Extra Chapter (2/2)

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present day, age 26

(Y/N)'s POV

"Mommy, can I push the vroom vroom?" My two, almost three year old boy, Tyson asked. I was currently cleaning up the living room.

"Sure honey" I said giving him a smile. His face instantly lit up. I pulled the vacuum out of the closet. I untangled the vacuum for him, and plugged it up.

"Here sweetie" I said placing his hands on the handle. I pushed the red pedal, and it turned on.

We vacuumed the floor together, laughing, and having a blast.

"My two favorite people" I heard say from behind. I powered off the vacuum, and turned around.

"Daddy's home!" Tyson said running up to Finn, who swooped him up into his arms. Finn placed kisses all over his face.

I smiled, and walked up to my boys. Finn grabbing me by the waist, and hugging Tyson and I.

"How's my favorite girls" Finn said, placing a hand on my stomach. I smiled before replying a simple "great"

 I smiled before replying a simple "great"

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(Tysons' head ahh 💀)

"Sooo, what shall we have for dinner tonight?" I asked leaning into Finns' chest. He placed a gently kiss on my head.

"sghetti!" Tyson said cheerfully.

"Okay, okay. Sghetti it is!" I said slipping out of Finns' grasp. I walked into the kitchen followed by my two boys. I gathered all the ingredients.

I grabbed a pot, and filled it with water. I grabbed a skillet, and placed it on the hot stove.


After the noodles were done, I pulled one out and tried it. "Yummy" I said smiling.

"I want some!" " me too" Finn and Tyson said. I handed them both two noodles. They looked at each other before chucking them at me.

"Boys!" I said grabbing the noodles out of my hair. I pretended to cry. "Why would you do that?"

"I'm sorry mommy! " Tyson ran up to me, and hugged my legs.

"I'm sorry too mommy!" Finn joined the hug. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"She's not your mommy, she's my mommy!" Tyson mumbled

" Son, you don't even know" Finn said winking at me. I pushed him away, and went back to cooking.


I sat Tyson in his high chair, and placed his food in front of him. "Don't eat yet" I said ruffling his hair

I placed Finn and I's plate down, and extra plates. I went back to the kitchen, and grabbed the serving bowls, and serving spoons. I placed everything on the table.

"This looks amazing!" Finn said squeezing my hand. I smiled a genuine smile. Finn took a seat at the table. The door bell rang.

"Oof, must be our guest!" I said, and headed for the door. I opened it up, and it was Sophia, and Jack. Also Wyatt, and Amber. I smiled at all of them.

"Come in" I said opening the door wider. Wyatt finally got a girlfriend, who he seemed genuinely happy with. Of course I was happy for him, but a part of me hurted. Wyatt will always have a special place in my heart. He knows that.

I closed the door behind them, and walked backed to the table. Everyone was already seated. I sat next to Finn, and he grabbed my hand. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Okay, everyone dig in!" I said smiling. I glanced over at Tyson. He had spaghetti sauce all over his face. I chuckled a little.

"Finn, look at our little monster. Looks just like you" I said smiling at our beautiful creation.

"He has your eyes." Finn said smiling at me .

"He has, well, your everything" I said laughing , and leaning into Finns' side.

"I love you darling" Finn said grabbing my chin, and looking into my eyes.

"And I love you sweetie" I said before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Ewwww! " I heard Tyson say.

"Yeah, eeewwww!" Wyatt said laughing.

We all bursted into a fit of laughter.

"I love you guys!" I said placing an arm around Sophia, and glancing down at her.

"We love you too" everyone said, besides Tyson, who was too busy grubbing.


"Alright, let's get you into the shower!" I said removing all of Tysons' icky clothing.

I slid the glass shower door open, and handed Tyson to Finn, who was already showering. "Here ya go, deal with him" I said laughing .

"Hey there bubba" I heard Finn say as I slid the door closed. I smiled, and headed back into our room.


I laid my head on Finns' bare chest. Finn had both of his arms around me. "How'd I get so lucky" I heard Finn mumble.

" I could ask the same thing. " I said glancing up at Finn.

Finn placed a hand on my stomach. "I can't wait for her to come. She's going to be beautiful, just like her mother."

"Finn, stop!" I said blushing .

I heard the door creak open. There stood Tyson, with his blanket. I sighed, and smiled. "Come here" I said opening my arms. Tyson crawled in between Finn and I.

"My boys" I whispered, before drifting off to sleep.

hey, I hope y'all enjoyed these two little chapters. Don't forget to favorite this chapter. It has been ya girl alysa  <3

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