Tabitha's Truth

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Maria POV

I followed Ryan through the busy streets, clutching tightly onto his hand. I had no idea if we were going to be caught or not. I stumbled through the crowds, praying no one would recognise me.
Eventually we reached a deserted building which I recognised as the back of a hospital.
"Ok Maria here's the deal," said Ryan turning to me, "Your name is Tabitha and you're on a day trip from the south of Wales and you've been feeling unwell the last few days but today it's become quite unbearable so I, Bruce, have taken you to the local hospital. Ok?"
"...Ok..." I stuttered, attempting to take it all in. I was praying the hospital wouldn't ask too many questions.
"Good." Ryan squeezed my hand reassuringly and led me round the side towards the entrance.
I followed Ryan in shaking as he approached the women behind the desk. She was short with grey hair and piercing blue eyes which I felt could see straight through me.
"Hi," said Ryan confidently, "We need a doctor."
"What's the problem?" She asked, tapping on her computer.
Ryan explained it briefly and she narrowed her eyes at me, "What's your name dear?"
"Tabitha." I answered and Ryan nodded slightly at me.
"Tabitha what?" She asked.
I panicked. We hadn't discussed this.
"Tabitha Smith." I answered hurriedly and she made some notes on her computer. I prayed she wasn't running it through the medical database.
"Ok Ms Smith take a seat." She gestured, "You could be waiting a while."
I nodded gratefully and we wandered towards the corner of the waiting room where we were least likely to be seen.
"That was close," i whispered, "They know everything nowadays. I just hope I don't get prescribed anything."
"You'll be fine." he assured me, "I'll take care of it."
I hoped he was right.

As the first hour began to tick by I began to relax a bit. It was nice to be in the warmth again and drink clean water from the water cooler for the first time in a week. People wandered in and out constantly and no one gave us a second look. I'd been in A&E a few times before and the wait was always long so I wasn't too bothered. I kept myself occupied. Reading the magazines and newspapers meant I could catch up on the news a little bit as being in the tunnel had isolated me quite severely.
Just after the second hour, a nurse strolled into the waiting room, "Tabitha Smith?"
"Yes!" I gingerly stuck up my hand and got up out of chair.
She gave me a warm smile and led me down the corridors towards a deserted room right at the end.
"There you go," she pointed to a door labelled 'Room 19 Doctor D. Samuel'
I knocked quietly and walked in to see a young ish woman typing away frivolously at the computer.
"Hey Tabitha," she greeted me warmly gesturing at the chair, "Take a seat."
"Thanks," I sat myself down slowly and tried to avoid eye contact, knowing she could easily identify me if she followed the news at all.
Luckily she didn't seem too focussed and asked me about my symptoms. I babbled a little, sticking to the story and she decided to take some tests.
"Here," she handed me a pot, "Pee in this and then come back and we'll take a blood test."
I nodded, I hated blood tests but felt it was for the best.
She strapped my arm up and as I felt the needle pierce my skin I could feel my head turn light.
Don't faint, I prayed, please don't faint, please don't fai-

"Tabitha?" I heard a distant voice and opened my eyes to see Dr Samuel and Ryan looking down at me. I was lying on the doctors bed, clearly having fainted. Shit.
"How you feeling?" she asked me stroking my hair.
"Sick," i answered truthfully and she quickly handed me a bowl. I was too woozy to listen to much of what she was saying.
"You'll be pleased to know we think we know what's happening." She said, handing me some water, "When you're ready, we can discuss it. You can even have this young man stay with you."
"Yes I'd like Ryan to stay please," I mumbled.
"Ryan?" her voice sounded sharp all of a sudden.
"Yeah it's her nickname for me," Ryan answered quickly, "Hates the name Bruce."
"Right." She didn't sound completely convinced but smiled at me, "Come when you're ready."
She left the room, shutting the door firmly behind her.
"Idiot Maria," Ryan hissed nudging me.
"Sorry," i muttered, "I wasn't thinking."
"It's ok," he assured me, "You feeling better?"
"A little." I answered, "How long was I out for?"
"About ten minutes." He replied, "I was pretty worried."
"No need," I answered, "I'm fine."
"Ready?" he asked holding his hands out. I took them slowly and he gently pulled me up. Together we walked back to the consulting room where she was still tapping endlessly on her computer.
"Ah Tabitha," she smiled at me, "Feeling better?"
"Yes thank you." I sank into the seat relieved that they finally knew what was happening.
"How old are you?" She asked me.
"16," I replied.
"And Bruce?"
"Also 16." He answered.
Her eyebrows furrowed a little, "Ok Maria, this may come as a bit of a shock to you but we have tested your blood and your urine for infection and viruses which were all clear but we did find something else. There are clear hormones in your urine which indicate you are pregnant."
I dropped my cup in shock, spilling water all over my feet. I barely blinked at the feeling of cold water running over my feet.
"I can see this is a shock to you," she said picking up my cup, "Can you remember when you last had intercourse and with who?"
"Um...." my head was spinning again but I indicated to Ryan, "Him and um last week."
"It seems you have very early and very severe morning sickness." she continued, "And as you're not eating, it's made you weaker. I'm also concerned with you being so young and small, the baby may not even survive."
"Am I definitely pregnant?" I asked her, still unable to accept anything she was saying.
She nodded sympathetically and handed me a pregnancy test where two lines were staring at me, clear as day.
"You need to decide what you want to do with it." She continued, "Due to your age and health I could easily refer you to aborting it as soon as possible but if you wish to keep it we will support you through it and book you in for a scan ASAP."
"I-I don't know," I said, knowing that the current lifestyle I was living had no place for a baby.
"Take some time to think about it," she said, "I should book you in for a scan though so we can see how the baby is doing."
"No!" I said hurriedly, "I mean, no thank you. I-I can book it myself...w-when I'm back home."
"Ok," she said, "I can give you something for your sickness though and remember to eat little and often, and plenty of fluids."
She wrote a label and stuck it on a box of pills, "Any further questions Tabitha?"
"N-no," I shook my head, "I need some time to think."
"Of course," she said, "We'll support you whatever."
"Thank you," i replied and got up from the chair hoping to get out of here as quickly as I humanely could.
"Take care," she smiled opening the door just as a receptionist trotted up holding coffee and a newspaper.
"Ah here you are Doc." She smiled, "Coffee and Sudoku?"
"Thank you Susan," she took them gratefully and I recognised the paper as the one having the article of Ryan and I in it. Ryan spotted it too and the two of us legged it out of the hospital as fast as we could.
I was still in shock. I was shaking violently as Ryan pulled me in for a hug.
"It's gonna be ok Maria," he murmured into my hair, "You're gonna be ok."
I clutched him tight, unable to believe what I'd just heard. I was pregnant. With Ryan's baby. 

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