Rough Times.

229 6 4

Mario POV

Shaking I followed Ryan down the dark streets of Newcastle, the cool night air blowing around
my cheeks. Ryan looked over and gently took my hand, "You ok Maria?" he whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear.
"Y-Yeah," I stuttered a little, realising how little I appreciated the icy temperatures in the North. I had only brought one jumper. We'd been gone only a few minutes and I was already worried how we'd cope.
"It's ok," he said tucking his arm around my shoulder, "I'll look after you, I promise."
I tried to smile, but was shaking too hard to look convincing. The urge to turn back to my warm bed was overpowering me but I couldn't leave Ryan behind. He was right. This was all I'd ever wanted. I couldn't turn back now.

The sun began to dip above the horizon, emitting a faint orange glow over us. The cold and mist was worse than before, stringing on my cheeks; we'd been walking for hours. I had no idea where we were anymore, I'd simply been following Ryan whose arm remained around my shoulders at all times.
"Ryan, where are we?" I mumbled, struggling to keep my eyes open.
"Shh," he whispered stopping and gently sitting me down, "Don't worry, you just go to sleep for now."
He didn't need to ask me twice. I was gone before he reached the end of his sentence.

A sharp voice splintered my ear and I winced. Opening my eyes slowly, blinking in the bright sunlight, I was shocked to see a young-ish guy leaning over me. I had no idea who he was.
He gave me another shove in the ribs, "Oi," he repeated, "Get up this is my spot."
"What?" I mumbled, still half asleep.
"Oh just move!" he snapped and grabbed me round the waist and simply chucked me a few metres across, so I landed with a hard thump on the concrete, wincing at the pain. I rolled over to see the man roll out a sleeping bag and plonk himself down.
"Hey," a softer voice called, "You ok?"
I turned to see Ryan walking towards me holding a bag.
"Sorry," he said as he got nearer, "Its often a bit of a fighting world out here. Most people work together but some of us are a little harsher. Just ignore them."
"Right..." i replied uncertainly, not sure of what to make of it.
"Here," he pressed a warm cup of coffee in my hand, "Drink."
"Thanks." I forced a smile, sipping it slowly.
"I'm sorry." he said hugging me, "I'll try and keep you safe out here. It's a bit unpredictable."
"Clearly," I muttered already starting to wonder if this was a good idea. I wasn't made for the streets. It was cold, dark and scary. I wasn't used to it. It didn't feel safe.But then I looked over at Ryan, gently holding my hand and kissing my forehead, and knew then that it was all worth it.

It had been two days since I ran away from the Dumping Ground but it felt like forever. I hadn't anticipated how paranoid I'd be on the street, consistently fearful and looking over my shoulder. I had no idea where we were as Ryan rarely let me leave the tunnel we slept under and often had to leave me to collect supplies for a very long half an hour of awkward stares from fellow vagrants. I began to feel dirty and smelly but Ryan didn't seem to mind, still as affectionate as always and evidently not bothered. I was worried the police would find me at any moment and move me permanently away from Ryan, with likely restraining orders and possible legal implications.
We still kept ourselves well entertained though. Our corner of the tunnel was tucked away from the rest giving us some privacy and comfort, so we could cuddle quietly and occasionally engage in more. I wasn't worried as Ryan was careful even if though I'd given up birth control when he left. Plus I was also drinking lots more to calm my nerves which worked wonders for losing inhibitions.
I was feeling dirtier though. Showers were completely out of the question so I had to make do with the deodorant I'd packed, worrying over what I'd do when it ran out as neither of us had any money with us. Ryan didn't seem to mind my grubby state, still cuddling me closer than ever, particularly when I was anxious or upset. As the days inched past and no one has found us yet, I began to relax more.

One morning a sharp burst of sunlight woke me up abruptly. I winced and rolled over making my stomach turn. Without warning I threw up all over the floor next to me, shaking at the shock.
"Hey hey easy Maria," Ryan crawled up behind me, gently pulling my hair out of my face, "It's ok, let it out."
I sat there stunned at the sudden illness and then overpowered with worry, what if I was really ill? There were no doctors out here, least not one we could access.
"It's ok Maria," Ryan assured me, "Your stomach just needs to get used to being out here. You'll be fine."
He pressed a cup of water to my shaking lips, "Don't get dehydrated," he warned me, "Keep drinking."
I nodded slowly, sliding back against the wall. Others had woken up at the noise and were looking over a little disgustedly. Apart from one women who stumbled over and offered me a slightly grubby tissue.
"Thanks," I smiled a little taking it from her and wiping my mouth and she nodded before turning away.
"Hey Maria look at this!" Ryan had pulled a newspaper from under my sleeping bag which I'd used as insulation. He was tapping at the headline, "Read that."
I took it with shaking hands. The headline read 'CONCERN OVER MISSING TEENAGER GROWS'
My eyes scanned the short article with mine and Ryan's precious school photos attached. 'Concern over missing care teenager Maria McLowsky grows as she's been missing for four days now. Maria was a resident of Ashdene Ridge Care Home where Mike Milligan Head Care-worker gave this statement, "We're deeply concerned for the safety of one of our oldest residents and we just want her back." Maria had reportedly last been seen with a former Ashdene Ridge resident whom she was barred contact with. Ryan Reeves had reportedly been missing for months previously when he ran away from Black Tree Secure Care-home last December. It is believed the two of them may be together and the public are urged to contact the police if they know anything.'
I folded the paper up, "Such a short article, if they really cared, wouldn't they write loads more?"
Ryan shrugged, "We're care kids Maria."
"Well it's gonna take a little more than that to convince me home." I declared and crumpled the paper in my pocket.
"I'm glad," smiled Ryan rubbing my back, "You feeling better?"
"A little."  I replied.
"Cool," he answered, "I'll go get you some food."
I spoke too soon.

Over the next few days my condition worsened. I was sick every day and my stomach cramps became more and more painful as the days went on. Ryan became more concerned as I weakened, barely able to move as he forced sugared water in my mouth to keep me hydrated.
On Day 5 after I'd been sick again in the morning Ryan came back holding yet more water.
"This has gone on long enough," Ryan declared handing me a cup of water, "We're gonna get you to a doctor."
"How?" I asked sipping the water, "We have to ring up and be registered."
"Don't worry I'll find a way." he said, "Maybe we'll go to the hospital. But we've got to do something. This isn't getting any better."
"But they'll want a permanent address Ryan." I argued, "They'll recognise our pictures from the paper and we'll get sent back immediately."
"Please stop worrying Maria," he said firmly, "If you die out here, I'll probably end up in jail. I think taking the risk of being caught is worth it."
"Ok." I agreed and allowed him to pull me up.
"You alright?" he asked as I struggled to walk. I hadn't eaten properly for days so was as weak as cooked spaghetti.
"Yep," I replied firmly, my head spinning but I pushed on determinedly. I walked slowly out of the tunnel, blinking in the daylight. I hadn't trespassed this far yet and felt a feeling of dread as we trudged towards the bright lights of the city. Something was wrong. I just knew it.

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now