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Maria POV

Terrified I looked up at Ryan who was still concerned.
"Maria?" he took my hands, "What is it?"
"No No Ryan you don't understand!" I brushed his hands away and bent down looking frantically over the floor, "It's gone!"
"Maria for gods sake what's gone?!" Ryan joined me on his knees, bending down to gently pull me up, "What have you lost?"
"I went to the hospital," I burbled, "And they gave me a picture of my...our baby."
Ryan stared at me. Then he smiled.
"Oh don't worry Maria, we'll go back and get another!" he patted me reassuringly, "I know the first is the most special though."
"No Ryan you don't understand," I grabbed his hand urgently, "I dropped it...because I....." i breathed deeply, "I bumped into May-Li. She's seen me now....and the baby."
Ryan pressed his lips together tightly and breathed hard.
"I know I'm so sorry," I sobbed, aware that others were watching and listening but I couldn't help myself.
"Shh it's ok Maria," he pulled me in for a hug, "It's ok."
"What shall we do?" I asked, at a loss of a rational thought.
I heard him take a sharp breath, "We need to move." he said, "Now."
"I don't know," he said still breathing heavily, "But we haven't the time."
He took me by the hand and dragged me out of the tunnel and back into the deserted back alleys. It was starting to get dark so it was difficult to see where he was leading me, but I was determined to continue. I knew what would happen if May-Li snatched me up. Back into Ashdene Ridge, back into care and complete and utter isolation from Ryan. He'd most likely face the courts. And I would be alone.
Shaking this thought off, I regained a burst of energy and carried on after Ryan. We were drifting away from town now, heading towards the motorway. I wondered vaguely what Ryan had in mind but didn't have the energy to ask.
Finally he paused under a bridge where I stopped to catch my breath, gulping the air in.
"Sorry for making you run Maria." He pressed his hands on my shoulder, "It'll get harder too the bigger you get."
"It'll be a miracle if she/he survives at this point." My voice wobbled a little as I pressed a hand to my stomach but still felt nothing. Too early to tell if that was a bad thing.
"Hey." Ryan pulled me close, "We'll be absolutely fine and so will the kid. If you're sure you want it still?"
"Yes," I sniffed, "Yes I want it. I've seen it now, it feels too real."
He smiled at me, "Ok, I'm gonna have to take real good care of you then!"
"You always do!" I smiled, which wasn't entirely true but he did always try.
"So are we staying here?" I looked around, we were standing only a few feet from where the cars roared past us but were currently well protected by the dark from anyone searching for us.
"No," said Ryan firmly, "Its too dangerous. We'll find somewhere else."
"Where?" I squinted, it was too dark to see properly anymore and i hadn't a clue as to how far we were.
"I don't know Maria." Ryan sounded on the verge of tears, I realised suddenly it might've finally been too much for him to handle. It wasn't just himself anymore, it was me and a child too.
I reached up to hug him but he gently pushed me away, "Sorry Maria," he mumbled, "I'm just trying to think."
Slightly miffed but too tired to argue I complied and watched him pace around a small spot, constantly rubbing his neck.
"Ok," he murmured, "Ok..."
"Yeah?" I looked at him, "We got a plan?"
He grimaced, "I guess." He took my hands and stared deep into my eyes, "You need to go back."
I was so taken aback I could barely speak. I rocked on the spot slightly shaking, "Wh-what?" I babbled, hardly able to breathe.
"I've been thinking Maria and the streets are
too dangerous for you." He continued to look at me in the eyes but they were watering, "I thought I could look after you but you've got a baby now and...I don't think I can give you what you need which is safety. The stress could kill both of you. And I can't risk that."
"But this is what I want." I said, "To be with you, that's all I need!"
"I can't keep you safe though." He said, "If you go back and I'll run away. Then...then I'll come and find you again in two years when you're 18 and no longer under any control."
"But two years of uncertainty??" I shrieked, "It'll drive me mad with worry!!!"
"Please calm down," he pleaded, "It's for the best I promise."
"No Ryan it's not!" I yelled, "You cant just leave me now!"
"Look just think about it," he said, "Please. They could find us any day now."
I sighed deeply and let go of his hands. I turned my back on him, almost in disgust, and began walking towards the footpath behind the motorway near the farmers fields.
"I'll be right here Maria!" I heard him call, "Under the bridge if you need me!"
I barely nodded in reply, still too stunned to think properly. My head was buzzing with his proposal; I knew he was talking sense but I couldn't face it. Two years not knowing where Ryan was would genuinely drive me insane.
I looked over my shoulder. The cars were still roaring past but the sound was fading the further I walked, I could barely see the path but I could see a faint outline of Ryan settling in a corner. Waiting for me.
I turned back. I wasn't quite ready to go back yet. I continued walking slowly, watching my feet take one step in front of the other, such concentration that I collided with someone.
"Ouch!" I yelped angrily, rubbing my shoulder.
"Maria?" A familiar voice sounding stunned came out of the shadowy figure. Blood drained from my face again as I felt it hit my toes. Not again.
"B-Ben?" I stuttered as a bright light suddenly shone in my face. I squinted, holding my fingers up against his phone torch.
"Maria it is you!!" He sounded delighted and without warning clicked the torch off and threw himself on me in such a hug that I nearly fell backwards.
"I missed you." He murmured, continuing to confuse me.
"Really?" I looked at him doubtfully, "Are-are you alone?"
"Yes of course," He replied pulling a beaney onto his hair. I noticed he'd grown even more. "I volunteered to help find you but I strayed out a little further than they thought."
"You'd best turn around then." I warned him, "Before they find you and then me. I'm not coming back."
Ben smiled wanly at me, "I knew you'd say that." He sighed, "Sadly you don't have much choice."
He stepped towards me but I stepped back hastily, "Don't you dare touch me." I warned, holding my hand up.
He frowned, "Are you ok Maria, Ryan didn't do anything to you did he?"
"Of course not!" I said indignantly, "He's been nothing but kind to me!"
"So where is he?" He asked looking behind me.
I eyed him suspiciously. He clicked instantly, "Don't worry," he said, "No one is following me."
"Fine." I nodded my head into Ryan's direction and led him towards the motorway bridge.
"This is where you've been?!" He sounded shocked, "No wonder we couldn't find you, Maria this isn't safe!"
"Shhh!" I whispered loudly, "Ryan doesn't take well to strangers."
I led him into the darkness, "Ryan?" I whispered, "I have something to tell you."
No answer. I frowned. That's odd.
"Maybe I'm in the wrong spot? Can you shine your torch?" I asked Ben.
He complied and soon light filled the tunnel leaving me with overwhelming certainty and an immediate and crushing feeling of dread.
Ryan was gone.

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now