« Chapter Fourteen - DRAGONS »

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"Where are we going?" I asked, normally I would be terrified if someone was pulling me by the hand into the forbidden forest but weirdly enough I wasn't, I was completely calm.

"Now if I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise!" He spoke excitedly, picking up the pace. A flash of red and yellow lit a little further in front of us and excitement bubbled inside my chest as i began to run, dragging Charlie this time. When we arrived my mouth hung open in awe as I watched the magnificent creatures in the cages. I spotted a Chinese fireball and immediately began to walk towards it, forgetting all about me and Charlie's linked hands. Her glorious yellow eyes glowed brightly and it seemed as though we stared into each other's soul. She slowly came towards me, her snout at the bars of the cage. Ignoring Charlie and the other dragon trainers shouts to stay back I began to walk towards the young female, enticed and ensnared in her fiery gaze. My hand had slipped out of Charlie's and as they ran towards me, ready to grab me and pull me away from the cage so I wouldn't get killed or burned or bitten, it was too late. I lifted my hand and placed it gently on her crimson snout, closing my eyes with a smile as she leaned into my touch, puffing out smoke from her nostrils. When I finally opened my eyes I crouched down and placed both of my hands under her head on her chin and felt her scales beneath my finger tips. I eventually let go of the beauty and stood up, turning back towards the dragon tamers who all stared at me in shock, making me blush and look down.

"What?" I asked and Charlie grinned walking towards me, grabbing my hand and once again began to pull me but this time towards a man, he had black hair and like most of the tamers, was quite tall and well built. His tan skin made the scars that littered his arms pop out. Despite him looking quite intimidating, he looked down at me with a kind smile and a sparkle in his chocolate eyes. He looked like he was in his late thirties and you could tell he had been working at the Dragon Reserve for quite some time.

"Kal, I'd like you to meet Madison, Madison this is Kal, he's the owner of the dragon reserve, just took over from his Dad," Charlie explained and I smiled, shaking Karl's hand.

"Quite the trick you did there, you'd be quite the dragon tamer," Kal complemented, his voice deep and ruff and I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck with a slight blush.

"Thank you, I'd love to work with dragons, they're such beautiful creatures," I said, turning around to once again take a look at the Chinese fireball from earlier.

"Well, I can arrange that, sadly we have no women at the dragon reserve seen as it's not the most glamorous job but it would be nice to have someone who could put these lads in their place, Merlin knows they don't listen to me," he spoke, scratching behind his neck with a quirky grin and I chuckled.

"We better get going, Madison has to get back to the school before McGonagall has her head," Charlie poke and I nodded, waving to Kal and turning on my heel and beginning my track back to the castle, Charlie at my side.

We made small talk and when it was time for us to part ways I opened my mouth to say something but shut it again deciding actions speak louder than words. I engulfed him in a strong embrace and a smile etched it's way onto my face as I felt him wrap his arms around my thin frame. Once we both pulled away, I finally gathered the willpower to speak.

"I had fun, thank you," my voice coming out soft, I was relieved it didn't falter.

"It was my pleasure, m'lady," he spoke with a mock bow and I giggled, curtsying, a large grin across my face.

"I'll see you later Charlie, owl me!" I said, walking into the castle and up to my dorm. When I arrived and walked through the painting, I was surprised to find Percy sitting by the fire with a book in his grasp although it seemed like his mind was elsewhere

"Percy?" I questioned quietly, careful not to disturb the peace that surrounded us. He jumped, surprised by my presence and almost threw his book into the fire.

"Are you alright?" I asked, stifling my laughter with my hand.

"What yeah I'm fine," he said, sighing in relief before checking the time and said it was time for his patrol. I nodded and headed for bed. Changing into my pyjamas, I jumped into my bed and let sleep take me over.

Dragons ♦️ Charlie Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now