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I woke up from my cellphone going off. I groaned as I grabbed it. I didn't check the caller id, or the number.

"Hello?" I said as my voice cracked.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you up?" A familiar voice said.

"Well, kinda. But who is this" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Oh silly (y/n), it's Sophia" The girl said.

I mentally screamed in my head. It was Sophia. How did she get my number though, or my name? What the hell.

"Wait, how do you know me, and where did you get my number?" I asked curiously

There was a slight pause before I heard her voice speak again.

"Oh, uhm that's not important. But you know what is? That you are coming to a sleep over with the whole cast tonight. Mkay?" She said laughing a bit.

I pulled the phone away from my ear. I covered the speaker with my hand and let out a loud shriek.

I heard a thud, and looked over. I saw Finn on the ground, getting up fast. He ran over to me, and put his hands on my shoulders.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?" He asked, his eyes were big. I laughed a little before pushing his hands away.

"I'm fine, it's just that we just got invited to a sleepover with the IT cast bitch" I said smiling.

"Jesus Christ (y/n), I thought you were hurt" Finn said plopping onto my bed.

I gave him a little smile before patting him on the leg. "Thanks for being concerned Finn". I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

I locked the door, so that I could get ready in peace. I opened up my music app, and pressed shuffle.

I took my hair out of the messy bun it was in. It was now wavy, and pretty. I brushed my teeth. I grabbed my make up brushed and put them to work.

I stripped from my bed wear. I reached for my clothes on the counter. They weren't there. I had totally forgot to grab an outfit.

"Well shit" I muttered to myself.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it securely around me.

"Okay, Finn close your eyes please" I said through the door.

"What, why?" I heard a confused Finn say.

"Just close your fucking eyes!" I yelled before opening the door.

I looked over at Finn, who had his hands over his eyes. I walked over to the closet and quickly grabbed and outfit.

I ran to the bathroom door, and got inside. I yelled "okay, you're good now" and I finished getting ready

I walked out and sung "fit of the day bitches" I was feelin myself

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I walked out and sung "fit of the day bitches" I was feelin myself.

I saw Finn look up from his phone. He looked my body up and down.

"You look pretty... uhm good. You look pretty good" he said with a blush on his cheeks.

"Why thank you Mike Wheeler" I said laughing and walking over to my bed and laying down.

The room went silent for a little bit. It was one of the silences where you didn't have anything to talk about. But it was comfortable?

"So, what time do you want to leave? Finn said breaking the silence

"Hmmm, let's go at six" I said looking at Finn. He gave me a gently smile before getting back on his phone


"(Y/N) are you ready?" Finn looked up at me from packing his bag. I finished packing a few things,  and zipped it up.

"Ready now." I said tossing my bag over my shoulders. I walked over to Finn's side, and we walked out of the room.

"Mom, we're leaving!" Finn shouted as we walked out of the house. I walked to the passenger side, and hopped in the car. I reached for the aux, and so did Finn. His hand landed on mine. We both pulled our hands away quickly.

"Sorry, you take it" "No, you take it" we both said in unison. A blush creeped onto my cheeks.

I turned the radio on, and listened to whatever came on. I sat back in my seat awkwardly looking out the window. The only sound being made was from the music. It was like that the whole way.

When we pulled up to Sophia's house, I quickly grabbed my bag, and got out of the car. I walked up to to the big two story house that stood in front of me. I knocked on the wooden door.

Finn walked up beside me. I heard footsteps coming, shortly it was answered. "(Y/N) !" Sophia said pulling me into a big hug. I stood awkwardly in her arms, before patting her back.

She pulled away. Her eyebrows were furrowed. She glanced at Finn "she really doesn't remember." Sophia said lookingat the floor.

"Remember what?" I asked with confusion in my tone.

"Oh, it's nothing" Finn said before heading inside the house. Sophia stayed with me as we went into the living room. I saw the whole cast sitting around. Jaeden, Jack, Jeremy, Chosen, and Wyatt. Finn had made himself comfortable by Jack already.

"Hello guys, this is (y/n)" Sophia said pointing at me. They looked my way, giving smiles and waves. Except Wyatt who whistled. I blushed a little before sitting down on one of the couches.

It's going to be a long night.


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