Fresh Starts

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Finn's POV

I held Millie tightly in my arms as we pulled up to the house. After her and Jacob broke up, and after me and (y/n)'s mishap. We both needed each other.

The uber came to a stop. I paid the driver for me and Millies ride, since she was going home.

"Goodbye my love" i whispered in Millies ear, before placing a gently kiss on her cheek.

I sighed as I shut the door behind me, and walked along the perfectly green grass. 

I got to the porch, and opened the front door. As soon as I walked in, my mom immediately ran up to me.

"Hey sweetie" she said with a kind smile planted on her face. I forced myself to smile back.

I walked past my mom, and headed towards the stairs. I trailed my fingertips against the wooden railing.

I finally reached the top of the stairs. I walked over to my room. It was slightly cracked opened.

"Mom, what did I say about going into my room" I yelled as I walked into my room.

I almost fell to my knees, but held my self up. My girl, she was back. She was really back. But, I had to pretend we were just meeting. I don't know what our parents think they are doing. But the truth will come out sooner or later.

I observed her. She was only in her sports bra and shorts. I stared at her for a short minute before clearing my throat.

"Uhm, who are you, and why are you in my room?" I said walking over to her. It came out quite harsh.


The voice startled me. My heart dropped to my stomach. I slowly turned around. I saw him. It was actually him. His hair was still curly and perfect. His freckles laid perfectly on his cheeks. His golden brown eyes shined from the sunsetting sun that flooded throughout the room.

"Oh, I uh, uhm, I- I'm your n-new roommate (y/n)" I stumbled over my words. God, why am I so nervous.

Finn let out a groan. "Fuck, I don't want a roommate. Especially a girl, that's quite ugly" He rolled his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uhm excuse me?" I said getting up from the bed.

"Don't ever talk to me" I said stepping closer. "Like that, or any girl ever again. Okay hot shot." I said before slapping him across the cheek.

He stumbled back, grabbing his face. "You bitch!" He growled out before storming out quickly.

I followed him out of the room, and down the stairs. We walked into the kitchen. Interrupting our mothers conversation.

"Mom! I can't share a room with her" he said pointing at me. I glared at him. Why is he so rude?

"Well, mom. I can't stand being around this guy for one more minute" I quickly yelled.

They both shared a quick glance at each other. Finn's mom finally spoke. "Well, y'all will have to get along. It's going to be like this for a while."

I rolled my eyes, before stomping out of the room, and up the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me. So I hurried, and ran to the bedroom door. I tried slamming it, but Finn's foot caught the door.

"What the hell is you problem?" Finn asked, clearly angry. I walked away, but he grabbed my wrists.

"What's my problem? I don't even know you, and you are already being a dick to me!" I said ripping my wrist out of his grip.

"Oh" he said quietly. His face went ghost pale, and he walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I ran my hands through my hands in frustration. I looked around the room. I noticed a smudge on the wall.

I walked up to it. I knew exactly where that smudge came from. One of the night when Finn and I got a little freaky. My face rubbed against the wall, leaving traces of my foundation. That was in my dream though.

I heard the bathroom door unlock, and out came a red eyed Finn. He walked over to me. "What are you doing?" He asked looking at me in the eye.

"Uhm, where did this come from?" I asked pointing to the wall. His cheeks started turning a light pink color.

"Oh, I had a really beautiful girlfriend. She was a goddess. One night, when we were, ya know. Being a little frisky, she rubbed her face on the wall." He said staring at me.

I blushed a little and let out a simple "oh" before walking over to my bed. Finn followed.

"Can we like start over? I know, we got off on the wrong hand. I didn't mean what I said. You're actually really gorgeous." Finn said sitting on my bed next to me.

I pretend to think, tapping my chin. "Sure, why not. I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), from Denver, Colorado. I'm 17 years old" I said with a smile.

He smiled back, and shared the same information. The rest of the night we learned more and more.


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