9 | Catechize

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❝Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.❞

"Bloody hell. Mum's gonna kill me," Isabelle moaned after she realised that she didn't bring a book back to the library, which she had to do until the first day of September. The girl was aware that time went differently in Narnia than in her own world, but it was sure that she couldn't take it back to the library since she should have brought it back before the day she left to Hogwarts, and she couldn't go back to London from Narnia to just hand over the book to the library.

She shrugged, put the book back to her suitcase and pulled out another one which was 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer.

"You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say, you'll be here in my heart, always," she sang with her Bluetooth speaker quietly as she was reading.

Some people aren't able to concentrate while listening to music, but Isabelle was definitely the opposite.

"I'm busy!" she shouted when she heard someone knock on her door. She wasn't exactly craving for association at that moment, not that she ever was, she just wanted to read.

"With what?" Lucy asked as she stepped in. A very not satisfied Edmund followed her and stood reluctantly behind her with his arms crossed. Although he hadn't been, well, a pain in the arse since they returned from the second island, he still didn't enjoy Isabelle's company as the girl noticed. They were still like ticking bombs in each other's company, bickering a lot. But their arguments were less harmful, less offensive than before.

"With this," Isabelle raised her book up and shook it in front of Lucy's face.

"Are you going to read that?" the young queen asked at the sight of the book.


"It looks like a dictionary," she indicated at the thickness of it and sat down next to Isabelle.

In the corner of her eye, Isabelle saw that Edmund tried to pet Seb, but the owl thought otherwise and bit his finger. She pressed her lips together, holding back a laugh. "It's a very good book. Actually, it's a series of four books. I almost share the same name with the main character, the only difference is that she has an 'a' at the end of her name, so it's Isabella. I've read it a hundred times. The movies aren't that good, I have only watched them to see shirtless Taylor Lautner, and so many people criticise the story, but I am going to be honest, I quite love the books. Although, I don't really understand why the vampires spark. Literally. Anyway, I'll probably finish this in couple days," she shrugged. She was a fast reader, for sure.

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