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Authors note
Before the story starts I just want to let you know sometimes theres going to be a song on here that I would like you to play while reading because it helps set the scene/mood

Anyways enjoy chapter 1

Will sat on his bed staring blankly at his wall. His mind blank. No one knew. No one knew that these things were still happening. But it's getting worse and worse everyday

Will suddenly smiled and soon started to laugh.

Those idiots. How haven't they noticed. Am I that good at hiding it he thought while laughing.

Wills mother Joyce soon walked in making will stop laughing and look at her.

"You ready for school Will?"

"I-....yeah I am." Will grabbed his bag and followed his mom out to the car.
(Author: I'm re-reading this and realizing how rushed this was 😂🤦🏻‍♂️)


He arrived at Hawkins highschool and met up with his group of friends.

Dustin, Lucas, and Mike, The usual

He ran up to them with a smile on his face. "Hey guys." He said happily

"Ready for another 8 hours of torture" Dustin spoke causing the three to chuckle and head to their first period which they all had together.

Once everyone was seated the teacher started the lesson.

Everyone was focused except for one.

Will kept his attention on something standing in the corner giving him this evil grin.

He knew that he was the only one who could see it since this figure has been around him for a while. The figure never really did anything. It always just stood there whispering strange things.

But suddenly the figure growled loudly and ran to will causing him to quickly get up from his chair and move back in fear.

All eyes were now on him. His friends giving him a questioning and worried look.

"Will is everything alright?" The Teacher now spoke.

Authors note
Ha! Gonna stop there just for the fun of it. Btw the chapters aren't always gonna be this short 👌 peace out home slice 😎👊

Madness  •It's Not Over Yet• ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now