The Scan

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Maria POV

I lay under the bridge shaking. I had no idea what to do. I pressed my hands gently to my stomach, not believing that here was a human developing inside of it. I was pregnant. At 16. Didn't exactly help my care kid rep. I didn't know what to do with it. I couldn't bring it into the world. Could I? It wasn't safe on the streets with me. I couldn't keep it safe. Neither could Ryan. We weren't ready to be parents yet. But then again, I didn't want to get rid of it. A baby. My baby. Not that I was against abortion but I wasn't sure I could put myself through it.
"Maria?" I heard Ryan gently shake my shoulder, "You ok?"
"Oh Ryan," I sniffed, "I don't know what to do. What do you think I should do?"
I heard him sigh, "I don't know Maria, what matters is we do what's best for you. That you remain healthy both physically and mentally."
I didn't know anymore. The streets were a dangerous place for me let alone a child, dependent on me and Ryan.
I screwed my eyes up tightly wishing it all to go away, that when I opened them I'd be back at the Dumping ground, with Ryan. But no. I was stuck under a bridge, pregnant.

The next few days were miserable. I barely left the bridge, mainly lay on the floor in silence. Ryan tried to keep my spirits up but even he could see I was just sinking deeper and deeper.
"I think you should consider your options Maria." He said gently, "Look at the effect it's having on you."
"I can't get rid of it Ryan," I mumbled, "Its mine."
He sighed, "Ok Maria," he rubbed my back gently, "I'll support you whatever."
I got up so suddenly he jumped.
"Oh wow she's up!" he exclaimed earning himself a light slap.
"I'm off." I said scrambling up, "I need some air."
"Want me to come with you?" he offered but I shook my head.
"I need some time to myself." I answered and Ryan nodded understandably.
I paced the streets in a daze, not really paying attention to where I was going. My hands clasped my stomach, feeling for any movement but there wasn't any yet. It was still far too early. I fingered the paper in my pocket. The doctor had given it to me with the ultrasound centres and number on it. Did I want to see my baby? But I knew it was risky. I'd been missing for a while now, people were bound to recognise me soon.
I decided to risk it. I found a battered phone box as it was better than risking my mobile being recognised. My hands were shaking so hard, I dialled the number twice before I got it right and reversed the charges. I was offered an appointment the same day so before I could change my mind I took it.
Still shaking I placed the receiver back on its hook and snuck out the box and towards the hospital. I was now more wary seeing as I was heading towards the city with far more people in it, thus far more who can recognise me.
Eventually I found the maternity centre where they said I could go straight in. Expecting a long wait I was surprised to find only one other woman in there, far more pregnant than I was, in her late 30s ish clasping her stomach and smiling. Nervously, I sat opposite her and quietly observed. She was evidently happy to be having a child, not dreading it like me. I wondered what it would be like.
"Tabitha?" a voice called and I suddenly remembered that as my name so rose from my seat and followed the nurse in.

"Now as you can see....there's your baby." I glanced over at the screen. There was a small white blob wriggling around, with barely so much as a face or hands. It didn't look human to me.
"Is it a boy or girl? I asked but she shook her head,
"It's too early to tell." She said, "You're barely a few weeks pregnant."
I sighed and closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly.
"Are you alright dear?" The nurse was frowning at me, "You're quite young. Are you definitely sure you want to go through with this? There are other options available."
"I know." I sighed, "But I don't know."
She nodded understandably, "You have at least another month or two before it becomes harder. This isn't America!"
I forced myself to smile, I wasn't in the mood for abortion jibes.
"Here." The nurse pressed a piece of paper in my hand, "It's yours."
I looked down. It was a print out of the ultra scan with the date printed underneath. As i left the room, I couldn't help myself smiling.

I walked back to the bridge, glancing at the scan the entire time, unable to help myself. I couldn't wait to show Ryan. It barely looked human, but it was. And it was my human. As I walked out of the town and towards the bridge I collided with someone.
"Sorry mate," I said automatically, barely looking up from my scan.
"Maria?" A familiar voice sounded, turning my insides into ice. Feeling my body fill with dread, I forced myself to turn around.
May-Li was bending down to pick up her shopping and looked up at me concerned. She smiled at me, "Maria it is you."
Without pausing to think I ran. I heard her calling after me but didn't stop, I gathered pace as I heard her footsteps following me. I ran around the corners, taking a detour to the bridge to throw her off the scent. The blood rushed through my ears, pounding through my body, as I felt the adrenaline pace through me. I knew if she caught me it was all over. I knew if I ever came out the bridge again, it would all be over. I had to run, I had to.
Finally I came to the deserted industrial estate about a quarter of a mile from the bridge where I stopped and turned. There was no sign of anyone, let alone May-Li.
Sighing with relief, I walked slowly back to the bridge, looking occasionally over my shoulder but no one was behind me.
Eventually I arrived at the bridge where Ryan was waiting. He jumped up the second he saw me.
"Maria where have you been!" He sounded worried, I guess I'd been gone a while.
"Ryan...." I stuttered, tears beginning to form, "Ryan....May-Li saw me."
His face went white, "What?"
"You see i was so busy looking at my-" I dug in my pocket, "that reminds me I need to show you!"
"Show me what?" Ryan sounded impatient and worried in equal measures as I hastily ran through my pockets.
I stopped suddenly, looking down at my empty hands then gazed at Ryan in horror. I'd dropped my ultrasound.

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