A Nasty Surprise

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Maria POV

I looked around in horror at the empty tunnel. I scrambled around the place feeling the walls, as if he'd somehow gotten through.
"Ryan!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Ryan where are you?"
"Hey hey hey calm down Maria." Ben attempted to restrain me as I nearly ran into the road; the cars continued to flash past, their engines roaring.
"No!" I shouted, now sobbing into his chest at the same time, "Where has he gone? He was right here!"
"He can't have gone far," said Ben reasonably, still gripping me tightly in case I flew off again, "Let's turn back, it's too dangerous here."
"No you don't understand." I thumped his chest hard desperately to which he grabbed my wrists firmly but surprisingly gently.
"Yes I do," he said calmly, "But it's not safe here."
"You need to help me find him." I pleaded, "Please, I can't go anywhere let alone back to the Dumping Ground without him."
Ben sighed, "Ok fine." He agreed grudgingly, turning me back around gently, "But he's clearly not here."
I stamped my foot frustratingly, "Where's he gone? And why?"
I heard Ben draw a deep breath but he didn't say anything so I whipped round to face him, "What?" I demanded, still fuming with frustration, "What are you saying?"
"Maybe.." he struggled for a second, "Maybe he's trying to protect you?"
I scoffed, "How's he doing that exactly? By abandoning me? Ben, I'm Pregnant."
His eyes widened, "Oh crap." He replies shocked, "Really? How long?"
"Not long." I cupped my still flat stomach protectively, "But he wouldn't leave both us. He promised he'd look after us."
"Is it Ryan's?" he asked and immediately recoiled at the look on my face, "Sorry!"
"Yes of course!" I said half amused, "God you think I'm sort of slag since leaving don't you?"
"Not entirely," he replied smiling but then got serious again, "Look he won't just suddenly leave you and his own baby" said Ben, "Come on, let's hunt around."
I followed him out of the tunnel, peering round anxiously both for Ryan and potential police snooping about. Ben seemed equally on edge, his eyes darting around, different from his usual calm demeanour. His phone buzzed a few times and I spotted Mike's name pop up but he declined each call.
"You're going to have to pick up eventually," I said, "Or he'll just come looking for you."
"Makes two of us," he smiled wanly, "Any idea where Ryan would go?"
I shook my head numbly, "We argued a little before I bumped into you," I mumbled, "He wanted me to turn myself in."
Ben stayed surprisingly quiet which was weird because I knew exactly what he'd say.
"You think it's a good idea don't you?" I asked and the expression on his face confirmed it all, "I'm not going back Ben."
"But why?" he sounded almost pleading, "What have you got out here? You don't even have Ryan anymore!"
I stared at him stunned while he threw his hands to his mouth, "Shit sorry Maria I shouldn't have said that."
"No you shouldn't." I said shortly, "I know you don't like him."
"It's not that, I don't really know the guy," he said, "But...surely he won't just abandon you would he...?"
His voice tailed off as I glared at him, "I don't believe he would," but then I felt my voice wobble, "Would he...?"
Ben carefully pulled me into a hug, "No," he murmured into my hair, "He loves you."
I felt my own buzz so I pulled away and scrambled through my pockets frantically. It was on an extremely low charge as funnily enough power was not readily available when on the run. I hoped it would last enough to get a text from Ryan so I squinted my eyes and stared at the message from him on the screen. It simply read, "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do Maria. I love you so much."
I looked up at Ben horrified as my phone ran out of charge before my eyes.
"No!" I yelled smiting it in the ground, "Now what?"
"Maria?" Ben looked shocked and concerned, "What did he say?"
"He said he was sorry for what he was about to do," I sobbed, "What does that mean?"
Ben looked pale even in the darkness of the evening, "I'm not sure Maria," he said evidently trying to keep his voice steady, "But you'd better stay with me, this is getting serious."
"Mike will find you." I shortly, "You go back and I'll fend for myself for a bit."
"Don't be stupid," he said for the first time sounding angry, "You're vulnerable, sick and pregnant-you wouldn't last a week on your own."
"You don't know anything about me," I said irritated crossing my arms, "I've lasted this long haven't I?"
"Oh Maria you idiot," he looked at me angrily, "We've been worried sick about you. And rightly so, look at you! You're skin and bones and you're telling me you've got another life to be responsible for? Perhaps Ryan couldn't handle that responsibility."
"Don't you dare suggest he'd abandon his own child!" I was shouting at him now but I hadn't seen him this worked up before, "Why do you care anywhere? You wanna turn me in."
"I'm not going to do that." he said, sounding less angry now, "But I will stay with you."
I scoffed, "I don't need your help thank you." I turned my back on him.
"Yes you do." he replied simply.
I paused and looked over at his concerned face my arms still crossed. I still wasn't sure about Ben. I had barely given myself a chance to get to know him and frankly been an enormous bitch to him yet he was still being nice to me. Protective even. The only person who cared for me this much before was Ryan. And god knows where he was. Perhaps I should stop pushing people away so much. But then again, you'll lose them anyway.
I sighed, "Fine." I walked back towards him, "Thank you Ben." I mumbled quietly.
His phone rang so we both automatically looked at his flashing screen-Mike.
"Answer it." I urged him, "Before he sends out a huge search party."
He sighed, "Fine."
He pressed the phone towards his ear, "Hello?"
I watched with anticipation. To his credit Ben didn't mention me at all but as the conversation progressed his face suddenly dropped. He looked so shocked then scared then worried all in the space of a couple of seconds.
Eventually he hung up, "Bye." He replies blankly to Mike.
"What did he say?" I asked urgently but he was still staring straight ahead at the horizon, his eyes wide in shock.
I shook him impatiently, "Ben!" I said, "What. Did. He. Say?!"
He turned to me slowly swallowing hard, "It's Ryan," he said his voice breaking and I felt my heart instantly miss a few beats and rise in my throat.
"Wh-What about him?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady."
Ben barely met my eyes this time, "He's turned himself in."

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