14 | Gone Boy

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My eyes peeked open confused at the loss of Nate's contact. I sat up looking around for my missing boyfriend.

" Nate?" i questioned rubbing my sore arms.

The tubes from yesterday were no longer in my arms but my arms were now sore and hurt. I lifted the covers up showing my half naked body with only Nate's teeshirt covering me.

Once my feet hit the floor i winced at the cold floor. I bit my lip walking towards the door across the room.

Before i could open the door a young man in a black suit and slicked wavy hair walked in with a clipboard.

" Oh...you weren't supposed to wake up for a couple more hours..." he sighed tapping his pen on his board. I furrowed my eyebrows looking past him out the door at a young girl passing by.

The young guy slammed the dooe making me jump wide eyed.

" W-Where's Nate?...Where's my bestfriend?" i asked scared backing up.

" Tessa, You're in a safe place now...Nate will be back for you later...But for now i'm gonna ask you a couple questions okay?" He asked weakly smiling. I shook my head tearing up.

" No!...I-I need nate...Call nate!...I-I need him" i cried backing up into a wall.

" Tessa You're safe honey, Just take a seat...We're gonna call Nate later just...Here...have a seat" he said  gesturing over to the bed. I blinked slowly walking back over to the bed

I sat criss cross on the bed watching him carefully take a seat in the little chair beside the bed.

" Okay Tessa Felicity Bryant...patient 34209" He said into some tape recorder thing. " Ok Tessa, Now tell me who is Harry Bryant?"

" M-My dad" i stammered tearing up.

" You're nothing Tessa...Nothing!!

"and Vanessa Eliza Brown?"

" M-My mom" i said looking down.

Why is this guy asking me obvious questions.

" Okay, Now who is Tiera Bryant?" he asked making my eyes widened.

" My older sister...W-why?...Why're you asking me this?!" i yelled tearing up. The young man sighed combing a hand through his hair.

" Tessa Honey, I am Nicholas Sanders, I am trying to get any information i can to put your parents away for good so they cannot touch you ever again." He said making me wince at the memories." Tessa, is this the first time your father has touched you inappropriately?" He asked making me think.

" y-Yes...When i was five..." i stammered remembering that day perfectly all of a sudden.


" Come here Tessa...Daddy needs you to check and make sure he's okay..." My father said leaning back on the couch. I shrugged skipping over to him.

" I feel fine Daddy...Is mommy done with her sugar yet?" i asked twiddling my fingers

Mommy just painted them a pretty purple color and promised to play dolly's with me after she was done with her sugar.

" Not yet princess...Come sit...You wanna help daddy right?" he asked pulling his pants down. I nodded climbing on the couch kneeling beside him confused.

" Open your mouth..." he said pulling out some weird block and rubbing it with my hand.

" Why daddy?...mommy said my mouth is only to eat or lick lollipops" i said looking at that thing weird. He groaned slapping me on my mouth.

I held my mouth crying but that only made daddy more mad...

" Shut the hell up already and open your stupid little mouth!" he yelled scaring me so i opened my mouth shaking.

Daddy smirked grabbing me by my pig tail and pushing that thing in my mouth so much i felt like throwing up.

" Da-..." I tried to say when he lifted my head but he just brought my head back down again so i couldn't speak.

My eyes began to water when my mouth began to hurt. My daddy lifted my head again groaning but lowered it back down letting something go into my mouth like a water gun.

Finally when he let me go i climbed off the couch and ran away to my sisters room to cry to her but...she was gone and i was confused.

flashback over

" Tessa...Tessa Darling...Do you know where your sister is?" The guy asked but i was too traumatized to answer. " Tessa I'm gonna need you to answer sweetheart...Do you know where Tiera is?" He asked again tapping his pen on his pad.

" N-No...Where is Nate?...I wanna leave" i cried pulling my knees up to my chest staring at the blank white brick wall.

" Tessa You will see Nate...if you please answer my next few questions...we can find you justice for what's happened to you" he said softly. I looked down letting the tears drip on the white sheets.

" I don't know...she ran away when i was 5 and m-my parents said she was dead" i said wiping the tears under my cheeks. Nicholas nodded writing something down in his notebook.

" Listen...I know this is hard and memories are mixing around in your head, But We're gonna take care of you...I will send Nate in right away to tell you everything" The guy sweetly smiled before walking out.

I stood up starting to make my way towards the door but the click of the lock stopped me. I sniffled confused walking back over to the bed climbing on it.

15 minutes later Nate walked in with red and puffy eyes. I gasped cupping his face in my hands.

" Nate...W-What happened?...Why were you crying?" I asked concerned. He sniffled looking down then up.

" I Love you so much and i will always love you no matter what...W-What we've been through never stopped what i felt for you Tessa...Please be strong...for me...I-I need you to get better...I know you will and I'll be here when you need me i'll...I'll send letters and i'll call I...I'm gonna miss you so much" he cried holding me close. I furrowed my eyebrows pulling back.

" Miss me?...W-what do you mean?...A-Are you leaving me?" i teared up confused. Nate looked down wiping his tears.

" Tessa i'm sorry ...This is to hel-"

" HELP?!...You're the only person i trust to touch me now and you're just gonna leave me?!...i-i thought you said you loved me and would never leave me!" I cried pushing him. Nate sighed crying as well but i don't care.

He lied...

" Tessa I'm sorry... i'm so sorry...I hate seeing you like this...What he did...I just want you to get better...I love you so much ba-"

" Lies...You don't love me...you never loved me..." i cried breathing in and out.

My breathing started to get hard again like i was having a panic attack. Everything just started swimming around in my brain and become ao overwhelming i couldn't take it.

" Tessa...Tessa bre-"

" Don't touch me!!!...Leave already!!...GET THE HELL OUT!!" i screamed.

" No i'm not leaving you like this...just breathe baby..." he said cupping my face. I shook my head pushing and slapping his arms crying.

" LEAVE!!! GET OUT!!!" i cried pulling my knees yo my chest trying " Just go..."

Nate sighed kneeling down pecking my lips repeatedly.

" I love you...Remember that..."

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