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I paced around in the dressing room. I was so nervous, I couldn't stay still.

"(Y/N), sweetie you're going to be just fine. We're going to put that beautiful  (y/h/c) hair up in a pretty hair do, and you're make up is going to look fabulous, and you're going to look stunning in that dress" Sophia said holding both my shoulders.

I nodded my head in agreement. I sat down in my chair as a make up stylist started to prep my face.

"Good Morning sunshine, are you
ready?" I heard a sweet British voice say from the left.

"Yep, totally" I said with my eyes shut. I had to keep them closed for the make up artist.

"Well, the rest of us girls are going to get ready" Millie said. The girls she was talking about were her, Sophia, Sadie. My girls.

After my make up was done, a hair stylist came in. They started on my hair right away. As I sat there, I thought about today's events. My stomach kept twisting and turning.

"All done darling" the lady said while turning me around in the chair. I looked at myself in the lit up mirror in front of me.

"I think this would make it a little better" I heard from the door way.

"Mom" I said getting up from the chair. I pulled her into a big hug.

"Nuh uh, don't smudge the make up" Sophia said from behind.

I giggled a little, and so did my mom. "You had something for me?" I asked my mom

"Oh, yes I do" she said, and pulled out a diamond hair barrette. I gasped at the sight

"It's beautiful, oh my god" I said smiling. I turned around so my mom could put it in.

"It belonged to your grandmother, who passed it to me, and now I'm passing it to you. And maybe one day, you can pass it to your child" my mom said smiling.

"I love you" I said, holding back the tears. I did successfully.

"Okay, okay, time to put on your dress. Hurry hurry." Sophia said pushing the dress into my arms.

"Oh Sophia" I said laughing


I was now fully dressed in my dress, and heels. I was now ready.

 I was now ready

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