suddenly filled with rage and jealousy. It was a bad idea to tell him about your date with Kouha but it might just prove helpfull in the future.

- Who is it? TELL ME! He ordered and you glared at him. They hadn't broken you and they wouldn't break you. Beauty and weakness don't always go together and in your case, weakness was unthinkable.

- Don't raise your voice to me, Judal. And you already know who this person is, you two had been working together since the very beginning. You said coldly and his shock gave you some satisfaction. Judal suddenly looked at your maids and they didn't have to ask, he wanted them out of the room. They didn't move an inch, instead they looked at you, you nodded and they left slowly, giving Judal a glare of their own. Once the door closed, Judal locked it and came closer, before you could say anything you were pushed on the bed, Judal searched a bit under your pillow until he found what he was searching for, your eyes widen as you saw a rope, without a word you tried to leave but he pushed you back again and began tying your hands to the bed despite your struggling, you tried to scream only for his mouth to cover yours. His tongue explored your mouth but eventually came to a halt since you both needed air, he gave you a devilish grin as he slowly took off your clothes, you were still stuggling but with your hands tied up, you could really do much. You hissed when he attempted to take off your underwear and he looked at you with a smile.

- Don't be like that (Name), it'll only make you feel more humiliated when you start screaming for more. He said and you blushed as rage and embarassment mixed together.

- What the hell are you thinking? What if I become pregrant? You shouted and that only made his smile even wider.

- Then both Kouen and Kouha will know who you claimed you as his own. He said and terror was replacing your rage.

- No, no, no, NO!!! You said as you struggled, he only watched, enjoying your panicked state before eventually he took off his clothes, you looked elsewhere since you didn't want to see him naked, you looked at the sky and you wished you could fly away from here, from them. Your mind returned to the situation at hand when you felt him remove your underwear, he slowly placed his face between your breasts, you kept your mouth shut since you didn't want to give him the pleasure of hearing your screams and moans, he took that as a challenge and decided to see just how long you could keep this up. He sucked on your breasts while pulling you closer by the waist, you closed your eyes and felt your cheeks burn, you reminded yourself who you were and who the man on top of you also was. But that didn't change anything, suddenly you felt something on your lower half, you looked at Judal in horror and he answered with a smirk, he pushed himself in as you screamed in pain as tears escaped your eyes, you felt you were going to be sliced in half, Judal knew of this and began kissing your neck until he reached your lips again. He began moving slowly, increasing his speed as the minutes passed by, aside from the scream you left before, no other sound escaped your mouth, much to Judal's surprise. He kept thrusting and moaned as he slowly reached his limit, you on the other hand were in pain and the pleasure wasn't nearly as comforting as you thought it would have been. Judal moved more violently as he exploded inside you, his eyes staring at your face with joy and a sense of pride. He sat beside you and after he untied your hands he pullrd you into a tight embrace. You kept staring at the sky, your (e/c) eyes filled with determination, this didn't break you completely, true it was a heavy blow but still not enough to destroy you completely. You knew how to take your revenge, it was something that most women felt towards you, jealousy. You would give this poison slowly and once it took effect... your plan would be all set to go. 

Magi: The princess hunt ( Yandere Judal x female readar x Yandere Kouha).Where stories live. Discover now