The Deed is Done

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Maria POV

I sat quietly next to May-Li the whole way home, my mind wrapped in too many thoughts to even attempt conversation.
May-Li noticed, "You alright Maria?"
I nodded slowly my eyes barely focussing on the paper she'd left on her passenger seat. My eyes suddenly furrowed and I began slowly flicking through it. It wasn't especially interesting until my eyes turned to an article in the column of the left page a third of the way in. My hands shook a little; there was a small picture of Ryan captioned "hunt for missing boy paused". I looked at May-Li who didn't appear to have noticed anything and continued driving home. I read the article carefully. It was a brief description of Ryan and when/where he'd last been seen but that was it. No sentimental plea for his return or anything. Not even a mention. He was indeed a nobody.
I closed the paper, my heart thumping. This wasn't right.
When we arrived home I took the paper indoors with me and walked straight into Mike's office where May-Li was just settling herself opposite him.
"Oh Maria can it wait?" she asked noticing me, "I need a word with Mike."
"No it can't," I said closing the door behind me. I held up the paper, "Were you aware Ryan was missing?"
They glanced at each other, both seemingly stunned into silence.
"So you know," Mike sighed, running his hands over his head.
"Well yes!" I said and I suddenly realised, "And so did you?!"
"Yes," said May-Li not making eye contact with me, "We did."
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked feeling the anger inside me brew but I tried to suppress it.
"We didn't want to worry you," answered May-li, "Or for you to go looking for him."
A sudden realisation dawned on me, "Is that why you've been picking me up and accompanying me everywhere? To make sure I don't go after him?"
"We were trying to protect you!" she said, "You're in a vulnerable position right now."
"You don't trust me at all do you?" I asked a few tears slipping down my face.
"Oh Maria of course we do," she said rubbing my arm, "But we were trying to look out for you."
"In hindsight it probably was an overreaction," admitted Mike, "We're sorry."
"So am I allowed out now?" I asked, "Or do I still need supervision?"
"Well you're not going anywhere after school tomorrow," said May-Li firmly, "We've called Jenny, she's coming to see you."
Jenny was the support worker; she'd worked with me years back when I went through a period of unstable
mental health.
"Why?" I asked stunned.
"Because we're worried about you!" she said, "Please just promise you'll talk to her?"
"Fine," I said, "If you promise to stop arranging things and keeping things from me without my consent!"
They glanced at each other. Mike nodded a little, "Ok," he said, "We'll let you make your own decisions."
"Thank you," I said, "And one more thing, why's no one looking for Ryan?"
They remained very quiet all of a sudden. Neither looked me in the eye.
"Um look Maria," said Mike uncomfortably, "There's simply no money to maintain a search."
"And fundraisers?" I asked, "They do that for other missing kids?"
"I'm afraid they don't feel people would invest in care kids," said Mike looking more uncomfortable by the minute, "It's wrong I know, but it's just the way it is."
"No one is trying!" I said finally losing it, "No one has put out an appeal, no one has even asked to consider a fundraiser, no one quoted to the paper how much they care because no one does! Well this may sound unpopular but I do care, he's possibly the most important person in my life at the moment and i will put out as many appeals as I need to get him back."
I walked out of the room and turned round, "Can i go to the shops for some cardboard please?"
They glanced at each other again. I signed, "No don't worry, I'm not going looking for him, I'll just be there and back, no one cares enough to god forbid go looking for a vulnerable missing care kid!"

I slammed the door hard behind me and stomped angrily down the road towards the shop. Obviously I wasn't going to buy cardboard but I did need to get Ryan some food. I couldn't get him anything hot as it wouldn't last until I could see him tomorrow. I wondered vaguely what to do as they'd expect me to come back with something. I eventually decided to fish some cardboard out of a nearby recycling bin and walk slowly back to the Dumping Ground. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

School dragged on that day as I stared at the clock. I was constantly worried over Ryan. Worried that he'd been hurt in the night, disturbed, jumped, robbed or even attacked. The thoughts sent a shiver down my spine. I longed to text him and ask if he was ok but we'd agreed texting was too risky in case people noticed or attempted to track us especially since May-Li and Mike had become suspicious.
Finally the final school bell rang and I bolted out of the classroom making sure I left before anyone could ask where I was going. I hurried over the back ends towards the deserted ends of town and stopped at a nearby McDonalds where I bought a double cheeseburger and Diet Coke which I wrapped up in my scarf to keep warm. Then I began the half an hour walk to Ryan's bridge spot. It was a cooler day so I wondered if I should have brought him a warm blanket or something similar but figured that would look far too suspicious.
Eventually I made it just as the sun dipped under the houses and as I approached the bridge my phone rang making me jump. I saw it was May-Li but I decided to ignore it.
"Ryan?" I whispered, "Ryan are you there?"
"Maria you came," I heard a deep surprised voice, "Come on in."
I walked in but it was getting darker but managed to make out Ryan's form appearing through the shadows to meet me.
"Hello Maria," he whispered kissing my forehead, "You alright?"
"I'm good," I said, "Just been worried about you."
"No worries love," he said gesturing i sit, "I've been fine."
"Oh I brought you food by the way," i said handing over the McDonald's bag, "It'll be a little cold but edible."
He opened it, "Double cheeseburger?" he whispered and looked up at me smiling, "You remembered?"
I nodded and he began eating, quietly but smiling so I knew he was touched.
He ate quickly but quietly offering me bites occasionally but I declined. He needed all the food he could get.
"I've missed you Maria," he said suddenly and I looked up to see him smiling almost warmly at me.
"I missed you too," I replied, "I haven't really been the same since you left."
"Come here," he said holding his arm out and I crawled over and leant my head on his shoulder breathing in his warm scent while he kissed the top of my head. I'd missed this so much.
"You get a lot of privacy here don't you?" I asked looking around the dark tunnel, "Must be nice and quiet."
"It is," he said, "Shame I've got no use for it. Unlike when we were at the dumping ground together."
I rolled my eyes, "I know right," I said, "We never had any time alone."
"Well we do now," he whispered reaching under my chin and pulling me towards his lips. Warmth spread through my body and all the feelings and frustration I'd had in the last few months was released and I felt a rush of adrenaline.
"Steady on Maria," he murmured pulling me closer.
"Sorry," I looked up at him, "But we never did get to finish the first time."
He smirked and pulled me in closer again and I kissed him again. We started again more tentative than before but less nervous. I checked around occasionally but was too preoccupied to care. It was very different than to what I expected. Painful but oddly satisfying. And once it was all over we sat there in silence simply feeling. Feeling our emotions as there was too much to say.
"That was nice," Ryan whispered to me rubbing my back.
"Yep," I agreed feeling warm and relaxed and easily able to sleep right where I was when I looked out and saw I could see nothing at all. I checked my phone. It was getting really late, I needed to leave now.
"Crap," I sighed grabbing my stuff, "Sorry Ryan I need to bounce."
"What already?" he whined, "Stay with me,"
"I'd love to but if I do I'll never be allowed to see you again if i do." I said, "I'm so sorry."
"It's ok," he said, "I understand. Thanks for the food."
"My pleasure,' I said pausing as I looked back at him smiling fondly, "Bye Ryan."
"Bye Maria," he whispered sliding back into the tunnel and disappearing out of sight.
I hurried over to the nearest bus stop and began the long journey home. I knew May-Li would send the police if I didn't come home soon so sent a quick text to reassure her. But walking up towards the house I felt a sense of dread approaching it. I knew I was in trouble. But it was worth it.

Our Happy Ending? -Ryan Reeves Sequel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now