15 | New discoveries

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" Tessa...Lunch is down the hall..." This girl Savanna who i've been talking a bit too since i've been here said twiddling a cigarette between her fingers.

" Do i have to go?" I whined slipping off the queen size bed.

No matter how nice the bed is the room is so dull and they wont let me decorate it how i'd like or even leave the building...This place sucks...

" Yes, You know Mrs.Fera is gonna call that Nicholas guy to question us for just missing lunch...She's a real bitch" Savanna rolled her eyes putting her brown hair into a bun.

Savana and i became friends my first day after talking about our hate for our ex boyfriends.

When Nate left me that day I grew an overwhelming hatred towards him.

He lied...He told me he wouldn't ever let me go...he said he'd be there for me forever and he left me here...

" Hey!...Stop thinking of that dickwad!...Lets go get some disgusting gelatto and apple juice with our sad people pills" Savana joked pulling me up out of bed. I shook my head following her.

"Hey Sav, who's this " Aidan walked up behind us turning around with a cocky smirk plastered across his face. I rolled my eyes giving him the finger. " ooh Thats hurtful baby" he winked holding his heart.

" Fuck off Aidan" I innocently smiled. He winked walking ahead of us into the Cafeteria.

Aidan is a suicide survivor, Aidan tried to kill him self because of his single mother being a junkie...He doesn't care who talks about it but i can tell it still makes him upset thinking about it. Aidan hides his sadness though by flirting with all the girls in this program and jokes.

Aidan and Savana though are best friends, they came in here at the same time and been friends ever since.

" Save us a seat, i'm gonna go trick Geo to give us extra chicken" Savana winked puckering her red lips before jogging off to Geo. I chuckled walking over yo over to the table we usually sit at.

" Frankie!!...Meet my friend Tessa Bryant" Aidan smirked plopping down beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows scratching my head.

" Woah Woah Aidan...I didn't think i agreed to this friendship..." i joked. Aidan smirked sticking out histongue.

" Haha funny...You love me" he innocently smiled  kissing my cheek. I shook my head watching Savana  approach with Geo.

" Here you go..." Geo said putting plates in front of us with the extra chicken Sav probably blackmailed him for.

" Thank you Ge" Savana winked as he walked awat

" Sweet!...Thanks Sav!" Aidan smirked admiring the food on his plate. I shook my head taking my pill with my apple juice.

" How do you possibly do that?" I asked pulling my hair back into a ponytail. Sav smirked fixing her lipstick.

" I just did him a little favor" she winked. I scrunched my face up looking down.

" Open your mouth Tessa!!...Open your mou-"

" You okay?" Aidan asked nudging me. I nodded weakly smiling. " Good...cuz Frankie and i were thinking of breaking out..." Aidan smirked bringing a cigarette between his lips lighting it. I furrowed my eyebrows.

" How do you expect to do that?...We're like on house arrest..." Savanna rolled her eyes taking a cigarette out for herself. " want one?" she asked me pulling out a lighter. I shook my head eating my rice.

Savanna shrugged leaning back on Frankie while smoking her Cigarette

" Your loss..." She shrugged.

" Actually it's not her loss...It's yours Savana...Put that out right now" Nicholas said walking up to our table. Savana rolled her eyes dropping the cigarette onto the ground and stomping on it with her platform boots.

" Haha!...You're in troubleee" Aidan teased forgetting about the cigarette he had between his fingers. Nicholas raised his thick eyebrow crossing his arms

" You too Mr. Alexander" Nicholas said scratching above his eyebrows.

" Dammit Nicholas!...Why're you even in our wonderful presence?...I know damn well my parents aren't looking for me..." Aidan rolled his eyes flicking the cigarette onto the ground.

" I'm actually here for Tessa today, You have a visitor" he smiled sweetly but i was confused.

" Visitor?...The only person who knows i'm here is Na-...Te..." i mumbled the end sighing" Its Nate isn't it?" i asked looking up at him. He nodded sympathetically.

" Yes, He begged to talk to you...said it's urgent..." Nicholas said combing a hand through his hair.

" So what if he was an active serial killer and just says hey i need to talk to her...its urgent...and i'm murdered under your care...Then what?" i asked raisin my eyebrow.

" Well is he Mrs. Bryant?" he asked pulling out his little pad. I rolled my eyes standing up and walking towards the visitors station that was literally right outside the cafeteria.

Nicholas followed me but split to i guess get Nate.

I took a deep breath sitting down trying to get myself and ready for the feelings about to overwhelm me.

" Tessa..." His voice rang through my ear from behind me. I squeezed my eyes shut slowly turning around. " Woah...Y-You look different" he said looking up and down at my appearance as he sat down.

When i met Savana she gave me a complete makeover and made me more into...her but i liked it and used the clothes i did have and made it something more of the style i've began to like.

" What're you doing here?" i asked making him look back at my face frowning.

" I missed you" he said holding my thigh but i pushed his hand off. " Tes-"

" You missed me?!...Yet you left me here!...When i needed you the most you left!...just up a-and took off...I cried for weeks!...Weeks!...I-I felt like you gave up on me...I got raped and you were disgusted by me I-"

My breathing started to slow down and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. My eyes began to water and i just couldn't breathe seeing him here.

" Baby...slow down...Breathe baby...I'm so sorry...I was trying to h-help you...I love you...I could never be disgusted by you...I...I'm in love with you" he stammered cupping my face in his hands. I shook my head pushing him off.

I stood up starting to walk away but i stopped and wiped my face.

" If that was true i wouldn't be here...I would be home with you and the guys..."

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