« Chapter Two - Dragonologist »

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Edited: 5/9/19

We made our way into the dining room, Rontu deciding to join us as he began to chow down on the food I had placed in his bowl.

I began to eat, practically drooling, Mrs Weasley's cooking had always been the best, without a doubt. I was placed between the twins, the two eating like pigs as the older woman told them off.

I decided to start a conversation with Charlie, my interest being piqued by the muscly man. He was rather good looking and his strikingly handsome face held a soft smile, making me melt slightly. Madison Davies, get that out of your head right this minute, Godric, he's your best friends' brother.

"So Charlie, you're a Dragonologist, right?" I questioned, remembering what the twins had told me when they spoke of him.

I had seen him around school a couple times before he graduated but only from afar, he had changed quite a bit since he was Gryffindors prized seeker.

"Yes, I work in Romania," he grinned as Mrs Weasley grumbled.

"And because that you never visit your poor mother or your siblings," she spoke and I chuckled, making him roll his eyes.

"I love dragons, so exciting, I've always wanted to be a Dragonologist, ever since I was little and my mum got me an enchanted model of one," I explained and it seemed to get him excited as he dove in telling me about all the different breeds as I put my input in, asking questions about what I had read about each breed.

"Stop trying to take her Charlie, she's our friend," Fred spoke and I chuckled, ruffling his hair and doing the same to George, making them smirk.

"Did you ever see that unicorn again, Maddie?" Ginny asked and Charlie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Unicorn?" Charlie questioned and I grinned excitedly.

"I was in the forbidden forest for a walk and came across an injured unicorn, she'd been cut by something and was bleeding, luckily, one of my specialities is healing charms, and yes I did see her again, when I was going on another walk," I smiled, remembering the beautiful creature.

"That must have been quite the experience," he chuckled.

"It was no dragon encounter but made me feel happy," I smiled.

After dinner, we all went outside to sit for a while but some time during that time, me and the twins began to play tag.

"Why are you so fast!" George shouted to Fred as we ran.

"How about we team up?" Fred questioned.

"CHEATERS!" I shrieked, running as fast as my legs could carry me as the two chased me. They were gaining fast so I ran to the other Weasleys, standing behind Charlie, them being the only thing separating me from the two.

"Surrender!" They shouted.

"Never!" I laughed, running in circles around the Weasleys, Charlie had enough, jumping up and throwing me over his shoulder, running away with me as I watched the twins chase us.

I held onto Charlie tightly, not wanting to fall, but managed to look up and stick my tongue out at the twins, laughing at their exhausted faces.

Due to facing the other way, I didn't know where we were running so as he approached the lake I didn't understand as the twins smirked.

Charlie moved so I was held bridal style as I caught sight of the lake in front of us my face contorted in horror. I clung onto Charlie, attempting to escape my watery fate.

"TRAITOR!" I shouted as he threw me into the lake. I went fully under before swimming back up, an unamused look on my face. I stepped out of the lake, snatching my wand off of George before drying myself with a charm, thankful I was finally able to use magic legally outside of Hogwarts.

"Sorry," Charlie chortled, gasping for breath at the look on my face, his laughter finally dying down slightly as I whacked him on the arm lightly.

"Alright children back inside! It's getting late! Charlie help Madison up to Ginny's room with her bags," Molly ordered as she came outside. We made our way into the house, me glaring at the twins and Charlie the entire time while they were giving me innocent smiles. Once we got inside I took one of my heavier bags and Charlie took my two lighter bags, he wasn't pleased, though I didn't care.

"Thanks, Charlie," I smiled, deciding to forgive him for his previous actions and he smiled and nodded his head before taking his leave. I grabbed my pyjamas from my trunk which were just a simple black pair of shorts and a white vest top.

"Can you marry one of my brothers?" Ginny asked and I chuckled.

"Why do you want me to marry one of your brothers?"

"I want you to be my sister," she admitted looking down in embarrassment.

"Ginny, you're already my sister, I don't need to marry one of your brothers for that," she grinned, pouncing on my bed and hugging me tightly.

"I know you like Charlie," I hit her on the arm lightly, mock glaring at her as she smirked.

"I do not!" I interjected.

"Whatever you say," she returned back to her bed and eventually I fell into a deep, blissful sleep.

Dragons ♦️ Charlie Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now