Game Over.

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Maria POV

I knocked rapidly on Ben's door. "Ben I suggest you open this right now! Or else you'll never see the light of day again!" I put my mouth closer to the door, "You wouldn't want Mike and May Li up here!" I hissed.
The door swung open suddenly, surprising me, and Ben looked at me scathingly, "Really Maria?" he scoffed, "What kind of a threat is that? As if I'M the one with a secret i need to keep from Mike and May-Li..."
He was right. But I wasn't prepared to acknowledge so. I had far bigger things to worry about.
I shoved past Ben into his room and he turned to me, shutting the door behind him.
I stood in the centre of his room and folded my arms, "Tell me everything Ben. Who did you tell?"
He swallowed, "Um well don't worry I'm sure it won't come out-"
"Cut the crap Ben, tell me!" I snapped.
He sighed, "Fine! It was..." he swallowed, "Jodie."
I stopped. "Oh." I said wondering what to say. I had expected it to be far worse. "Well that's not too bad!" I said smiling but then growing stern again, "Just make sure she knows she can't mention A THING!"
He rolled his eyes, "Ill let her know." he assured me then turned to open his door, "You done?"
"Finally," I muttered and I strode out.

I mulled over my options drumming my fingers impatiently on the window sill. I watched Jodie kicking a ball against the fence under the bright lamppost, her breath rising up in the cool night air. I opened my window, the air hitting my face like a sharp slap, "Jodie!" I hissed into the evening air, "Jodie!"
She turned around and squinted up at my window, "Maria?"
"Could you come up a second?" I asked.
She sighed, "Sure," she kicked the ball behind her and marched indoors. I closed my window and turned round to hear her footsteps pad up the stairs.
"What?" she demanded grumpily, one hand on her hip.
I swallowed, "Did Ben tell you something?"
Her eyebrows furrowed, "What?"
"About me?" I prompted.
"Oh right," she said and nodded, "Yeah he did."
"'re cool with it?" I asked, "You'll keep it to yourself?"
She shrugged, "If you want."
I was confused, "Why are you being so cool about it?"
She raised her shoulders, "Look Maria if you fancy Ben that's your choice," and then left.
"Woah woah," I ran after her, "What? That's all he said?
"Yep," she answered, "Can I go now?"
"Yeah..." I said a little dazed, "Yeah sure..."
I watched her walk off while I stood there shaking my head laughing, "Twat." I muttered. But I knew my secret was safe.

I became a little more relaxed now that Ben promised not to tell but that didn't stop him questioning my regularly to check if I was alright. I was becoming to grow irritated with his constant interrogation so he was forced to back off.
Mike and May-Li insisted on regular meetings with me which I just had to attend to make sure they didn't get too suspicious. Ryan remained safe under his new bridge and I visited him everyday. I was finally starting to feel relaxed with my situation. Happy again.
Until it all went wrong.

It was early on a Saturday morning and I'd planned to spend the whole day with Ryan but according to Ben, Mike and May Li thought I was with my friend Jacob.
I found him crouched over a small handmade fire warming what smelt like porridge. He'd become handy at managing small fires and by making friends with all the market stall holders, often received stuff for free.
"Heya," I put my arms around him from behind, "How are you?"
"Hello Maria," he replied, pulling me in for a hug, "Want some porridge?"
"No thanks it smells a bit funny," I declined politely, "What do you want to do today?"
Normally we hung around by the river or sometimes the local estate but we never dared venture any other since he'd accompanied me to the bus stop. But today he has a different plan.
"I was thinking the food market," he said, "The food is awesome."
"Aren't you worried people will see us?" I asked sitting on his upturned box.
"It's so busy," he said shaking his head, "Plus I know pretty much everyone there."
"Cool," I agreed, "Let's do it."
We had our best day yet-he took me round his favourite stalls, the pastry, the meat and the off-brand hoodies. The sellers were super lovely, all encouraging me to eat as much as I possibly could until I genuinely felt sick. We winded down by the jewellery store, sitting on some upturned boxes watching all the retro, hippie customers smoking weed over the stalls. Ryan got talking to one and was given one which he slowly dragged next to me, neatly blowing the smoke rings away from my face.
Perhaps it was the endless stress of worrying or the drifting clouds of smoke but I suddenly felt myself relax for the first time in a little while. My shoulders un-tensed and I smiled at him.
"You ok?" he asked smiling at my face.
"Yeah," I smiled back, "Just happy."
"I'm glad," he said kissing my nose, "Me too." He offered me a drag, "You want?"
I wavered, "Why not?"
Just as I took the spliff I peered through the cloud Ryan had just blown out and as it cleared, spotted the face of Mike perusing a vinyl clothing store. I dropped the spliff in shock and scrambled up so fast I tripped back over the box.
"Maria, what's wrong?" Ryan asked, still composed.
I lifted my shaking finger and pointed, "M-Mike," I stuttered, lumps in my throat building up, "He's here."
"What?!" Ryan leapt up from the box and the two of us stared at him, unable to say anything. Mike clearly hadn't seen us and was asking the stall holder for a certain record. The stall holder moved around the table to pull out another box and as Mike followed his gaze his eyes clapped exactly into mine.
His jaw dropped and he pointed at me, but I was unable to move from the spot.
"Come on Maria!" Ryan grabbed me and pulled me from the spot where I was glued and I finally broke eye contact with Mike.
We ran. And ran and ran. We had no idea where we were going. I held Ryan's hand as he pulled me along the busy streets of Newcastle. Mike didn't follow us and if he did, we didn't see him so we eventually stopped back under the tunnel bridge.
We both stood there panting and didn't say anything for a good five minutes.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked him eventually. He clapped eyes on me but didn't answer. He had nothing to say. He walked over and put his arms round me. We both knew it was all over.

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now