28 | Face to face

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❝Absence makes the heart grow fonder.❞

"Wake up, Izzy!"

The girl opened her eyes sleepily. Her eyes widened when she saw a male face close to hers. "Caspian, what are you doing here?" she moaned, being not satisfied with the king's visit at such an early hour. She looked out in the window with narrowed eyes and saw that the sun was barely up. "It better be important, or I'll hex you," she warned him as she slowly got up, with the accompaniment of morning wailings.

"You don't have your wand," Caspian stated with a perky smirk.

That was absolutely true, Isabelle didn't have her wand with her up there, and she was very sad because of that. She missed using spells, as it had always been a part of her life. "You don't have your wand," she mocked him resentfully, which made him laugh. "Okay, that's enough of your joy," she muttered and bundled him off to get dressed.

Caspian waited in front of her bedroom, tapping with his foot, showing how impatient he was. "Come on, Izzy, you are slower than the sun!"

"Shut up!" The annoyed response came from the other side of the door, and a second later, Isabelle came out of the room with an unamused facial expression. "If you weren't a king and mum didn't raise me to be respectful, I would be cursing your arse off," she commented in a mumble.

"Finally," Caspian sang out and grabbed her hand when she stepped next to him.

"Cassie, I have two legs, and I am twenty, I think I can manage to walk on my own."

"But you are too slow."

"Yes, because I have just woken up!" Isabelle continued her whining which seemed to only end when she caught the sight of her family. "Good morning," she waved to her family members who gathered in the kitchen. All three of them grinned mysteriously. "Okay, you scare me," she muttered, and after Caspian and Isabelle stepped out of the house, the female began her questioning. "What the hell is going on? Am I going to Hell? Or the Purgatory? I swear I haven't done anything bad! I only broke someone's nose once, and I didn't get into much trouble in Hogwarts either, except the times I planned pranks with Teddy, which were usually hilarious, by the way, you should've seen the things we came up with, and also when Scorp, Al and I went to Hogsmeade around Christmas, and in the Shrieking Shack-"

"We have new inhabitants who arrived an hour ago," Caspian interrupted the never-ending jabber, but the simple answer still hadn't satisfied Isabelle.

"Should that interest me? I was finally sleeping without waking up in every five minutes, what could possibly be so outstandingly important to-" her voice faded away when her eyes caught the sight of standing figures nearby. "Bloody hell," she said loudly, still shocked, earning the attention of the new people. She didn't expect to see the familiar faces.

Mysterious | Edmund Pevensie ✓Where stories live. Discover now