Sweet Treats

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I groaned, as I rolled out of bed. Literally. I landed on the hard wooden floor.

"What the hell" I heard a tired Finn groan, as he sat up in bed. I looked over at him and laughed. He had a major case of bed head. I probably do to, to be honest.

"Sorry" I giggled getting up from my spot on the floor. I got some clothes to take a shower, I did my usual shower routine and got out wearing this

 I got some clothes to take a shower, I did my usual shower routine and got out wearing this

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"Hey y/n" Finn said once i got out. "Do you want to go shopping?"

I smiled a bit. "Yeah sure. What if your crazy fans come at me though?" He chuckled.

"I'll protect you." He said. I blushed. "I'm pretty sure it won't happen though."

"I don't know about that, your fans are a little wild" I said smirking.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine" Finn said walking backwards into the bathroom. He pointed gun fingers at me before shutting the door.

I bit my lip gently before falling backwards onto my soft bed. The blankets wrapping around me.


After Finn got done getting ready, we left our room. I walked down the stairs, Finn was right behind me.

We walked into the living room, where our mom's where. "Hey mom, can I have your card. Finn and I are going shopping."

Finn stepped up. "Don't be silly, I'll pay for whatever you want." He said putting a hand on my back.

My breathing hitched as he rubbed my lower back. It sent tingles everywhere. "o-okay" I barely managed to say.

He smirked at me a little, and he left the room. My cheeks were burning. I smiled at my mom before running after Finn.

We got to the car. Finn opened my door for me. I nodded my head, thanking him. I climbed in and buckled up. Finn got in the drivers seat. He adjusted his seat, and then his mirrors.

We started driving around looking for a store to shop at. I felt him looking at me a couple of times when he kept driving. Felt weird. Still can't believe it was all a dream though.

We pulled into a parking lot. We were at a mall, a huge one at that. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out.

"Ready?" Finn asked walking up to me. I gently nodded. "Lead the way Wolfhard". I laughed a little.

He smiled, and began walking. "Can we eat first?" Finn asked turning around, now walking backwards.

"Yes, I'm starving dude" I said groaning. He smiled, forming a dimple.

We walked into the big building. "Do you know where we are going?" I asked pulling on Finn's shirt.

"Uh, yeah" He said laughing a little. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just follow me".

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