Say Something; 8

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Almost another 4 months had passed, an things had only gotten worse. Zero had a huge stomach and he could hardly fit into a shirt anymore. Kaname laughed every time he tried to walk. The blood had stopped and now, zero just looked like a fat Penguin.

The only thing that hadn't been done yet. Telling Yuuki. "Kaname... You do it." Zero whined. He was laying one his side, covered by a large blanket. Kaname climbed into the bed and laid next to him. He removed the blanket an hugged him, seeing a second circle around the first one. 'Must be part of the scar.' He thought. As the two cuddled, a knock came from the door.

"I got it." Kaname said as he got up. When he opened the door, he saw Jinchki with his arms crossed. "I'm coming in." He said. Once he was in the door he scanned Zero. But then stopped on his stomach. He began to laugh but Kaname wasn't sure why. "Hey.. What's so funny?!" Kaname demanded. Jinchki quickly coverd his mouth and started at Kaname. He realized he was serious, witch only made him laugh again.

"You don't know what a second ring means?" Jinchki questioned. Kaname looked to Zero then back to the boy in front of him. Jinchki sighed and leaned into the Purebloods ear.

Kaname's eyes widened at the words. He fell to his knees and held his hands over his face. "W-what..." He managed to say. Zero looked terrified.

"You got your little boyfriend over there pregnant with Twins."

Okkkkkkkk I'm sorry and I know this is short. but the next chapter is going to be really long. I promise. I just wanted to make a small filler anddddd yea so. and also... guys I love when you talk to me. I like getting comments instead of stars and stuff.... I love to hear about your critiques. Allllsooooooo this is a little bit of torture for @heyyyou123 and @raychanblackwell


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