Ryan's Return

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Maria POV

I lay on my bed mulling over what had just occurred. In particular what Ben had said. "You're the most sociable here." and me correcting him that "I used to be." The scary thing was I was absolutely right. I had become so much more withdrawn. Everything had changed. I missed my old gang; people came and went all the time in the DG. I missed Johnny, Rick and Ryan. I wasn't into the stuff Carmen and Tee were by the time they left so it was hardly a loss but I missed their familiarity. I missed Kazima's supportive stare and even Bailey when he helped me with my football or teased me rotten. Jody and Tyler remained but they'd changed too. Tyler too infatuated by Jody to be as much fun as he used to be and Jody was way too into her kickboxing. I had nobody really. Even school friends. I'd moved schools for sixth form and I didn't fit in at all. The subjects were good though. But that was about it. Although I longed for company, ultimately I preferred to be alone as no one understand me anymore.
This sudden realisation was so intense I felt a few tears slip down my face. I let them fall. I'd cried so much since Ryan left anyway.
I heard a knock at the door and mumbled, "Come in." without turning my head away from the wall.
"Hey Maria," I heard May-Li's familiar voice say, "Are you ok?"
I shrugged not saying a word and felt the bed sag slightly as she sat next to me.
"I know you've been down recently," she said rubbing my back gently, "Is
there anything you fancy doing?"
I shrugged again, "I don't know May-Li." I mumbled.
"Nothing at all?" she said, "You don't want to go out?"
"Yes." I said suddenly, "I'd like to go shopping."
"Sure," she said, "I'll take you."
"Its ok," I said sitting up, "I can go alone."
"Um im not sure if that's such a good idea..." she said suddenly sounding nervous, "You sure you don't want some company?"
"Yes," I said defiantly, "Trust me May-Li, I'll be ok."
"I still think it's best if I come with you," she said, "I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes."
I furrowed my eyebrows as she left. That was weird. She'd never accompanied me before. Or wished to.

A few days later I walked out of school late. I'd daydreamed again and hadn't heard the bell so missed the bus and had to walk home. That took considerably longer so I took my time walking past the rivers and through parks, the late afternoon sun blinding my eyes slightly. I walked under a bridge where many homeless people usually gathered. It was quiet, only a few people huddled in corners. I was never scared to walk there, they were all nice and I usually gave them a penny or two or stopped for a chat. I didn't see any I recognised so didn't plan on stopping until I heard a voice.
"Spare any change love?" a somewhat familiar voice asked. A voice that sent a shiver down my spine and a tingle over my fingers. I turned round to see a young man standing there in old jeans, a faded hoodie with the hood up and dark glasses on despite the darkness of the tunnel making it hard to see anyway. He held up a small tin pot with a few coins rattling around. I didn't recognise him.
"Sure," I said reaching into my pockets and dumping a few coins in there.
"Thank you," he said gratefully, "Maria."
My heart stopped for a second. He smiled and turned around to walk off.
"Wait!" I shouted after him, "How do you know my name?"
He turned back around to face me, "Oh dear Maria," he said softly walking back towards me, "You forget me already?"
"It's not..." I gasped, "Danny?"
"No!" he replied in an entirely different voice, almost as if he forgot to keep up the act. He cleared his threat, "Always knew you'd move on from me very quickly."
The voice was all too familiar.
"No..." I whispered my hands flying to my face, "It's not..."
He pulled his glasses slightly down his face and winked at me with those brown eyes I knew so well, "Ryan..." I breathed, a tear gently escaping.
"Spot on," he replied pulling his hood down and putting his arms around me in a hug.
I fell into him, unable to stop myself sobbing into his hoodie. It was dirty but smelt so strongly of him, I struggled to let go.
"Hey hey why the tearful tears?" he said wiping them gently with his fingers, "I'm not that bad am I?"
"You're not and you know it," I sniffed trying to stop but finding it surprisingly hard, "Ryan what are you doing here? What happened?"
"Shh," he pressed a finger over my lips and looked around, "Not here. This isn't my spot, I just knew you'd be passing."
I looked around and saw the other homeless men shuffling a little towards us so I followed Ryan as he swiftly made an exit, pulling his hood and glasses back on.
I peered around us worried someone would spot us and split us up as I wasn't technically allowed contact with Ryan anymore, but he took us over a part of town i never really went. The back alleys and dodgy markets. Millions of questions were buzzing round my head like wasps but I decided not to say a word as we weaved in and out.
He paused suddenly by a drink stall where a bored, scruffy man smoking on a pipe nodded in greeting at Ryan. He whispered something in the man's ear and he nodded again, handing over a hot drink in a paper cup towards him. He then looked at me and handed me the same. I reached into my pocket for change but he shook his hands at me, "No charge Miss," he said in a gruff voice, "Not for a friend of Ray-Man's here."
I had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing and turned to Ryan, "Ray-man?"
"Come on," he hissed walking off and I followed him, thanking the man as we passed.
He led me to a smaller alleyway, completely empty except for a few boxes which he sat on and gestured I sit opposite.
He pulled out what looked like a cigarette and lit up blowing a smoke ring gently towards me. He offered me the packet but I shook my head.
"Ryan, what's going on?" I asked him, "How long have you been homeless?"
He sighed, "A while." He took another puff, "I got to the home and straight away I didn't fit in. Most of the kids were drug dealers so I hopped on that trend but I couldn't afford it after a while. I owed people money-serious people. So like the coward i am, i packed up and left within a few weeks."
"Haven't they been out looking for you?" I asked.
"Course," he replied, "But they gave it up. I'm a care kid-a nobody."
"You're not a nobody to me Ryan," I said patting his knee, "You know that."
"I know," he smiled faintly, "That's why I came to find you."
He unzipped his hoodie pocket and brought out a crumpled piece of paper. He folded it out to reveal it was the photo I'd given him in the frame when he left.
"I had to leave the frame behind," he said apologetically, "But I didn't forget you."
I was slightly too overwhelmed to say anything but Ryan knew what I meant.
He rubbed his finger under my eye, concerned, "You've lost weight," he commented, "And you're pale-you been sleeping well?"
"Not really," I answered, "Not since you left. I still can't believe you were moved away from me. All because Mike caught us."
"I know," he said, "Sucks. Specially as we never got to finish."
I shot him a look and he smiled cheekily.
"No Ryan," I said sternly, I had too many emotions flying around my body. My phone suddenly buzzed-May-li was calling me. I looked at Ryan in panic.
"Turn off your location services," he advised and I did so with shaking fingers before answering the phone. I explained I'd missed the bus and she offered to come and get me.
"I'm getting picked up," I said clicking off, "I'd better go."
"Ok," he said calmly, "Will you come again?"
"Of course," I answered standing up, "I'll be back tomorrow."
"Alright then," he said leaning back.
"You sure you'll be alright?" I asked him. It scared me, thinking he'd be alone on the streets all night.
He shrugged, "I'll be fine," he assured me, "See you tomorrow."
"Ok laters," I said turning round to walk off, "Ray-Man."

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now