Hide and Seek

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Maria POV

My heart beat in my chest, pulsing through my body. I felt shaky and sick; what were we to do? It was all over now. Mike had seen us and there was no way I was ever going to be allowed to see Ryan again. The police would find him and he'd be back in the home before I'd even got to say goodbye. We were trapped. I had no choice.
"Ryan what do we do?" I sobbed.
"I don't know," he breathed deeply and pulled me towards him, "You need to go back Maria, they'll find you otherwise."
"No!" I stepped back to look at him, "I can't leave you out here!"
"Yes you can." he said firmly removing my hands from him, "This way I can escape and maybe see you again. By the time they're done lecturing you, I'll be long gone and I can come back some day to get you. I'm sorry it all comes on to you but if we both go, they'll keep us apart forever." He looked at me pleading, "Please Maria, you mean so much to me."
I breathed deeply considering, "Ok," I admitted, "I'll do it."
His face spread into a smile of relief, "Thank you Maria," he hugged me tight, "It's all gonna be ok, I promise."
"How?" I mumbled, "How? I don't want to go back there ever again. All my friends are gone."
"Then run away with me." He said suddenly looking at me, "Run away with me forever Maria."
I opened my mouth but no words came out. I was speechless.
"Oh..." I stumbled, "I don't know...I-I don't know if I..i can."
"Why not?" He pushed, "You've got nothing to go back for, you said it yourself, you can spend the rest of your days on the streets with me, I'll look after you."
"I..I need to think about it," i said running my fingers through my hair.
"But what's to think about?!" he urged, "You'd be with me, that's all you've ever wanted right?"
I nodded. He was right. I'd been moaning for months that I never saw him. And now I had the chance.
"Ok," I nodded again, "Ok let's do it!"
He smiled squeezing my hands, "Brilliant," he breathed, "I'll be at the DG at two am. Make sure you've got everything."
I nodded slowly, still overwhelmed.
"Bye Maria," he kissed my forehead, "Best of luck, I'm sorry you get the shitstorm. I promise I'll get us out."
I nodded slowly again as he turned around and bolted in the opposite direction, slowly fading away until suddenly he vanished.
Taking a deep breath I stumbled back towards the Dumping ground, too overwhelmed to think properly, bumping into several people on the way, too dazed to care. My head was filled with fuzz, how could I get myself out of this?
"Hey!" a hand grabbed my shoulder roughly and turned me around, "You Maria?" A bright light shone in my eyes, I squinted, holding my hands in front of my face and nodded a little.
"I'm Police Inspector George of the Newcastle Police Force," a gruff voice said, "Where is your accomplice? If he is not with you then you are to accompany me straight back to the home right now."
"I-I don't know where Ryan is," I mumbled putting my hands behind my head, unsure of what to do or say.
"It's ok, we're not gonna hurt you." He said taking my hands slowly down from behind my head, "Come and I'll take you home."
I had very little energy to argue that I did not consider the Dumping ground my home at all so I allowed him to accompany me the whole way back to the Dumping ground which was surrounded by flashing blue lights.
"Maria!!" a panicked May-Li came sprinting out of the crowd of policeman and care workers to towards me and threw her arms around me, "You're ok!"
"I'm fine," I mumbled, feeling the dread of how much questioning I was about to face and temporarily feeling a flash of resentment that Ryan got to run away from all of this.
"Come in," she gestured, "We need to talk."
"I know.." I muttered allowing them to gently shove me into the house, past the police and car workers and the other kids in the care home staring at me from the windows. They sat me in the office, shut the door and put a police officer either side of me as a 'precaution' in case Ryan came back.
"Maria, we need to confirm with you-do you know where Ryan is?" Mike asked gently, passing me a hot chocolate, "You understand why we need to know."
I nodded, "I swear I don't know where he is." I answered quite honestly, I wondered where he was currently hiding.
"But how long had you been meeting him? Or was it simply a coincidence today?" Mike pushed me but I shook my head.
"I'm sorry Mike I don't know," i mumbled, "I'm too tired."
He sighed and glanced at the police officer sat next to me who gently rubbed my shoulder, "It's ok Maria," she said, "We'll have a chat with you first thing tomorrow. But I need you to understand the seriousness of the situation first. We are going to be searching for Ryan the whole night and tomorrow until we find him so if you know anything about his whereabouts, now is the time to say it."
I shook my head, "I don't know ma'am sorry."
She sighed deeply, "Ok then," she gestured to Mike, "Get her down to the station first thing tomorrow morning please and in the meantime,  ring if there's any developments."
"Come on Maria," May Li accompanied me out of the room towards the stairs, "Go to bed. We'll be back to check on you in a few hours to check you're asleep."
I nodded again, checking the clock-it was only ten o clock. Hopefully they'd have checked on me before Ryan was due to come and get me. I looked outside my window and saw the police cars slowly starting to ebb away but I guessed they were gonna stick around a little longer than I initially thought.
I quietly focussed my attention onto packing my essentials into a backpack trying to stay as quiet as possible, so May-Li didn't become suspicious and ban me from this risky plan. I packed the bare minimum of clothes and every single photo I could physically cram in without the risk of crumpling them.
Once into bed, I focussed my body onto not falling asleep. It was easy enough considering how anxious I was over getting caught, especially when I heard the door open and felt May-Li's presence wash over me as she checked that I was still present. I felt my heart thump and I knew in a few hours I wouldn't be...

Finally my clock ticked towards two am and I slipped out of bed, shaking a little with the apprehension. I quietly fastened my shoelaces, fumbling around so much it took two attempts to complete. I straightened up breathing deeply and peered out of the window. The police cars had gone and the street was eerily quiet as there you could barely hear a pin drop. Aware that Mike and May-Li may be downstairs supervising, I decided it best to climb out of the window rather than risk the stairs. My window was too small to fit through so I decided to use the big one on the landing, that I could easily slip through without making too much noise. I slowly opened the door to the landing, acutely aware anyone could hear me and shut it quietly behind me with a tiny clunk.
"Maria?" a voice behind me suddenly spoke and I jumped so hard I fell backwards onto the person standing there.
"Woah careful!!" came Ben's voice, holding me up to prevent me falling, "What are you doing?"
"Um nothing," I answered trying to act as innocent as possible. I straightened my back pack onto my shoulder where it had slid off.
Ben followed me doing this with his eyes, then they suddenly lit up, "You're running away aren't you!" he hissed.
"No!" I said as defensively as possible.
"Liar," I'd never seen Ben this worked up before, he pointed his finger at me accusingly, "You're running away with Ryan aren't you?"
I sighed, holding my hands up, "Chill Ben, I got this."
"Oh no you don't Maria." He replied, "You think I'm gonna let you go and run away with some random homeless guy and not do anything about it?"
"Oi," I said souring slightly, "He's not just any homeless guy, he's Ryan."
"Whatever," Ben breathed, "He'll get you in trouble Maria."
I scoffed, "What would you know?" I pulled the rucksack back onto my back, "I'm going." I took two steps towards the stairs.
"Oh no you're not." Ben grabbed the back of my bag, "Please don't Maria," his voice suddenly softened, "Please," he begged.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why do you care anyway?"
"Stupid question," Ben looked at me scathingly, "You put on this big act that you don't care, sneaking out to meet Ryan every day, never speaking more than a few words to me in the hope I'll leave you alone. But that's not how it works." he suddenly took my hand and looked me dead in the eye, "Of course I cared. Even if I didn't know a thing about you and still really don't. You're so mysterious, I loved it. If you really wanted to put me off you'd really have to try harder than that..."
I looked at him sceptically my arms folded, "Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "You're not changing my mind."
"I can see that," he sighed, "But please, if i don't see you again-let me do one thing."
"What?" I asked worrying over the time, Ryan was probably waiting for me.
He suddenly stepped forward and pulled me in, kissing me full on the lips. I was so taken aback, I was stunned, numb until he pulled back.
"Sorry," he said slightly breathlessly, "I just couldn't bear the thought of never seeing you again."
"S'ok Ben..." I said unsure of what to do, "Just don't tell Ryan..."
"Like I would," he laughed, "I'm sorry, but Maria if it..y'know doesn't work out..I'm always here for you, whatever. Just call me if you want a chat."
I nodded, "Ok. Thanks Ben." I peered behind me out of the landing window and saw the figure of Ryan standing there, his breath rising. He raised an arm to me and I waved back.
"He's here." I smiled then turned back to Ben, "Can you give me a hand?"
"Sure,' he forced a small smile and held my hands as I slipped through the window, holding on for support. As I dangled, ready to jump I looked back at him peering down at me, "Thanks Ben," I said, "Sorry you never got to meet the nice me."
"It's ok, she sounds boring anyway," he replied throwing my bag at Ryan, "Stay safe Maria."
"I will." I promised, "And not a peep."
With that I jumped off and straight into Ryan's arms, "Maria!" he hugged me tight, "I'm so sorry, are you ready?"
I forced a smile, "Yes." I answered, "Never better."
I turned back to the house and saw the figure of Ben slowly stalk away until there was nothing left.
"Come on Maria," Ryan gestured, "The police will be here soon, lets go."
"Ok," I agreed, "Lead the way."
He smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we crunched off the gravel drive and towards...well...who knew?

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now