8| Hatred

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After Dereks drunk i realized telling nate to come over was really disrespectful for our situation, so i sent him home.

I Smiled sweetly at derek as he walked in the kitchen but he ignored my gesture, pouring him a bowl of cereal.

"i-i made breakfast" i said smiling. he just nodded picking up his bowl and walking out.
" derek wait!" i called. he stopped and turned around rolling his eyes.

"what?" he asked harshly, with an annoyed tone in his voice. i raised my eyebrow confused.  " Tessa what the hell do you want?!" my eyes watered confused at his rudeness.

i'm sensitive...

He shook his head walking back down the hall.

Did i really make him that upset?

he's probably hungover...


I watched as Nate got up from the lunch table.

" uh derek bruh, can i talk to you for a minute?" he asked. i raised my eyebrow confused.

why does he want to talk to me?

"uh sure whatever" i said standing up. I followed him over to the tables where nobody was near.

"I hope we don't have no problems...i respect you for taking care of Tessa while we had our little break man but...I hope you didn't catch feelings because she will always come back to me" he smirked. " We just fuck...but she knows i'm the best and will always be the best..." i smirked at his little lecture.

"Gotcha...Just know i fight for what i want...and sorry...i want her"

He glared at me as i got up walking away smirking. i walked pass the table seeing Tessa gave me a


" i thought he was just hungover, but he took an Advil and drank some water...and he still won't talk to me..." I told Abi as she put her stuff away in her locker.

" uhhh I told you he likes you, then you chose nate over him...so that's probably why" she shrugged. i moved hair behind my ear thinking but that got cut short when hands came over my eyes.

"guess who?" Nates voice said behind me. i smiled forgetting the whole situation with derek.

" baby?" i giggled putting my hands over his. Nate lowered his hands down to my hips and left a soft kiss on my neck making me blush

"Yup" he said. i smiled turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. as we talked and kissed, i noticed derek glaring our way.

" babe...did you hear me?" nate asked tearing my gaze away from derek. i shook my head slowly looking up at him "uh sorry, no"

" i said I'm gonna go meet up with the guys, ill see you in class" he retold me, i nodded looking back over at derek...but he was gone. i turned around after nate walked away, to Abi shaking her head.

" What?" i asked raising my eyebrow. She patted my cheek.

" You don't know who you want babe" she chuckling. i furrowed my eyebrows.

" I do, i want nate" i said smiling but it felt like i was lying to myself anyway " Derek is a sweetheart...a-and the best...i mean the best in bed" i smirked remembering all the times.
" b-but i'm with Nate...and Nate knows me better..." i said frowning at my predicament. Abi let out a breathe before speaking.

" i don't know, Maybe you should talk to derek though...make sure he doesn't hate you" she suggested. i nodded fixing my hoodie.

"i'm actually gonna go find him, if nate asks just tell him i'm at the nurse or something..." i shrugged. Abi nodded as i walked away

" Text me!"she yelled. i nodded running when i saw derek. i grabbed his arm and pulled him into the stairwell. He raised his eyebrow when he saw me but then his face went right back to annoyed.

" Can we please talk?" i asked holding his hands. he looked down at me and shrugged. i let out a breath of relief pulling him over to the steps and sat down, holding his hand on my lap. " Derek i-i...i did like you...You are a really sweet guy...a good friend too...nate and i...we have history...we've been friends since 7th grade and fucking around since junior year..." i said playing with his fingers.

" Fucking around?...you aren't even official yet?" he asked. i thought then shook my head.

"Nate never...h-he never asked me... we just kiss...and then we act like a couple...and nobody knows we're together because he-"

"tells them you're just fuck buddies..." Derek informed. i looked down processing this all. " He doesn't love you like he says...he loves you because your s hot girl that's amazing in bed...your friendship stop meaning shit to him after you had sex...i'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt..." Derek said caressing my cheek. i sniffled burying my head into his neck

Nate immediately jumps at the chance to tell everyone we're just best friends and fuck buddies...

"y-you're right" i said feeling tears built up. derek pulled me on his lap, kissing my cheek.

After a while of my crying, Derek moved hair out my face and began leaning in. i expected him to kiss me but he kissed my forehead. " you okay to go to class?" he asked rubbing my thigh. i nodded wiping my cheeks

"c-can you sit with Abi and i?" i asked looking up at him. He nodded caressing my cheek.

" Ofcourse cutie"

Derek and i walked into the class and the whole class went dead silent. i avoided my 'friends' hateful glares and sat next to my real friend, Abi. Nate looked back and glared at Derek and for a minute before walking over and grabbing my arm, pulling me out the room.

i pulled away crossing my arms.

"don't touch me" i snapped. his eyebrows raised and he frowned.

"what'd he tell you now?!...whatever he said...he's lying..." he said. i shook my head Walking back towards the door but he pulled me back." baby...i love you...cmere" he said as i refused to listen to his bullshit

"get off me...we're just fuck buddies...i thought we were best friends but you're an asshole...i was in love with you but all you want is sex..." His eyes widened and he chuckled.

" thats what he told you?...You really believe him over me?...i'm your best fr-"

"MY BESTFRIEND WOULDN'T HURT ME!!" i snapped crying. His face softened and he stepped closer but i backed up shaking my head.

"baby..." he sighed as the bell rang but everyone started piling out the class, including Derek.

" You want a ride home?" Derek asked Sweetly, holding my bag for me. I gave Nate one last look before nodding smiling up at Derek. He cutely smiled back bringing an arm around my shoulder.

My arm wrapped securely around him as we walked out the school.

"Tessa!" i heard Abi cal so we stopped. "Hey derek" she smiled. he gave her a nod twiddling with my fingers.

" Hey...Abi" he said quietly scratching the back of his neck . i looked between the two confused before Abi spoke.

" What you guys doin after school?" she smirked. i shook my head at her dirty thoughts.

" We're taking a nap" i answered shrugging. Derek chuckled raising his eyebrow.

" When was that settled?...what if i have plans missy?" he asked booping my nose. i scrunched my face smiling up at him.

" Do you have plans Derek?" i asked looking up at him. He shook his head kissing my forehead.

"nope...i'm all yours princess" He said wrapping his arms loosely around my neck. i blushed smiling up at him.

" Awwe...aren't you two cuteee" Abi cooed. i smiled Rolling my eyes. " you guys look cute together too..."she nudged.

Abi is clearly, TeamDerek...

and i might be too...

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