« Chapter Eighteen - The Weasley Chase »

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After my little dilemma I had spent my entire morning searching for Percy and I hadn't really expected it to be easy, from observing the twins earlier I had guessed they were helping him.

I checked everywhere, from the common room to broom closets and even some abandoned classrooms but I had yet to catch sight of the uncharacteristically mischievous boy, though I'm not entirely sure that it was his idea. Eventually I gave up and headed to my first class, the rest of the day went by like a breeze and after my last class of the day, I went back to my dorm so I could change into something a little more comfy. I put on a long brown knitted sweater with black leggings and some boots, pulling on my brown bobble hat before stepping out of my common room. I was surprised as I collided with someone's chest making me yelp as I fell backwards, only for an arm to snake around my waist quickly, saving me from my collision with the floor. I looked up into the cool ocean blue eyes and immediately felt as though I was drowning in them.

"Falling for me already are you?" Charlie teased and I scoffed, a smile playing on my lips as blush dusted over my cheeks. I took a step back so the temptation to kiss him would lessen and I surprisingly managed to keep my composure.

"In your dreams Weasley," I tut'ed and he rolled his eyes.

"I would say this is a dream but in my dreams you don't reject me," he smirked and I punched him in the arm lightly, a ghost of a smile gracing my lips. As I walked towards the exit to the castle, Charlie fell into step next to me and we slowly walked around the grounds of the castle. Our conversation drifted from school to dragons and we were so engrossed in our conversation, neither of us noticed Viktor making his way towards us. He set his hand on my shoulder and I was that startled I let out a small shriek, jumped about five feet off the ground and tripped over air, falling flat on my face.

"Oh my, my apologies, my lady, I did not mean to startle you," Viktor spoke worriedly and as Charlie was about to come over and help me, his face contorted in worry, Viktor knelt down, taking my hand in his, helping me up. I let out a huff, brushing myself off, smiling softly at the Bulgarian, finding his worry quite amusing.

"It's alright Viktor, it's really just my clumsiness," I spoke, chuckling lightly along with the boy. I'll admit he was handsome, very handsome but I just didn't feel anything with him. I glanced at Charlie and found him glaring lightly at Krum. I rose my eyebrow in question. He couldn't be jealous! Could he? No no no, impossible!

"I came because I wanted to apologise to the dragon, remember yesterday?" He reminded me and I hummed in agreement. I pondered it for a moment then smiled.

"How about we go now, dinner isn't for another half an hour, by the time we get back it will be time?" I suggested, glancing at Charlie and Viktor and they both seemed to agree. We fell back into step, Charlie on my right and Viktor on my left.

"So How is it Viktor? Being the worlds most famous seeker?" I teased, wanting to remove the thick tense silence.

"It's fun, but also very hard, so much expectations, I never get to just be a teenager," he sighed and I smiled, placing a hand on his arm in comfort. Suddenly a smirk made its way to my lips.

"So, you and Hermione?" I hummed and I noticed his cheeks go a light crimson which only made my smirk grow.

"I- uh- um," he stuttered and I chuckled, looking to Charlie who was being uncharacteristically non hyper verbal. I was shocked to find him gazing at me, a soft smile on his face as his eyes scanned over my features, once flickering to my lips. I gulped, blushing lightly but quickly pushed it down as I saw the smirk on his lips. We arrived at the Dragon clearing and once Viktor had made his private apology, we set off to dinner, Viktor splitting off from us to go to the Slytherin table.

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